MESSIAH - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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If you have trouble with Hebrew words you can just ... brought me [Ezekiel] to the door of the gate of YHWH's house [the Sanctuary, Church] which was toward the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • and

also known as The Feast of Dedicationor
Festival of Lights

  • And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the
    dedication, and it was winter. And Jesus walked
    in the temple in Solomon's porch.
  • John 1022-23

Yahushua vs. Jesus
  • Remembering that He was born a Jew, at a time
    when there existed great animosity between Greeks
    and Jews, we must then realize the name Jesus
    was not known to Him, His family or followers.
    The name Jesus did not appear until 1500 years
    after His death, resurrection and ascension, when
    man dared to rename our Almighty Saviour after a
    pagan deity.

This then is the message which we have
heard from Him, and announce to you, that God is
Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we
say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in
darkness, we lie, and are not doing the truth.
But if we walk in the light as He is in the
light, we have fellowship one with another, and
the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us
from all sin. 1 John 15-7
Elohim vs. God
  • The word god is from the name Gawd or Gott
    both with the same pronunciation. But this, in
    both cases is the name of a pagan deity. If you
    have trouble with Hebrew words you can just say
    Mighty One.
  • Why the aversion to using pagan names to
    address the Most High Eternal Creator?
  • Moses warned us with And in all that I
    have said to you take heed. And make no mention
    of the name of other mighty ones, let it not be
    heard from your mouth. Exodus 2313
  • Why? It is the breaking of the 1st Commandment.
  • Elohim is Mighty Ones, Father and Son The
    singular is Eloi.

  • In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
    was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the
    beginning with God. All came to be through Him
    and without Him not even one came to be that came
    to be. In Him was life and the life was the
    LIGHT of men. And the LIGHT shines in darkness,
    and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a
    man sent from God, whose name was John. This one
    came for a witness, to bear witness of the LIGHT,
    that all might believe through him. He was not
    that LIGHT, but was sent to bear witness of that
    LIGHT. That was the true LIGHT, which LIGHTeth
    every man that cometh into the world.
  • John 11-9

  • I am the light of the world.
    John 95
  • And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will
    draw all men unto Me.
  • John 1232

  • If there is an icon for our Beloved Saviour
    it is the menorah, as He is the

Can we know His conception and birth dates? Is
December 25th correct? In Biblical terms ones
age begins, not from the actual date of birth,
but from the year of conception.
  • Everything our Heavenly Father sought to
    blessed us with, satan has manufactured a
    counterfeit, a forgery.
  • But as with everything that is fake the
    enemys counterfeit holidays hold no meaning, are
    an abomination in the eyes of Yahuah Elohim and
    are destructive to His people.

  • Everything our Heavenly Father has given was
    given to bless His people. Each letter of His
    alphabet contains not only a message in and of
    itself but also numbers and the music scale. Much
    has been forgotten because the language of heaven
    was rejected. Just as His language and Name was
    rejected so were His divine appointments, which
    when studied reveal His great plan of Redemption.

Gestation and His Holy Appointments
  • On the fourteenth day of the first month,
    the egg appears as seen in the custom of the
    roasted egg on the Jewish table every Passover.
    The egg must be fertilized within 24 hours, or it
    will pass on Feast of Unleavened Bread and the
    seed or grain that "fell into the ground and
    died" in order to produce a harvest, the
    Firstfruits of which was presented to Elohim.

  • Within two to six days, the fertilized egg
    attaches itself to the wall of the womb and
    begins to grow. Feast of Firstfruits is observed
    anywhere from two to six days after Passover and
    celebrates the first harvest of those

  • Around the fiftieth day, the embryo takes on
    the form of a human being. Until then, we dont
    know if we have a duck or a tadpole. Thats
    Pentecost! When the Holy Spirit empowered the

  • On the first day of the seventh month, the
    babys hearing is developed. For the first time,
    it can hear and distinguish sounds outside the
  • Festival of Trumpets, the loud cry and final

  • On the tenth day of the seventh month, the
    hemoglobin of the blood changes from that of the
    mother, to a self-sustaining baby. Day of
    Atonement, when the sacrificial blood was
    sprinkled on the mercy seat, as His blood did at
    His crucification.

