Title: Gui Hua Oolong - Chineseteaart.com
1Gui Hua Oolong - Oolong Tea
Price(50 grams) US7.70
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Gui Hua Oolong is produced by scenting
Taiwanese Oolong tea with fresh Osmanthus
flowers, combining the sweet
osmanthus fragrance with the fruity sweet nature
of Taiwanese Oolong. The recipe of Gui Hua Oolong
has been around for a long time. This tea was
especially popular among the ladies in the
past as they believe that drinking it can help
them enhance their beauty. In any case, Gui Hua
Oolong is truly a lovely tea suitable to be
shared with your friends and family anytime.
Other names
Osmanthus Oolong
When infused, the tea leaves release the lovely
sweet and pleasant aroma of Osmanthus flower. The
tea is refreshingly light and has a hint of
peachy flavor.
You will find some golden yellow Osmanthus
flowers mixed in with the Oolong tea leaves.
During the infusion, the flowers will float on
top of the surface of the water, creating a
beautiful "autumn lake"-like visual display.
Harvest Period
Autumn 2012
Tea Link http//www.chineseteaart.com/gui-hua-ool
ong-oolong-tea-p-42.html Picture come from