Title: Developing a school vision for ICT
1Developing a school vision for ICT
2- BSF and role of ICT in transformation
- The role of a vision
- Creating the vision
- Sharing the vision
- Implementing the vision
3What is BSF?
- The aim is to transform secondary education so
that it is fit for purpose in the 21st century. - The lever is a massive injection of capital for
- Construction
- Furniture and Equipment
- The total value of the programme over 15 years is
around 45,000,000,000 - Of this, 10 (4,500,000,000) is for ICT
infrastructure, equipment and services.
4A unique opportunity for transformation
- BSF gives us the chance to create new physical
and virtual workplaces. - The two taken together constitute a 21st century
environment for learning. -
5The role of a vision
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Proverbs 2918 Leadership is the capacity to
translate vision into reality. Warren G. Bennis
6Dimensions of change
Knoster, T. (1991) Presentation to TASH
Conference. Washington D.C.
7Developing a vision for education
- Know what you want to achieve then..
- Ask the right questionsfocusing on the right
issues - Involve the right people
8Questions, questions
- ? What sort of education do we want to see in
future? - ? What sorts of learning relationships do we want
to foster? - ? What competencies do we want learners to
develop? - What tools and resources are available to us to
support learning? - ? - What buildings do we want?
- ? - How many computers do we need?
Re-Imagining Learning Spaces - Futurelab, 2006
9Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (David Bowie, 1970)
- From
- Location specific
- Teacher-led
- Instructional learning
- Learners as consumers of content
- Single school, home-brewed ICT
- To
- Any time, any place
- Learner-led
- Personalised learning
- Learners as creators of content
- Wide-scale, industrial strength ICT
10What would you like learning to look like in 5
years time?
11Think about classrooms
- Classrooms or learning spaces
- What does flexible mean in the context of a
learning space? - What specialist learning spaces are essential?
- What form can generic learning spaces take?
- Will the learning space for introductory sessions
be different to the spaces needed for extended
learning? - How can learning spaces support collaborative
working? - How can learning spaces support personalised
learning? - Could corridors be learning spaces?
12Think a little about ICT.
- What ICT functionality would best support
learning in each of the learning spaces that you
have defined? - Consider the transformational potential of ICT to
enhance, extend and enrich learning, and to
empower learners. - Consider the role of ICT in supporting a rich
view of personalised learning - students following personal learning pathways
- students studying where and when is most
appropriate for their learning - students working collaboratively with others
engaged in similar learning and/or with experts
in the topic they are studying.
13Where are you now?
- Becta Self Review Framework
- Leadership and management
- Curriculum
- Learning and teaching
- Assessment
- Professional development
- Extending opportunities for learning
- Resources
- Impact on pupil outcomes
14Imagine a school..
Where you have space to think.
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16Imagine a school.
- Where learners collaborate with others engaged in
similar learning .
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18Imagine a school..
19If we had larger classrooms we could group
different people into different learning styles.
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21I want the school to have big windows with lots
of light so it would be a better place to work.
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23Develop the vision in conjunction with ..
- the wider Local Authority transformation plans
- the local community
- parents and carers
- the entire school workforce
- governors
- external agencies AND
- most importantly with students.
24Implementing the vision
- Focus on transforming education
- Build learning communities
- involve all teaching and non-teaching staff in
CPD - appoint champions
- engage with parents, carers and governors.
- Allow learners to take the lead as appropriate
- Ensure systems are robust, reliable and fit for
- Brave
- Energetic
- Creative
- Open
- Motivated
- Exciting
27Partnerships for Schools
- Strategic Director for ICT
- Steve Moss steve.moss_at_partnershipsforschools.org.u
k - Education ICT Advisers
- Elaine Barnett elaine.barnett_at_partnershipsforschoo
ls.org.uk - Anne Casey anne.casey_at_partnershipsforschools.org.
uk - Jill Collison jill.collison_at_partnershipsforschool
s.org.uk - Web address www.partnershipsforschools.org.uk
- Or contact info_at_partnershipsforschools.org.uk