Title: Financial Data
1Financial Data
2MEPRS Overview
- MEPRS Medical Expense and Performance Reporting
System - Costs, workload and FTEs
- Summary data only
- MEPRS Business Rules estimate work center costs
- Tri-Service Cost Accounting system
3MEPRS Data Flow
EAS IV Repository (Full MEPRS dataset)
Workload (CHCS)
MDR(Large MEPRS dataset)
Local EAS IV Server
(Monthly Processing)
Personnel Data(UCAPERS,SPMS, EAS)
(Nightly/Monthly Processing)
M2(Smaller MEPRS dataset)
4Using the Data!
- MEPRS Codes Define the cost entities in an MTF
- 4 character codes - imbedded hierarchical logic
- (each character means something!)
- For example AADA Inpatient Dermatology
- 1st character MEPRS1 Code
- A - Inpatient
- B - Ambulatory
- C - Dental
- D - Ancillary
- E - Support
- F - Special Programs
- G - Readiness
Use MEPRS Manual for detailed descriptions of all
7Parents and Children
- MEPRS uses a unique parent/child structure
- Smaller MTFs report through parents
- Both parent and child (DMISID) levels of
reporting are available in M2 - Parent DMISID of Record (MEPRS Parent) vs. Parent
8MEPRS Summary Data
- All data available by
- Timeframe (months, years)
- MEPRS Code
- All 4 chars. Most questions only need 3.
- Ex. MEPRS4 Code matches pattern DAA
9Workload Data
- Types of Workload
- Inpatient Dispositions, Bed Days. As incurred
in a month - Outpatient Visits
- Inpatient Visits (Ambulatory workload for
inpatients) - Total Visits
10Workload Data
- Weighted Rx workload
- Primarily contains prescriptions
- Also bulk issue, unit doses, sterile products
- Lab/Rad Weighted Workload (Relative Value Units)
- Workload ordered by a particular work center and
filled at the reporting MTF
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14San Diegos Ambulatory Internal Medicine Clinic
ordered 135K Lab RVUs from the lab at San Diego
15FTE Data
- Assigned FTEs From Service Personnel Systems
- Monthly Assigned Staff
- Wont include borrowed labor or R/S
- Available FTEs From Timesheets
- Monthly Available FTEs
- Monthly Numbers Dont add people across months!
16Types of FTEs
- Clinician MD, DO, DDS, Interns/Residents
- Other Clinician MD, DO, DDS
- Professionals PAs, NPs, Midwives, etc
- Interns/Residents
- RN Registered Nurse
- Para-Professionals LPNs, X-Ray Techs, etc.
- Admin Administrative Staff
17(No Transcript)
18- Dont add across months! 600 people each month,
not 1200 people! - Assigned lt Available (OT, Resource Sharing, etc)
19Expense Assignment
- Expenses are estimates.
- All work centers have direct expenses The
original work center that captures an expense - Often includes salaries, supplies and such
- Work centers also have costs allocated to them
AAAA (Internal Medicine) Work Center
Total Expenses
20Expense Assignment
- Allocated expenses
- Shared expenses
- Purified as MEPRS calls them
- Ancillary Services (MEPRS D codes)
- Rx, lab, rad, ICU, etc.
- Support Services (MEPRS E codes)
- Commanders salary, housekeeping, utilities
- Allocation process is the same
21Expense Assignment
- Expenses are allocated based on performance
factors - Laundry lbs of laundry
- Commanders salary FTEs
- Lab weighted workload ordered
- Pharmacy weighted procedures
- Housekeeping square footage
- Cost Pools Minutes of service or OBD
22Expense Assignment
- Sample Allocation
- OB/GYN Supply Cabinet (MEPRS Code ACX) 10,000
- OB Workload (ACA) 500 OBDs, 83 of total
workload - GYN Workload (ACB) 100 OBDs 17 of total
workload - Purified to OB 10,00083 or 8,300
- Purified to GYN 10,00017 or 1,700
23Expense Variables
- Allocated Expense Measures from MEPRS
- Ancillary Expense Sum of all allocated expenses
to a given work center from ancillary accounts - Some components of ancillary expense (lab, rad
and rx stepdown) - Purified Expense (shared)
- Support Expense
24Final Accounts
- Direct Expense
- Purified Expense
- Ancillary Expense
- Support Expense
- Total Expense
Inpatient (A), Ambulatory (B), Dental (C),
Special Programs (F) and Readiness (G) are FINAL
25(No Transcript)
26Expense Assignment
- A - Inpatient
- B- Ambulatory
- C- Dental
- D - Ancillary
- E - Support
- F - Special Progs
- G - Readiness
Note Ancillary and Support Accounts should have
total expense 0 in the M2 (their expenses are
already captured in the other work centers)!
27Support/Ancillary Accounts
- Direct Expense
- Allocated from others
- -Allocated out
- 0 Total Expense
If total expense too much greater than 0,
probably an error in MEPRS
28Expense Assignment
- To get a total expense for ancillary and
support accounts - Use Cost Center Expense
29(No Transcript)
30Very close to 0 in total expense. Probably
- MEPRS Manual
- Describes MEPRS Codes
- FTE/workload reporting
- Expense allocation process
- Web based reports on MEPRS data quality. Site
specific - TMA Website/MEPRS