Finding Purpose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Finding Purpose


Example from Rick Warren, slamming self-help books: The Bible says, Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose
  • Charles W. Allen

  • Talking about purposes (plural) is easy. We have
    lots of them, and we can tell people what they
    are without feeling puzzled.
  • Whats the purpose of this course? To help me
    get my degree.
  • Talking about Purpose (singular) is trickier.
  • We talk about Purpose when we start moving
    toward the big questions
  • from the purpose of this course
  • to the purpose of this degree
  • to the purpose of this career
  • to the purpose of this life
  • to the purpose of life itself.
  • Those last two are among the big questions Does
    your life have a purpose, a meaning? Does life
    itself have a purpose, a meaning?
  • The big questions are tricky questions, because
    responsible and informed people disagree about a)
    how to answer them and b) whether they can be

  • Here are my biases
  • One bias is that everybody has a bias.
  • Another is that our biases dont keep us from
    learning from one another.
  • I think these big questions can be answered.
  • They can be answered because we already do answer
    them, at least in practice.
  • But I think the answers are more elusive than
    most of us usually realize.
  • And I dont think theres any fool-proof way to
    go about answering themno fool-proof
    answer-books, no fool-proof experimental methods.
  • If the answers are elusive, we cant afford to
    ignore people who answer the big questions
    differently we need to listen and learn, and we
    need to be OK with that.
  • If I answer the big questions in terms of sharing
    in Gods life, and if I find the Bible to be a
    unique (though troublesome!) source of wisdom,
    thats also a way of acknowledging that I do not
    and could not have all the answers myself (that
    would be idolatry).
  • So if you answer differently, I dont draw any
    automatic conclusions about you, except to assume
    that, like me, youve only begun to glimpse an
    answer, and that we both might learn more by
    finding ways to work together.
  • But this is my bias, or my hunch, about the big
    questions. Its not beyond question, and thats
    why you need to know what it is.

  • Whats the purpose of your life? Whats the
    purpose of life itself?
  • When people answer these questions in practice,
    two contrasting temperaments seem most
    influential the purpose driven temperament and
    the purpose seeking temperament.
  • A temperament is your default or your comfort
  • You can act outside of it, but it drains you to
    do that.
  • These two temperaments are extremes, ideal
  • In practice, we have to stretch and twist them to
    get them to work.
  • But they are recognizable, and worth recognizing.

The Purpose Driven Temperament
  • The big questions can be answered once and for
  • We dont need to waste time asking about our
  • We already know it, or at least we know how to
    know it in a few quick and easy steps.
  • Maybe we can deduce it from a few self-evident
    truths (We know these truths to be
  • Or maybe we have a quick and easy answer bookthe
    Bible, the Quran, Das Kapital, The Wealth of
    Nations, A Course in Miracles,
  • Or maybe its a bit of both self-evident truths
    plus a quick and easy answer-book.
  • Instead of asking about our purpose, we need to
    name it, live by it and, above all, never
    question it.
  • Recent Example (obviously!) The Purpose-Driven
    Life, by Rick Warren.
  • God has not left us in the dark to wonder and
    guess. He has clearly revealed his five purposes
    for our lives through the Bible. It is our
    Owners Manual, explaining why we are alive, how
    life works, what to avoid, and what to expect in
    the future (p. 20).
  • But do note that there are secular versions of
    this temperament in many companies, if you
    question the ideal of unregulated markets, dont
    expect a promotion.

The Purpose Seeking Temperament
  • The big questions cannot be answered once and for
  • We need to live the questions, not the answers
    its not a waste of time.
  • There are no self-evident truths.
  • There are no quick and easy answer books.
  • If you do answer the big questions, keep the
    answers to yourself dont let them influence how
    you treat others.
  • A quotation you should know Be patient toward
    all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to
    love the questions themselves like locked rooms
    and like books that are written in a very foreign
    tongueThe point is, to live everything. Live the
    questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually,
    without noticing it, live along some distant day
    into the answerRainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a
    Young Poet, Fourth Letter.
  • Recent example Yvette Flunders I dont know!
  • Note again that this temperament has both
    religious and secular expressions.

