Title: AICPA and Government Auditing Standards Update
1AICPA and Government Auditing Standards Update
Alyson Silva Audit Senior Manager, West Palm Beach
2AICPA Auditing Standards Update
- Review recently issued generally accepted
auditing standards - Impact of standards on auditors and auditees
- The American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA) issues pronouncements on
professional standards including U.S. Auditing
Standards - Auditing Standards Board (ASB), a senior
technical body of the AICPA designated to develop
and issue pronouncements on auditing matters - ASB issues standards in the form of Statements on
Auditing Standards (SASs), after open public
meetings, exposure drafts and a formal vote - During the period December 2005-December 2006, 13
SASs have been issued
5Recently Issued SASs
- No. 102 Defining Professional Requirements in
Statements on Auditing Standards - No. 103 Audit Documentation
- Nos. 104-111 Audit Risk Assessment Suite of
Standards - No. 112 Communicating Internal Control Related
Matters Identified in an Audit - No. 113 Omnibus - 2006
- No. 114 The Auditors Communication with Those
Charged with Governance
6SAS No. 102 Defining Professional Requirements in
Statements on Auditing Standards
- This Statement defines the terms used by the ASB
in describing the degree of responsibility
professional requirements imposed on auditors - Unconditional Requirements the auditor must
comply in all cases where its applicable. The
words must or is required is used by the ASB - Presumptively Mandatory Requirements the
auditor is required to comply in all cases,
unless a rare circumstance exists where there is
justification for departure. The word should
is used by the ASB - The definitions are consistent with terms used by
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
7SAS No. 103 Audit Documentation
- The ASB considered what is being required by
PCAOB and Government Auditing Standards and
updated generally accepted auditing standards
with this Statement. Among other things, the SAS
requires - The auditor assembles the audit files to a final
form within 60 days of releasing the report.
After this date, the auditor cannot delete or
discard existing audit documentation and must
document any subsequent additions - A minimum file retention period of 5 years from
date of report release - The audit report is dated no earlier than the
date on which you have gathered enough evidence
that the financial statements are fairly
presented. Evidence includes both the
preparation of, and managements review,
evaluation, and acceptance of responsibility for,
the financial statements
8SAS Nos. 104-111 Audit Risk Assessment Suite of
- SAS No. 104, Amendment to Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 1, Codification of Auditing
Standards and Procedures - SAS No. 105, Amendment to Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 95, Generally Accepted Auditing
Standards - SAS No. 106, Audit Evidence
- SAS No. 107, Audit Risk and Materiality in
Conducting an Audit - SAS No. 108, Planning and Supervision
- SAS No. 109, Understanding the Entity and Its
Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement - SAS No. 110, Performing Audit Procedures in
Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the
Audit Evidence Obtained - SAS No. 111, Amendment to Statement on Auditing
Standards No. 39, Audit Sampling
9SAS Nos. 104-111 Audit Risk Assessment Suite of
The objective of the SASs is to improve audit
effectiveness by requiring
- A more in-depth understanding of the entity and
its environment, including its internal control - More rigorous assessment of the risks of material
misstatement (whether caused by error or fraud)
of the financial statements - A linkage between the assessed risks and the
nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures
performed in response to those risks
10SAS No. 112 Communicating Internal Control
Related Matters Identified in an Audit
- Overview
- Effective for audits of financial statements for
periods ending on or after December 15, 2006 - Requires auditor to communicate significant
deficiencies or material weaknesses in internal
11Overview (continued)
- Provides guidance on evaluating the severity of
deficiencies - Requires the communication to be in writing and
be made no later than 60 days following the audit
report release date - The definitions now used for control deficiencies
are consistent with PCAOB - The term reportable condition is no longer used
12Old Definitions Reportable Conditions
- Involve matters coming to the auditors attention
relating to significant deficiencies in the
design or operation of the internal control that,
in our judgment, could adversely affect the
organizations ability to initiate, record,
process and report financial data consistent with
the assertions of management in the financial
13Old Definitions Material Weaknesses
- A material weakness is a reportable condition in
which the design or operation of one or more of
the internal control components does not reduce
to a relatively low level the risk that
misstatements caused by error or fraud in amounts
that would be material in relation to the
financial statements being audited may occur and
not be detected within a timely period by
employees in the normal course of performing
their assigned functions
14Old Versus New
15New Definitions
- Control deficiency
- Design or operation of a control that does not
prevent or detect misstatements - Significant deficiency
- Control deficiency(ies) that adversely affects
the entitys ability to initiate, authorize,
record, process, or report financial data
