Title: Regular vs. Roth IRA
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5Regular vs. Roth IRA
Regular 2,000 per individual / 4,000 per
married couple Possibly pretax contribution Tax
deferred Pay tax at withdrawal (59 1/2)
Roth 2,000 per individual / 4,000 per married
couple After tax contribution Tax free No tax a
withdrawal (59 1/2)
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18Here are a few places to open an IRA. Charles
Schwab http//www.schwab.com Fidelity http//www
.fidelity.com Ameritrade http//www.ameritrade.c
om DLJdirect (A Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette
Company) http//www.dljdirect.com
Alternatively, you can open an IRA account at the
USU Credit Union or virtually any bank.
Click on retirement to go to.
hereClick on IRAs to go to here
If you need more information, give them a call.
DLJ and many others are similar.