Title: Design and Analysis of the PB-AHTR using RELAP5
1Design and Analysis of the PB-AHTR using RELAP5
Cristhian Galvez, Nicolas Zweibaum, Per
Peterson Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory Department
of Nuclear Engineering University of California,
Berkeley 2010 RELAP 5 International Users
- Introduction
- Overview of Plant Design
- Modeling needs
- Plant system-gtprocess modeling breakdown
- Solution methodology
- Results
- Conclusion Future Work
- The Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor
(PB-AHTR) is a pebble fueled, fluoride-salt
cooled, 900-MWt reactor under development at UC
Berkeley. - Design features large thermal margins to fuel
damage. Thermal limits are imposed by metallic
primary loop structures. Peak core outlet
temperature is the parameter of interest
4Overview of Plant Design Diagram
5Overview of Plant Design 3D render
6Coolant Flow diagram
- Primary heat removal system composed of 4
Intermediate Heat Exchangers (IHX). - Passive decay heat removal mechanism accomplished
through 8 Direct Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System
(DRACS). Heat is absorbed by the Direct Heat
Exchanger (DHX), which is similar in design to
the IHX and rejects heat to the environment
through air-cooled Natural Draft Heat Exchangers
7Annular-type Core
Annular core and components diagram
Lateral cross section
8Annular Pebble Bed core design
Radially and axially zoned pebble bed core
PREX-2 filled with 129,840 pebbles
- Radially-zoned injection of buoyant pebbles
- Alternative injection of seed and blanket pebbles
(axial zoning) - Pebble Recirculation Experiment (PREX-2), 42
actual core size, high density polyethylene
spheres, dry
9Channel-type core
Pebble channel assembly core and components
Elevation view and lateral cross section
10Channel Pebble Bed core design
Baseline design for lower half of PCA showing
configuration of pebble channels
11Fuel and Coolant
RELAP5-3D pebble fuel model description from
pebble center (left) to pebble surface (right)
for the annular pebble design
- Flibe Primary Coolant (Li2BeF2)
- Excellent heat transfer
- Transparent, clean fluoride salt
- Boiling point 1400ÂșC
- Reacts very slowly in air
- No energy source to pressurize containment
12Active cooling system Intermediate Heat
Exchanger (IHX) and pumps
- Tube and shell, disk and doughnut baffled heat
exchanger - Primary coolant (Flibe) on tube side,
Intermediate coolant (Flinabe) on shell side - Forced convection on external and internal side
driven by active centrifugal conventional pumps - Derived from MSBR heat exchanger design
13Passive cooling system (DRACS) DHX, NDHX,
Fluidic diode
- Tube and shell helical heat exchanger
- Natural circulation coolant (Flinabe) on tube
side, Natural draft coolant (Air) on shell side - Radiation heat transfer important
- Fluidic Diode
- Low resistance during forward flow, high
resistance during reverse flow - Passive operation
- Tube and shell heat exchanger
- Forced primary coolant (Flibe) on shell side,
Natural circulation coolant (Flinabe) on tube
side - Radiation heat transfer possibly important
14Reactivity control Feedback mechanisms
- Fuel and Moderator Temperature Feedback
- Monte Carlo studies performed to determine fuel
and moderator temperature reactivity feedback
coefficients - Study was done for various fuel-burn up levels,
however RELAP5 analysis assumes average burn-up
15Reactivity control Shutdown rod
- Shutdown-rod design
- Neutrally buoyant rod remains above the core
during normal operation at typical coolant
temperatures, but looses buoyancy and sinks into
rod channel during above-normal coolant
temperatures during transients - Analytical and experimental work to determine rod
insertion speed and rod worth
16Analysis Objectives
Design and analysis of the PB-AHTR requires
investigation employing analytical, computational
and experimental tools
- Steady state Mass, Pressure and Temperature
distribution - Transient Peak core outlet temperature
- Safety system performance
- Decay heat removal system performance
- Experiment design analysis
In order to obtain variables of interest and
capture important phenomena, a methodology to
breakdown the system and model it is used
17System-process breakdown Core
1-? liquid pebble bed void volume
Solid spherical
Solid cylindrical
-Energy generation -Conduction
-Form loss -Friction loss
-Convection -Conduction
Not available in current version of RELAP
18System-process breakdown Active Cooling
Active cooling
Secondary Pump
