Title: Ellen Greenblatt Auraria Library Ellen.Greenblatt@cudenver.edu
1Ellen GreenblattAuraria Library
2Media files made available on the Web to the
public for download to a variety of digital
hardware products ranging from personal computers
to portable handheld devices (including PDAs, MP3
players, and cell phones)
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5- Audio podcasts which consist solely of audio
recordings - Enhanced podcasts which are multimedia formats
combining audio recordings with images (e.g., a
lecture accompanied by a PowerPoint
presentation), and - Video podcasts (or vodcasts) which consist of
video recordings
6- Listening to podcasts (i.e., accessing content
created by others) - Creating podcasts (i.e., sharing content that you
have created with others)
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12- Motivating students
- Enhancing the language arts curriculum
- Developing project management skills
- Building community
13- Spelling lists Mrs. Steeles 1st Grade Class
- Homework assignments Room 13
- Technology Tips Jordan School District (UT)
- Library Orientation Springfield Township High
School (PA) - Readers Theater Shelby County School System (AL)
- Story Telling Grandview Library (NY)
- Booktalks Hopkinton High Middle School Library
(NH) - Oral histories / Interviews Leawood Elementary
School (Littleton, CO)
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19The Wikipedia defines podsafe as a term created
in the podcasting community to refer to any work
which, through its licensing, specifically allows
the use of the work in podcasting, regardless of
restrictions the same work might have in other
realms. For example, a song may be legal to use
in podcasts, but may need to be purchased or have
royalties paid for over-the-air radio use,
television use, and possibly even personal use.
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23- Who is your audience?
- What format should the podcast take?
- How long should your podcast be?
- Who will do the narrative? One person or
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