  • On the fifteenth day of the seventh month,
    the lungs become fully developed. If born before
    then, the baby would have a hard time breathing.
    Festival of Tabernacles also called Feast of
    Ingathering, a time of celebrating the temple,
    which represents Messiah and without Him we
    hardly survive, and the Ingathering of His people
    to go home with Him, where He will Tabernacle
    with us forever.

  • Birth takes place on the tenth day of the
    ninth month. Eight days after birth, in Jewish
    families, a son is circumcised. the eight days
    of Chanukah are celebrated right on schedule,
    nine months and ten days after Passover.

  • The establishment of the Holy Days was given
    to Moses by YHWH, Himself. Its correlation with
    the human gestation period is not only
    remarkable it proves "Intelligent Design."
  • It proves the existence of an intelligence
    beyond this world. It proves that there is a
    Creator Elohim that guides the affairs of man.

The Feast of Tabernacles is a most important
  • Like
  • Thanksgiving,
  • Chanukah is a free
  • choice celebration observed
  • to honor the Creator. It is not
  • one of His divine appointments.

How Does Chanukah Fit in, then, with Messiah's
Conception and Birth?

1st Consideration
The Conception of John the
Baptist Luke 15-25
When the angel, Gabriel, appeared to Zacharias as
he was ministering in the Temple, it was during
the ministration of Abia. This Abia order of
priests ministered in the Temple the eighth week
of the Hebrew year according to the ordinance of
1 Chronicles 2410.  The eighth week transverses
the last week of the second Hebrew month and the
first week of the third Hebrew month, which
culminates at Shavuot (Pentecost).
This is the anchor point for discovering the
exact time of Messiahs birth. The angel promised
Zacharias that his prayer had been answered, and
when he went home to his wife Elizabeth she
conceived. This puts the conception of John the
Baptist very near the time of Shavuot, the Feast
of Pentecost, in the second week of the third
Hebrew month.
  • 2nd consideration
  • The Conception of Yahushua
  • Luke 126-55

  • At the close of the sixth month of
    Elizabeth' s pregnancy the angel Gabriel appeared
    to Mary. Gabriel told Mary about Elizabeth,
    saying "she who was called barren is six months
    pregnant," This would be the last of the ninth
    Hebrew month at the time of Chanukah. There are
    27 weeks between the end of the discourse of Abia
    and the start of Chanukah (Festival of
    Dedication), which is celebrated eight days.

  • Mary accepts the word of the angel
    concerning the conception of Messiah in her, and
    she immediately rushes from Nazareth to the home
    of Elizabeth and Zacharias in the Judean
    mountains close to Jerusalem, about a three days
    journey from Nazareth. Mary was probably going
    there to celebrate Chanukah and to help Elizabeth
    with her pregnancy, as well as to talk to
    Elizabeth about the angel's visitation.

  • Upon Mary's greeting to Elizabeth, Elizabeth
    responds to Mary, calling her "the mother of my
    Almighty One". This demonstrates that Mary was
    already pregnant with Yahushua. Thus, Messiah
    Yahushua was conceived at Chanukah, the Festival
    of Lights, for He is the Light of the World.

  • Sometimes the time of Chanukah falls close to
    Christmas. The apostate Roman church of medieval
    times combined the pagan winter solstice in late
    December with the 25th of Kislev (Chanukah) to
    create Christmas on Dec- ember 25, to celebrate
    the birth of the sun god Tammuz and most of the
    people blindly followed the deception of their

Mithras and Tammuz are the same deity. Notice
the hat? Ho, Ho, Ho!
  • During the Protestant Reformation some of
    these pagan deceptions were revealed. Christmas
    was outlawed in England from 1647 to 1660.
    Christmas was also illegal in the New England
    Colonies. But in the 1800s German and Irish
    Catholics, escaping the Great Potato Famine,
    brought their pagan idolatry with them. And by
    1836 Alabama was the 1st of the States to accept
    and make Christmas a legal holiday. A declining
    of our nation.


