Title: MArMET: Modular Autonomous Meteorology Station
1MArMET Modular Autonomous Meteorology Station
2MArMet Overview
- The project objective is to significantly reduce
the total resource footprint of an existing
meteorological station design, so that it may be
accommodated with reduced risk and cost, and with
increased science return on Mars Exploration
Program (MEP) landers, rovers, and aerial
platforms - Modular design
- Internal CPU, Memory and Power Control resources
3Progress Overview
- Only 2 milestones met
- Money touched-down 6 months after equivalent
JPL projects! - Had to focus on definitions and software not
hardware - Hardware procurements well behind schedule
- Personal spin up well behind schedule
- People don't hang around if there is no obvious
prospect of being employed! - Comfortable enough with design progress to
include IDPU in an MSL proposal
4Inter-module bus defined
- Selected RS485 over SPI
- better standard
- better signal resiliency
- fitted more closely to older instruments modules
- Higher level protocol defined
- based on simple addressable packets
- flexibility least change needed from older
instrument modules
5Micro Schedule (1) (Completed)
- Micro schedule language 1 definition - completed
- Compiler Version 1 - completed
- Similar to that outlined in proposal
- Simple pair of frequencies for each schedule
element line SELs - SELs grouped into schedule elements
- schedule elements grouped into a complete
schedule - Micro scheduler Version 1 - completed
- Language and output time graph too simplistic
for proposed real application (MSL)
6Micro Schedule (2)
- Version 2 - in progress
- Adding variable epochs (i.e. dawn, dusk, etc)
- NAIF tools.
- Adding local times (i.e. a distinction between
Mars Hour and Earth Hour) - Adding integration times.
- Adding a run harness pseudo spacecraft sequence
to drive - Power model
- Data volume model
- Identified need to specify power and data
7Example V2 Schedule
schedule demo1 element background acquire
MTfluxes at 10 hz for 1 m every 0.1666 hr
continuously integrate 1m acquire VnVfluxes
at 10hz for 1m every 0.5 hr continuously
integrate 1m acquire AtmRadiances at 1hz
continuously integrate 30s acquire
OtherRadiances at 0.5hz continuously integrate
10m acquire Winds at 1hz continuously
integrate 10s acquire VnVfluxes at 10hz
continuously from ( dawn - 0.1666 hr )
to ( dawn 0.5 hr )
integrate 1m acquire VnVfluxes at 10hz
continuously from ( dusk - 0.1666 hr )
to ( dusk 0.5 hr )
integrate 1m acquire AtmRadiances at 4hz
continuously from ( dawn - 0.1666 hr )
to ( dawn 0.5 hr
) integrate 2s end element element
diagnostic acquire Diagnostic 1 hz for 10s
once end element element turbulence
acquire MTfluxes at 50 hz for 1m once from now
acquire MTfluxes at 10 hz for 2m once from now
acquire Vapour at 10 hz for 2m once from now
end element end schedule
8FPGA Selection
- Discussions with JPL Mission Assurance group
- Back to Xylinx after initially switching to Actel
- Market wide alert about Actel reliability
- Xylinx a little rad soft
- LEON should handle it
- other cores need beefing up
- New tools identified and speced (18 months on
from the proposal) - Procurements ready to go once we find a grad
- Acquired Sparc box to run tests on, while waiting
on FPGAs - No results yet.
10Data logging boards
- Had to use what was around
- PSOC - Recommend for prototyping!
- PIC - cheap and cheerful
- Acquired DigiQuartz pressure transducer (free)
- RTD Temperature measurement
- porting back to 8032
11Simulated Data (complete)
- Year 3 simulated environmental data subtask moved
forward and completed. - Staff available
- Independent complete task
- Synergistic with other projects
Temperature as fn. of height and local time for
two different modeled locations / seasons
- Must find graduate student!
- FPGA ground work set - will procure as Grad
student is found - Focus on hardware, defocus software
- Next few months should see substantial progress