Intermediate Heat Exchanger IHX
Primary Pump
1-? liquid tube side volume
Solid cylindrical
1-? liquid pump volume
1-? liquid shell side volume
1-? liquid pump volume
-Form loss -Friction loss
-Momentum addition
-Momentum addition
19System-process breakdown Passive Cooling
Passive cooling
Direct Heat Exchanger DHX
Natural Draft Heat Exchanger NDHX
Fluidic diode
1-? liquid tube side volume
1-? liquid shell side volume
1-? gas shell side volume
1-? liquid diode volume
1-? liquid tube side volume
-Form loss -Friction loss
-Form loss -Friction loss
20RELAP5-3D Model
- Evolutionary steps taken to deal with modeling
gaps - 1st Input heat and flow loss coefficients
manually - Only valid for steady state calculations
- 2nd Input heat and flow loss coefficients
manually as a function of time with
self-consistent heat / flow loss coeficients and
mass flow history - Approximation for transient
- 3rd Manipulate existing LWR options in RELAP5-3D
to add user-input factors to replicate
correlation using multipliers (fouling factor for
h and internal junction form loss for f) - Better approximation but still incomplete since
power exponents of Re and Pr do not exactly match
with available correlations coded in RELAP5-3D
(Shah ESDU cross flow) - 4th Implement pebble bed correlations into
source code
21Annular Core RELAP5-3D Model
Geometrical Configuration of the Core and the
RELAP5-3D Model
- 1/8 symmetric core modeled
- 3 multi-dimensional axial zones inlet,
mid-section and outlet - Active mesh inlet 47, mid-section81, outlet32
- Fixed T,P at coolant sources and fixed P at
coolant sinks - Power distribution resulting from coupling
studies with MCNP5
22Annular core flow distrubition
RELAP5-3D Model
Core Diagram
COMSOL FEM Multiphysics Model
23Outlet Temperature Parametric Analysis
Inlets and Outlets Distributions in the Bottom,
Mid-Section and Upper Core
24Outlet Temperature Distributions
Temperature distributions of the outlets in
different model variations
25Best Model Variation
Best model variation sketch and simulation result
- ?T97K, optimal difference
26Channel Core RELAP5-3D Model
27Transient Description
- Several transients are analyzed, but focus of
this study is Loss of Forced Circulation (LOFC)
and Loss of Heat Sink (LOHS) - LOFC involves the trip of the primary pumps, LOHS
involves the trip of the intermediate pumps - Both transients are evaluated under a different
assumed safety system response - Normal scram immediately after primary or
intermediate pumps. Shutdown rod bank inserted. - Failure to actively scram reactor with shutdown
rods. Passive, buoyancy driven shutdown rod
insertion occurs. Scram accomplished after a
delay - Failure to scram reactor with either system.
Power reactivity coefficient is the only
mechanism present to shutdown the reactor
28Transient Results Loss of Forced Circulation
- Fast loss of primary flow at t 1000 s. Passive
shutdown rod insert 32 s after transient
initiation. Average fuel and core outlet coolant
temperatures rise to acceptable levels
29Transient Results Loss of Forced Circulation
- Fast loss of primary flow at t 1000 s. Flow
within the Direct Heat Exchanger passively
inverts shortly after the transient initiation.
Steady state natural circulation for decay heat
removal is rapidly obtained. Temperatures in
metallic heat exchanger remain acceptable during
severe transient
30Transient Results Loss of Heat Sink
- Fast loss of intermediate flow at t 1000 s.
Passive shutdown rod insert 32 s after transient
initiation. Coolant temperatures rise to
acceptable levels
31Transient Results Loss of Heat Sink
- Fast loss of intermediate flow at t 1000 s.
Intermediate coolant flow is quickly reduced to
negligible amounts. Thermal reactivity feedback
shuts down the reactor quicker in the case of
LOHS transients vs. LOFC transients.
- RELAP5-3D model matches well with its analytical
results, confidence in model exists for steady
and transient conditions - Passive and inherent reactor control mechanism
perform well under postulated transients and
maintain temperatures well below thermal damage
limits for fuel (1600 oC) and metallic
structures (765 oC) for Hastelloy 800 H - Model provides preliminary insights on passive
safety performance of the PB-AHTR. Additional
work is necessary in order to consider other
limiting cases such as 1) partial loss of flow 2)
partial core flow blockage 3) partial heat
exchanger flow blockage - Need to configure the annular core model for
transient simulations with optimized coolant
outlet geometric distribution