Title: English 150:
1English 150 Writing and Structuring
Paragraphs In a Timed Environment
2- Start by
- Establishing a main idea (a topic sentence)
- and make sure the rest of the paragraph
- supports that idea.
- Example Although some people may disagree,
- fast food is not a healthy choice for anyone.
32) Next think of several points and
supporting evidence that supports those points.
Use transitions to introduce your
points. Example First, fast food is often
extremely fatty. For instance, a typical
hamburger with cheese has about 20 grams of fat,
which is far more than is healthy for the average
person on a regular basis.
4Your completed paragraph will then have a topic
sentence, followed by a short series of
sub-claims and evidence that supports those
claims. You also should sum up at the end.
Example Although some people may disagree fast
food is not a healthy choice for anyone. First,
fast food is often extremely fatty. For
instance, a typical hamburger with cheese has
about 20 grams of fat, which is far more than is
healthy for the average person on a regular
basis. Second, fast food often is also laced
with too much sugar and too much salt. For
example, the same cheeseburger has almost
double the salt and sugar that people need in a
healthy daily diet. As you can see, fast food is
not a healthy choice.