Title: Fact or Fiction
1Fact or Fiction
2The Loch Ness Monster
3Where is the Loch Ness Monster?
- Sightings in Northern Scotland
- The deep and murky waters of Loch Ness
- Living in the depths of up to 800 feet
- Hiding out in underwater caves
4What does the Loch Ness Monster look like?
- 40-50 feet long
- 2 humps
- Tail
- Snake-like head
- Gaping red mouth
- Horns on head
5Why do people believe in the existence of the
Loch Ness Monster?
- Eyewitness accounts
- Photographs
- Images from sonar
Click on underlined blue text to learn more.
6How can I learn more about the Loch Ness Monster?
- Read a book
- View a web cam
Click on underlined blue text to learn more.
7Additional sightings of creatures similar to the
Loch Ness monster
- Loch Lochy in Scotland
- Lake Brosno in Russia
- Lake Storsjoen in Sweden
Click on underlined blue text to learn more.
8Other Mysterious Creatures
- Bigfoot
- Ogopogo
- Chupacabra
- Giant Squid
9Learn more about Bigfoot by clicking on the
picture below.
10Where have Bigfoot sightings been reported?
11Click on the picture below to learn where you
might find Ogopogo.
12What is a chupacabra?
Click on the picture to find out.
13Click on the picture to learn about the giant
14Do you believe?