Title: Kathleen Smith, Projects Librarian
1People First! FCPL Gets High Marks for
Extraordinary Customer Care
- Kathleen Smith, Projects Librarian
- Kelley Worman, Metro Libraries Supervisor
- Fresno County Public Library
2Project Goals
- Develop a holistic, organization-wide vision of
customer service. - Develop customer service training program.
- Strengthen staff skills and confidence in
proactive and mobile service. - Increase customer satisfaction.
3Project Activities Vision
- We commit to deliver service that is friendly,
knowledgeable, wholehearted, and respectful.
4Project Activities Training
- 3 Model Branches
- Techniques in Positive Patron Service (TIPPS)
- Straight As of Customer Service
- Approach
- Ask
- Answer
- Add-on
- Appreciate
5Our Measures of Success
- Increase in staff confidence and enthusiasm for
the roving model. - Implementation of service zones and roving
schedules at model branches. - 50 increase of roving activity and assistance
provided. - 90 of model branch staff able to articulate the
People First! vision statement. - Increase in customer satisfaction.
6Stories of Success
I have had aha momentsI have been trying to make
eye contact with and smile at inquiring patrons
and those that look lost even before they
approach me with questions. And this has made
all the difference. --Marita One evening as
I was rovingI heard someone say in a discouraged
voice, "Well, I guess this is all they have".
I went over and asked if I could help them find
something. A father was trying to help his
teenage daughter find books of Edgar Allan Poe's
short stories. I was able to redirect them to the
Young Adult fiction area where we found 2 books
of Poe's tales which was just what they were
looking for. --Edy
7Recommendations for the Future
- Develop instructor training guide.
- Extend training to all library branches.
- Develop online training modules.
- Introduce customer service competencies.
- Include People First! and TIPPS concepts
in new employee training series. - Review and update Library policies and
documents to reflect People First! vision. - Market People First! to the public.
8Community Impact
- Training staff to proactively engage with
their customers more and go above and beyond
their existing expectations. - By raising customers expectations for library
service, they become more aware of the value of
the library in their community - Direct benefit to the individual indirect
benefit to the community - GREAT service generates positive talk