Strengths Weaknesses of the Purpose Driven
  • Strength You have a clear identity and sense of
  • Strength If more questions arise, you know where
    to go for quick answers.
  • Strength You are motivated to start righting the
    wrongs you see around you.
  • Strength You know when youve done well and when
    you havent.
  • Weakness You may not be able to adapt to novel
  • Weakness You may overlook obvious ambiguities in
    your quick-answer sources.
  • Example from Rick Warren, slamming self-help
    books The Bible says, Self-help is no help at
    all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to
    finding your true self (Matthew 1625). But
    Warren is not quoting the Bible hes quoting a
    paraphrase based on the Bible. Matthew 1625
    actually reads For whoever wants to save his
    life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for
    me will find it (NIV). When Warren says, The
    Bible says, he is usually quoting a paraphrase
    based on the Bible, not the Bible itself. (I
    counted.) Why does he do that? Because the Bible
    really is not a quick-answer book. It doesnt
    even look like one. You have to ignore most of
    what it says, and how it says it, to make it into
    a quick-answer book.
  • Weakness What if youre wrong about the wrongs
    you right? (One persons freedom-fighter is
    anothers terrorist.)
  • Weakness You may confuse, Am I good at what I
    do? with, Is what I do good? Theyre very
    different questions.

Strengths Weaknesses of the Purpose Seeking
  • Strength You are open and responsive to novel
  • Strength You are free from the constraints of
    authoritarian voices.
  • Strength You are motivated to work for a
    multicultural society.
  • Strength You can celebrate the standards you
    live by, even if they are not shared by others.
  • Weakness You may miss the fact that, no matter
    how open you are, your life is still moving in a
    particular direction. In practice, you have
    already adopted certain values to the exclusion
    of others. Theres no way around this.
  • Weakness You may be discounting the collective
    wisdom that produced and preserved those
    supposedly quick-answer sources.
  • Weakness You may become a pawn for preservers of
    the status quo. (The Reagan administration used
    the language of multiculturalism to avoid
    challenging Apartheid in South Africa.)
  • Weakness You may not notice how the standards
    you live by may deprive others of opportunities
    to live by their own standards.

Summing Up
  • The bad news Either temperament, if followed
    strictly, can lead to disasters and atrocities.
  • The good news We hardly ever follow them
    strictly, even when we think we do.
  • The bad news We may never see a culture or
    society that does not produce these contrasting
  • The good news In the right circumstances, both
    temperaments can have a healthy influence.
  • The bad news There may not be a stable middle
    ground between the two.
  • The good news You can have fruitful, healthy
    interaction without finding a stable middle
    ground you can remain purpose driven and
    continue to learn from the purpose seeking, and
    vice versa.
  • The bad news No matter how purpose driven you
    want to be, you will spend much of your life in
    purpose seeking no matter how purpose seeking
    you want to be, you will find that your purpose
    seeking is, in its own way, purpose driven.
  • The good news What I just said.
  • The upshot of all this In practice, we can
    combine a vivid sense of direction in life with
    an equally profound willingness to change course
    in light of what we are coming to see.

Exercise 1 A Pronouncement on the Good Life
The good life for man is the life spent in
seeking for the good life for man, and the
virtues necessary for the seeking are those which
will enable us to understand what more and what
else the good life for man is. Alasdair
MacIntyre, After Virtue (Notre Dame University
of Notre Dame Press, 1981), p. 204.
  • How is this statement purpose driven?
  • How is this statement purpose seeking?
  • What might be some of the virtues necessary for
    the seeking?
  • Is one temperament more obvious than the other?

Exercise 2 ( Shameless Self-Promotion) A
Mission Statement
Grace Unlimited is an Indianapolis-based campus
ministry committed to celebrating Gods love on
Gods terms, unlimited by ours. Supported by
Lutherans, Episcopalians and other people of
faith and good-will, we believe that Gods love
is already at work in the lives of everyone,
moving to the Spirit of Gods common life with us
in Jesus Christ, and our mission is to help all
of us together grow in awareness and appreciation
of where God may be leading us today. Our leaders
claim common convictions, but no final answers,
to remain open to what God is doing, on Gods
terms, beyond our own Churches and Creeds. We
welcome everyone to join us in this vital quest.
  • How is this statement purpose driven?
  • How is this statement purpose seeking?
  • Is one temperament more obvious than the other?
  • This is an unofficial mission statement about the
    campus ministry I represent.
  • But I wrote it, and it is also a mission
    statement for my life (not the organization
    itself, but the purpose it serves).
  • Try drafting your own mission statement,
    combining a vivid sense of direction with a
    profound willingness to change course in light of
    what you are coming to see.
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