reliably in accordance with GAAP - There is more than a remote likelihood that a
misstatement in the financial statements that is
more than inconsequential will not be prevented
or detected
16New Definitions (continued)
- Material weakness
- Significant deficiency(ies) that results in more
than a remote likelihood that a material
misstatement of the financial statements will not
be prevented or detected
17Evaluating Control Deficiencies
- Likelihood
- More than remote is when it is at least
reasonably possible - Remote likelihood has the same meaning as in FASB
Statement No. 5 - Magnitude
- Inconsequential if a reasonable person would
conclude, after considering the possibility of
further undetected misstatements, that the
misstatement, either individually or in the
aggregate, would be immaterial to the financial
statements - The significance depends on the potential for a
misstatement, not an actual misstatement - The absence of an actual identified misstatement
does not provide evidence that a deficiency is
not significant or material
18EvaluatingFactors Affecting Likelihood
- Nature of accounts, disclosures, and assertions
- Susceptibility of related assets to loss or
fraud - Subjectivity and complexity, the extent of
judgment needed to determine that amount - Cause and frequency of detected exceptions
19EvaluatingFactors Affecting Magnitude
- Financial statement amounts or total transactions
exposed - Volume of activity in account balance or class of
transactions affecting current or future periods
20EvaluatingOther Considerations
- Multiple control deficiencies that affect the
same financial statement account balance or
disclosure may increase the likelihood that, in
combination, there is a significant deficiency or
material weakness - Mitigating effects of compensating controls.
Compensating controls do not eliminate a control
deficiency - Results of tests of controls
21ExamplesDeficiencies That Are at Least
- Deficiencies in controls over
- Selection and application of GAAP having
sufficient expertise is an aspect - Period-end financial reporting process
22ExamplesStrong Indicators of Material Weaknesses
- Ineffective oversight by those charged with
governance (Board, Audit Committee, Finance
Committee) - Restatement of previously issued financial
statements - Material misstatement identified by the auditor,
that was not initially identified by the entitys
internal control
23ExamplesStrong Indicators of Material Weaknesses
- Ineffective internal audit or risk assessment
functions - Any fraud by senior management
24Communicating Deficiencies
- Significant deficiencies or material weaknesses
must be communicated in writing to management and
those charged with governance - Managements cost-benefit decisions does not
relieve auditor responsibility - Permits other matters to be communicated
- Auditor to disclaim opinion on written responses
- Timing of communications
- Auditors
- When to begin writing process
- Allocating time for audit and writing
- May need to gather more information to make the
SAS No. 112 determinations - Applying more than inconsequential and
reasonable person - Getting auditee responses
- Management
- Understanding the new definitions and impact on
internal control report and management letter - Educating governing bodies
26SAS 114, The Auditors Communication with those
Charged with Governance
- Matters to be communicated with those charged
with Governance - The auditors responsibilities under generally
accepted accounting standards (paragraphs 26-28) - An overview of the planned scope and timing of
the audit (paragraphs 29-33) - Significant findings from the audit (paragraphs
- The person or persons with responsibility for
overseeing the strategic direction of the entity
and obligations related to the accountability of
the entity. This would include the person
overseeing the financial reporting process. In
some, but not all cases, the person(s) charged
with governance are responsible for approving the
entitys financial statements - In most entities, governance is the collective
responsibility of a governing body such as a
board of directors, a supervisory board,
partners, proprietors, a committee of management,
trustees, or equivalent persons - In some smaller entities, one person may be
charged with governance, such as the
owner-manager where there are no other owners, or
a sole trustee - When governance is a collective responsibility, a
subgroup, such as an audit committee or even an
individual, may be charged with specific tasks to
assist the governing body in meeting its
28Governance (continued)
- When communicating with a subgroup of those
charged with governance, the following should be
considered - The respective responsibilities of the subgroup
and the governing body - The nature of the matter to be communicated
- Relevant legal or regulatory requirements
- Whether the subgroup has (a) the authority to
take action in relation to the information
communicated and (b) can provide further
information and explanations - Whether there are potential conflicts of interest
between the subgroup and the other members of the
governing body - Whether there is a need to communicate the
information in full or in summary form to the
governing body. Auditor ALWAYS retains the right
to communicate with the governing body.
29Governance (continued)
- In some instances, all of those charged with
governance are involved in managing the entity.
In these situations, auditors should consider
whether communications with the person(s)
involved with the financial reporting
responsibilities adequately informs all of those
with whom they should communicate such matters.
