- Why RDF
- Edutella
- Framework
- Services
- Edutella Query Service Goals
- Query Exchange Architecture
- An example query
- Smart learning space
3Why RDF
- Retrieving all songs by Eric Clapton does not
need complex query languages - In other scenarios, like exchanging educational
resources, queries are more complex, which might
even be complemented by domain specific
4Why RDF
- Learners and teachers want to retrieve
educational resources - by content
- by learning goals
- by level of difficulty (existing knowledge)
- by context restrictions (time,money,hardware/softw
are, )
5Why RDF
- RDF / RDF Schema for Describing Distributed
Resources - RDF Resource Description Framework
- URIs to identify resources
- Combine resources and annotate resources with
attributes, using ltSubject, Property, Valuegt
Tuples - 2. Using RDF / RDFS in the P2P context
- Distributed annotations for distributed resources
- Flexible schema definitions, which can be
uniquely identified and combined, as well as
extended by additional properties
- Each Edutella peer can make its metadata
information available as a set of RDF statements - Goal make the distributed nature of the
individual RDF peers connected to the Edutella
network completely transparent by specifying and
implementing a set of Edutella services.
- The Query Service
- The Replication Service
- The Mapping Service
- The Mediation Service
- The Clustering Service
- Peers register the queries they may be asked
through the query service - Queries are sent through the Edutella network to
the subset of peers who have registered with the
service to be interested in this kind of query. - The resulting RDF statements are sent back to the
requesting peer.
- Replication
- Initial focus replication of metadata
- Mapping
- The Mapping service manages will manage
mappings between different schemata and use these
mappings to translate queries over one schema X
to queries over another schema Y
- Mediation
- Mediation services actively mediate access
between different services. - Clustering
- Clustering services use semantic information
semantic routing and semantic clusters.
13Edutella Query Service Goals
- An RDF repository
- Consists of RDF statements
- Describes metadata according to arbitrary RDFS
14Edutella Query Service Goals
- Edutella Query Service serves both
- as query interface for individual RDF
repositories located at single peers - as query interface for distributed queries
spanning multiple RDF repositories.
15Edutella Query Service Goals
- Abstract from different RDF storage layer query
languages (e.g.SQL) and from user level query
languages (e.g., RQL, TRIPLE) - Uses the query exchange language family RDF-QEL-i
as standardized query exchange language format
transmitted in an RDF/XML format
16Query Exchange Architecture
- Edutella wrappers translate queries and results
from the Edutella query and result exchange
format to the local format of the peer and vice
versa, - And they connect the peer to the Edutella network
by a JXTA-based P2P library.
17Query Exchange Architecture
18Query Exchange Architecture
- In order to handle different query capabilities ,
several RDF-QEL-i exchange language levels - Describe which kind of queries a peer can handle
- Conjunctive queries
- Relational algebra
- Transitive closure, etc.
19Query language levels
- Currently, RDF-QEL-1 to 5, differing in
expressiveness - RDF-QEL-1 can be expressed as a unreified RDF
graph - The complex ones are more expressive than RDF
itself have to be expressed using reified RDF
- Query-by-example paradigm ? Queries represented
using - annotations to denote variables and constraints
on them - Any RDF graph query can be interpreted as a
logical conjunctive formula - Disjunction cannot be expressed.
- extend RDF-QEL-1 by disjunction
- need to use reified RDF statements, joined
together in an AND-OR tree
22RDF-QEL-3 and higher
- RDF-QEL-3 conjunction, disjunction
- RDF-QEL-4 recursion to express linear recursive
query definitions - SQL3 - RDF-QEL-5 further levels allow arbitrary
recursive definitions
23An example query
24An example query
ltlibBook about"http//www.xyz.com/sw.html"gt ltdc
titlegtSoftware Engineeringlt/dctitlegt lt/libBookgt
ltlibBook about"http//www.xyz.com/ai.html"gt ltd
ctitlegtArtificial Intelligencelt/dctitlegt lt/libB
ookgt ltlibAI-Book about"http//www.xyz.com/pl.htm
l"gt ltdctitlegtProloglt/dctitlegt lt/libAI-Bookgt
25An example query
- Return all resources that are a book having the
title Artificial Intelligence or that are an AI
26Edutella query in Conzilla
27Smart learning space