Title: Revision
- Tasks
- Using the starter cards link the terms
- Cut out all the mind map data and place each
section under the correct heading. - Work as a team and discuss the correct heading
descriptors - Compile the mind map
- Think pair share
- AfL class tally of all the correct
outcomes - do you understand the different
between - Self esteem
- Self image
- The influences that can affect these?
- Self concept- Self esteem
- Self image
- Lesson objective
- To revise self concept
Success criteria Build to use the knowledge
you already have of the term self concept and
place this information in your group mind
map Apply You need to write down all the
factors that can influence a persons self
concept. Secure you should finish the lesson
with a detailed mind map that lists all the
correct data that links the influences that can
affect a persons self concept
2Self Concept
Lesson objective - To revise self concept
3Lesson objective - To revise self concept
4Lesson objective - To revise self concept
5Extension tasks
Lesson objective - To revise self concept