Title: Are Vaccines Safe and Effective
1Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?
- By Alicia Alba
- April 30, 2003
- For the Cleo and Zack Project
2Know the facts before you get injected, your life
may depend on it.
- If the smallpox vaccine was given today 50
million Americans would be at risk for injury or
death if they are exposed to the live vaccinia
virus either directly by getting vaccinated or by
coming into contact with someone who has been
recently. (Barbara Loe Fisher Director of the
National Vaccine Information Center).
3Many diseases are linked to vaccines. And
sometimes you can transmit these diseases to
other people.
Unvaccinated Child with eczema vaccina contracted
from vaccinated sibling.
Young man with tumor as a result of vaccine in
the arm.
Pictures from www.whale.to/vaccines/diseases.html
4Many diseases are linked to vaccines.
5The Thimerosal and Autism Link
This product should be considered equivalent to
thimerosal-free products.This vaccine may
contain trace amounts (lt0.3 mcg) of mercury left
after post-production thimerosal removal these
amounts have no biological effect. JAMA
1999282(18) and JAMA 2000283(16). Thimerosal
Content in Some US Licensed Vaccines.
Picture from www.whale.to/vaccines/diseases.html
In 1798, Dr.Edward Jenner, observed that
milkmaids were resistant to smallpox. Most of the
milkmaids Jenner studied had been infected with
cowpox in the course of their occupation. Cowpox
and smallpox are related viruses. Milkmaids were
exposed to a weakened version of the pox virus,
which gave them immunity to the more virulent
smallpox. Dr. Edward Jenners observation of
milkmaids paved the way to a safer smallpox
vaccine using fluid from cowpox lesions.
7Proof that the vaccines do not always work.
Graphics from www.whale.to/vaccines/diseases.html
Contrary to popular belief smallpox was not
eradicated by mass vaccination. Though tried
initially it proved difficult to implement in
many countries and was abandoned in favor of
surveillance-containment. This involved trained
workers searching for cases, with rewards for
those who found them. Cases and their contacts
were then isolated contacts were vaccinated.
The last natural case occurred in Somalia in
1977 and after exhaustive enquiries the 1980 WHO
Assembly concluded that smallpox had been
eradicated. (Baxby, Derrick. March 1999.The End
of Smallpox. http//www.findarticles.com/cf_1/m13
8Typical Allergic Reactions from the DPT vaccine
The National Vaccine Information Center estimates
that only 10 of vaccine reactions get reported.
9Politics and Vaccines Big
Immunization Initiative Each Fully Vaccinated
Child 100 This equals 400 Million to the
Graphic from www.whale.to/vaccines/diseases.html
10Disease Proliferates in Unsanitary Conditions.
11If you do decide to get vaccinated, ask yourself
these questions
- 1-Am I sick right now?
- 2-Have I had a bad reaction to a vaccination
before? - 3-Do I have family history of
- Vaccine reactions
- Convulsions or neurological disorders
- Severe allergies
- Immune system disorders
- 4-Do I know if I am at high risk of reacting?
- 5-Do I have full information on the vaccine's
side effects? - 6-Do I know how to identify a vaccine reaction?
From the National Vaccine Information Center.
12But it is the Law, I have to get vaccinated.
13For More Information go to
http//www.909shot.com http//www.whale.to/vaccine