Thus said YHWH, Learn not the way of the
heathenFor the customs of the people are vain
for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work
of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They
deck it with silver and with gold they fasten it
with nails and with hammers, so that it does not
topple. Jeremiah 102-4
Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree! How
beautiful your branches! Is this not idol
  • Dec-ember 25 is actually the birth date of
    Tammuz, the pagan god mentioned in Ezekiel 814
    (KJV) Then he the angel brought me Ezekiel
    to the door of the gate of YHWH's house the
    Sanctuary, Church which was toward the north
    ROME and, behold, there sat women churches
    weeping for Tammuz.

  • Why weeping for Tammuz? Because the pagan
    rituals surrounding Tammuz has infiltrated the
    True faith of the Early Church. And people dont
    want to give up their customs. In these Last Days
    true believers are being called upon to separate
    themselves from these pagan practices such as
    Christ Mass Tammuzs birthday Easter the
    goddess of Spring or fertility Halloween
    worship of the dead and so onRev. 184 (KJV)
    And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
    Come out of her, My people, that ye be not
    partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of
    her seven last plagues.

  • Who is this her and what are her sins? The
    her is pagan worship and her sins are

  • And in that day seven women shall take hold
    of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread,
    and wear our own apparel only let us be called
    by thy name, to take away our reproach. Isaiah
    41 (KJV)

Symbolically speaking this can be understood as
In the LAST DAYS ALL CHURCHES shall claim to
follow Christ saying We will have our own
doctrine, and wear self-righteousness only let
us be called Christians to hide our wickedness.
She said, No man, Master. And Yahushua said
to her, Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no
more. John 811
  • And the times of this ignorance Elohim winked
    at. But now commands all men everywhere to
  • Acts 1730

Messiah Was A Jew
  • He was born to a Jewish mother in a Jewish
    community, to a Jewish nationHe was NOT Greek
    nor did He observe Greek holidays, such as
    Easter, etc..
  • To the Samaritan woman He said Ye worship ye
    know not what we Jews know what we worship
    for salvation is of the Jews. John 422

  • For if you believed Moses you would believe
    Me, since he wrote about Me. But if you do not
    believe his writings how can you believe My
  • John 546-47

Messiah observed TorahMEANING - Teachings
  • Think not that I am come to destroy the law,
    or the prophets I am NOT come to destroy, but to
    fulfil. Matthew 517 (KJV)
  • The word law is nomos meaning the first
    five books of the BibleTORAH.
  • The word fulfil is pleroo meaning to
    preach, perfect and/or fulfill. He did fulfil
    the sacrificial law. And His sermon on the mount
    was preaching the statutes and judgments to
    perfect them in our hearts. He preached them
    throughout His ministry, as did His disciples
    after Him.

  • O YHWH, my strength, and my fortress, and my
    refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles
    shall come to you from the ends of the earth, and
    shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited
    lies, vanity, and things of which there is no
  • Jeremiah 1619

In those days it shall come to pass, that ten
men shall take hold, out of all languages of the
nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him
that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you for
we have heard that YHWH is with you.
Zech. 823 (KJV)
  • Yahushua is shown celebrating Chanukah in John
    1022,23. It is at this celebration that He
    declares "I and My Father are One" John 1030,
    which testifies to His Divine origin in His
    conception. It also reinforces Chanukah as the
    time of His conception.

  • Historically, then, it is more accurate to
    celebrate Yahushua entering the world through
    conception at Chanukah rather than to celebrate
    His birth at Christmas. As we shall show,
    Christmas is not the birthday of Christ.
    (Christmas is an invention resulting from
    religious compromise with pagan tradition.
    Christmas only has harmony with the truth, in
    that it falls approximately at the time of year
    when Yahushua was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
    But that is not reason to mix the holy with the

  • 3rd Consideration
  • The Birth of
  • John the Baptist
  • Luke156-80

  • Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three
    months, which was until the birth of John. Since
    a full pregnancy term is 41 weeks, and 27 weeks
    makes up the first six months (two trimesters),
    which is exactly the time from the discourse of
    Abia to Chanukah, that leaves 14 weeks to
    accomplish the last trimester and bring the
    pregnancy to full term. There are exactly 14
    weeks from Chanukah to Passover (Nisan 14-22).
    Therefore, John the Baptist was born at Passover.
    He was circumcised on the eighth day, which would
    be the last day of Passover/Feast of Unleavened
    Bread. Gabriel had said that John would "go
    forth" in the strength and power of Elijah Luke
    117. Jewish teaching was that Elijah would come
    again at Passover (this is still a tradition of
    Judaism today).

