Title: Pronunciation Practice
1Class Session 1b Chapter 1
- Pronunciation Practice
- Classroom Commands
- Japanese Foods
- Japanese Martial Arts
- Japanese Traditional and Pop Culture
- English Words Borrowed From Japanese
- Japanese Vocabulary
- Japanese Words Borrowed from Foreign Languages
- Basic Japanese Expressions
2Unvoiced Sounds
3Voiced Sounds
4Palatized Sounds
5Classroom Commands
Hajimemasho Lets begin Suwatte kudasai Please
sit down Kiite kudasai Please listen Shizuka
ni shite kudasai Please be quite Itte
kudasai Please say it Eigo de itte
kudasai Please say it in English Nihongo de
itte kudasai Please say it in Japanese Issho ni
itte kudasai Please say it together Mo ichido
itte kudasai Please say it again Ooki-na koe de
itte kudasai Please say it in a loud voice Mo
sukoshi hayaku itte kudasai Please say it a
little faster Mo sukoshi yukkuri itte
kudasai Please say it a little slower Eigo ni
yakushite kudasai Please translate into
English Nihongo ni yakushite kudasai Please
translate into Japanese
6Japanese Foods
sushi ?? sushi sashimi ??? sliced raw
fish sukiyaki ???? Japanese style beef
stew unagi ??? eel tenpura ???? tenpura sake
? Japanese rice wine
7Japanese Martial Arts
karate ?? karate judo ?? judo kendo ?? ken
do aikido ??? aikido sumo ?? sumo
8Japanese Traditional and Pop Culture
origami ?? origami (paper folding) haiku ?? h
aiku (poetry) 17-mora poem, in 3 lines of 5, 7
and 5 morae ikebana ?? flower
arranging kimono ?? kimono (traditional
Japanese clothing) samurai ? samurai ninja ??
ninja bonsai ?? bonsai (miniature trees)
9English Words Borrowed from Japanese
hibachi ?? charcoal brazier tsunami ?? tidal
wave geta ?? (Japanese wooden)
clogs futon ?? futon (quilted Japanese-style
mattress laid out on the floor) sayonara ??
?? goodbye tofu ?? tofu bean
curd koi ? common carp koi carp gyoza (??)
???? gyoza (crescent-shaped pan-fried
dumplings stuffed with minced pork and
vegetables) ramen ???? Chinese style noodles
(from Chinese lamian) (??) (??)
10English Words Borrowed from Japanese
karaoke ????(???) karaoke (empty
orchestra) anime ??? anime (animated
film) manga ?? manga (cartoon) kudzu
(kuzu) ? kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (type of
vine) kiurushi ?? urushiol (sap of poison ivy,
oak, sumac) used in Japan to make lacquerware
11Japanese Vocabulary
- Native Japanese words (?? wago) 33.8
- Chinese words (?? kango) 49.1
- Foreign words (??? gairaigo) 8.8
- Japanese change the way foreign words are
pronounced to fit the sounds of Japanese.
12Native Japanese words (?? wago)
- Usually written in hiragana, with a single
Chinese character, or a - single Chinese character hiragana
- Examples
- uchi ? house (noun)
- sugu ?? immediately (adverb)
- akai ?? red (adjective)
- iku ?? to go (verb)
- suru ?? to do (verb)
13Chinese words (?? kango)
- Usually are written with two (or more) Chinese
characters - Usually use the Chinese readings for the
characters rather than the native Japanese
readings - Examples
- naikai ?? inlet bay inland sea
- tenki ?? the weather
- kantan ??(?) easy simple
- mijuku ??(?) unripe inexperienced
- benkyo ??(??) study (to study)
14Gairaigo ??? Words Borrowed From Foreign
anime ??? English animation apato ???? Engli
sh apartment arabaito ????? German arbeit
(part time job) depato ???? English
department store pan ?? Portuguese pan
(bread) aisukuriimu ??????? English ice
cream hotto doggu ?????? English hot
dog tabako ??? Portuguese tabako
(tobaco) panku ??? English puncture (flat
15English made in Japan (???? waseieigo)
Japanese word constructed of elements from one or
more English terms the meaning of the words in
Japanese is usually different than the meaning of
the words in English. Examples ???????? afut
asabisu (after service) customer service ????
amefuto (Ame(rican) foot(ball)) American
football ???? donmai don('t) mi(nd) don't
worry about it ???? inki in key
locking one's car keys in one's
car ?????? kyatchihon catch phone
call waiting ??????? majikkutepu magic
tape Velcro See
wasei-eigo_terms for more examples
16Basic Japanese Expressions
ohayo gozaimasu Good morning konnichi
wa Good afternoon konban wa Good
evening oyasumi nasai Good night ikaga desu
ka How are you? genki desu I am fine