Title: Traffic Assignment Part I
1Traffic Assignment Part I
- CE 573 Transportation Planning
- Lecture 16
- Define traffic assignment assumptions
- Mathematically define relationship between OD
trips and network - Load traffic onto the network
3Network Loading
- The basic objective is to assign traffic in a
reasonable fashion that approximates, on the
aggregate scale, how traffic uses the
transportation network. - Assign traffic (vehicle trips) to the links
- Approximates traffic use of network
- Assumptions
- drivers information?perfectly informed
- driver response to information?perception of cost
- driver objectives?minimize cost
- Traffic assignment result?User Equilibrium
- no driver can reduce their travel costs from i to
j by changing routes
4(No Transcript)
5Basic Inputs to Traffic Assignment (network
- Trip matrix?convert from person trips to vehicle
trips By trip purpose - HBW 1.1 person trips/veh trip
- HBO 1.6 person trips/veh trip
- Network components
- Links
- centroid connectors
- nodes
- link travel costs
- Route selection criteria/rules
- Cost function
- Minimize cost
6 Route Selection Criteria/Rules
- Routing concerns
- stochastic?difference in motorist perceptions
(quality of information and sensitivities to
costs) - congested?capacity constrained
- Classification scheme for traffic assignment
algorithms -
Stochastic effects included? Stochastic effects included?
No Yes
Is capacity restraint included? No All-or-nothing Pure stochastic Dials, Burrells
Is capacity restraint included? Yes Wardrops Equilibrium Stochastic user equilibrium
7Basic Steps of Traffic Assignment Methods
- Identify routes
- stored in tree
- output from tree building algorithm
- Assign trip matrix
- to routes
- creates flows on links
- Check for convergence to user equilibrium
8Assigning the Trip Matrix to Routes
- Use Dijkstras algorithm to build the minimum
cost path trees - Have min cost path tree for all origins
- Lets use a link index to represent these path
trees - a ? index for each link
- i ? index for the origin zone
- j ? index for the destination zone
- Lets put all of the link indices () in matrix
form, link choice matrix (P) - One dimension is O-D pairs
- Another dimension is links
- Now cumulatively assign all of the O-D pair
volumes to their respective shortest path links
9 Dijkstras Algorithm, Link Indices, and
Creating P
10 Dijkstras Algorithm, Link Indices, and
Creating P
11 Dijkstras Algorithm, Link Indices, and
Creating P
12Assigning O-D Pair Volumes
- Cumulatively to their respective shortest path
links - This is called All-or-Nothing Assignment
- no representation of traffic effects on travel
costs - Only one path per O-D pair
- Just like our link choice matrix
13Assigning O-D Pair Volumes
A 0 100 500 200 400
B 600 0 100 300 200
C 100 300 0 100 800
D 400 1000 200 0 500
E 400 200 300 100 0
14Assigning O-D Pair Volumes
- Assume a vehicle occupancy of
- 1 person trips/veh trip
Links Links Links Links Links Links Links
1-2 2-3 1-4 2-4 2-5 3-5 4-5
Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Link Travel Costs
- Until now, constant link costs.
- Link costs should be f(traffic volume).
- Need a link cost function.
- BPR function