  • 4th
  • Consideration
  • The Birth of
  • Yahushua
  • Luke 2

  • Nisan, when John was born, is the first
    month of the Hebrew year. As we have shown, Mary
    conceived six months after Elizabeth conceived,
    which means Yahushua's birth would have to come
    six months after John's birth, during the seventh
    Hebrew month of Tishri. Since we know that John
    was born at Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread,
    we learn the time of Yahushua's birth by counting
    six Hebrew months from Passover. The Feast of
    Unleavened Bread begins on Nisan 15 and six
    months later Tabernacles begins on Tishri 15.
    Therefore, Yahushua was born on the first day of
    Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles).

  • The first day of Tabernacles is a Sabbath
    rest, so it fits that Joseph and Mary planned
    their journey to Bethlehem so they would finish
    their journey before the festival Sabbath. They
    found lodging just in time.

  • Concerning the Feast of Tabernacles, YHWH
    commanded that Israel should observe it eight
    days. They were to build temporary dwellings
    called a sukkah and dwell in them Leviticus
    2334-43. These sukkahs were erected to house
    families with some bare comforts and food for the
    eight days. Food was placed in a stall or a crib
    for storage in the tabernacle. The King James
    Bible calls this food crib a manger. Yahushua
    was not born in a barn, but rather in a temporary
    tabernacle which had been built for the
    celebration. He was placed in a "manger",
    demonstrating in a type that He is the Bread of
    Life from heaven.

  • The eighth day, Yahushua was circumcised
    according to the Scriptural command Luke 221.
    For a male, this is what accomplishes a full
    Hebrew birth. The Feast of Tabernacles is for
    exactly eight days. The first and last days are
    both holy Sabbaths. Yahushua was born on the
    first day, a holy Sabbath, and circumcised on the
    eighth day, a holy Sabbath. Evidently, the
    Almighty One intended this entire Feast of
    Tabernacles to be set aside in order to
    accomplish and celebrate Yahushua's birth into
    the world.

  • Note that the Almighty One provided two holy
    feasts that lasted eight days, Passover/Unleavened
    Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles. John the
    Baptist, the forerunner of Messiah, was born and
    circumcised in the eight days of the first, then
    six month later Yahushua, the Messiah, was born
    and circumcised the eight days of the second.

  • John came in the first month of the year and
    Yahushua came in the seventh month seven in
    Biblical terms represents completeness or
    perfection. In ministry, John introduced the
    way through Messiah and then Yahushua perfected
    it, even as the first and seventh months signify.

  • This chronology provides us with the exact
    day of Yahushua's birth, Tishri 15, according to
    the Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew calendar has been
    kept up to date to this modern day, and every
    year the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is set
    from Tishri 15 to Tishri 22. Because the Hebrew
    calendar is based on the course of the Moon
    (Lunar) and the modern calendar is based on the
    course of the Sun (Solar), the two move in
    relation to each other. The date of His birth
    will always be in the fall, not in winter.

The Feast of Tabernacles is a most important
  • Chanukah, like Thanksgiving Day, is a free
    choice celebration observed by men to honor their
    Creator. Feast of Tabernacles, on the other hand,
    is a commanded holy appointment, as are His other
    holy days listed in the 23rd chapter of the book
    of Leviticus.

  • Zechariah 1416,17 tells us that one day all
    nations that are left after Armageddon will honor
    this feast. For what greater reason, than to
    commemorate the birth of the King of Kings! Then
    should we not be keeping it now?

  • May we all work to overcome the influence of
    pagan customs in our celebrations and become
    separate from this world as a holy people before
    our holy Creator.

  • Then Yahushua said to them, The Light
    is with you yet a little while. Walk while you
    have the Light, lest darkness overtake you. And
    he who walks in darkness does not know where he
    is going. While you have Light, believe in the
    Light, that you become children of Light
  • John 1235-36

Of the New Kingdom John wrote And the city
had no need of the sun, or the moon, to shine in
it for the glory of Elohim lightened it, and the
Lamb is its Light.
Rev. 2123
(No Transcript)
Happy Hannakah
  • did come and is
  • returning soon.
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