30Auditors Responsibility Under GAAS
- Auditors should communicate their responsibility
under GAAS, including - The financial statements are the responsibility
of management - The audit does not relieve management or those
charged with governance of their responsibilities - Auditors are responsible for forming and
expressing an opinion about whether the financial
statements prepared by management with the
oversight of those charged with governance, are
presented fairly, in all material respects, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting
principles - These responsibilities may be communicated
through the engagement letter
31Auditors Responsibility Under GAAS (continued)
- Auditors may also communicate
- Our audit was designed in accordance with
auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States to provide reasonable, rather than
absolute, assurance that the financial statements
are free of material misstatement - As a part of our audit, we obtained an
understanding of internal control sufficient to
plan our audit and to determine the nature,
timing, and extent of testing performed. However,
we were not engaged to and we did not perform an
audit of internal control over financial
reporting. - As part of our audit, we are responsible for
communicating significant matters that are in our
judgment, relevant to the responsibilities of
those charged with governance in overseeing the
financial reporting process. Generally accepted
auditing standards do not require us to design
our procedures for the purpose of identifying
other matters to communicate to those charged
with governance.
32An Overview of Planned Scope and Timing
- There is a need to have a planning meeting with
those charged with Governance - Should be cautious not to compromise the
effectiveness of the audit, particularly when
some or all of those charged with governance are
involved in managing the entity - Matters communicated may include
- Significant risks of material misstatement,
whether by error or fraud as well as the planned
procedures to address these risks - The approach to internal control and whether an
opinion on the effectiveness of internal control
over financial reporting will be issued - The concept of materiality in planning and
executing the audit, focusing on factors
considered and not specific thresholds or amounts - Whether the entity has an internal audit function
and the extent of planned reliance, if any
33An Overview of Planned Scope and Timing
- Other planning matters that could be discussed
are - Attitudes, awareness and actions of those charged
with governance concerning - Entitys internal control and its importance
- How those charged with governance oversee the
effectiveness of internal control - Detection and risk of fraud
- Actions taken in response to developments in
- Financial reporting
- Laws
- Accounting standards
- Corporate governance practices
- Actions taken in response to previous
communications - Appropriate personnel with which to communicate
- Business risks that could result in material
misstatements (Significant Risks) - Communications with regulators
34Significant Audit Findings
- No significant changes in what auditors are
required to communicate - Should be communicated in writing when in the
auditors judgment oral communication is not
adequate - If significant findings are communicated orally,
the auditor is required to document the
significant findings discussed, and when and with
whom the discussions took place consistent with
SAS 103 - Should communicate
- Views on qualitative aspects of significant
accounting practices including - Accounting Policies
- Accounting Estimates
- Financial Statement Disclosures
- Significant difficulties encountered during the
audit - Uncorrected misstatements
- Disagreements with management
- Other significant findings
35Significant Audit Findings
- Should communicate (unless all of those charged
with governance are management) - Material recorded adjustments
- Representations requested from management
- Managements consultations with other accountants,
if any - Other material written communications with
36Adequacy of Communications
- Auditors are required to evaluate whether the
communication between those charged with
governance and management is adequate for the
purpose of their audit - Should consider SAS 109 and the participation of
those charged with governance with internal audit
and external auditors as an element of the
entitys internal control - If communication is considered to be inadequate,
the auditor should consider the effects if any of
their assessment of significant risks
37Statements Unaffected by SAS 114
- Responsibility to report illegal acts. (SAS 54
paragraph 17) - Responsibility to report on items where the
entity is subject to an audit requirement that is
not encompassed in the terms of the engagement
and thus the audit may not satisfy legal,
regulatory or contractual requirements. (SAS 74
paragraph 22) - Responsibility to inquire of the audit committee
(or at least the chair of the audit committee)
regarding the committees views on the risks of
fraud and whether the committee has knowledge of
any fraud or suspected fraud. (SAS 99 paragraph
22) - Responsibility to communicate fraud involving
senior management and any fraud that causes a
material misstatement of the financial
statements. (SAS 99 paragraph 79) - Responsibility to communicate in writing any
control deficiencies that are considered
significant deficiencies or material weaknesses.
(SAS 112 paragraph 20)
392007 Revision to Government Auditing Standards
(GAS) and Changes Due to Adoption of SAS 112
- Highlight major revisions in the January 2007
Revision to GAS - Discuss the reasons for the changes and what
these changes mean to you - Discuss the revisions to quality control and peer
review standards included in July 2007 Revision - Discuss effective dates
- SAS 112 adoption effective for years ending on or
after December 15, 2006! - Other SAS updates apply as well be aware
(e.g., SAS 103)
412007 Revision
- 2007 revision supersedes the 2003 revision
- January 2007 revision issued late January
- Contained final 2007 revision except for quality
control and peer review sections - At same time issued exposure draft requesting
comments on redrafted sections on quality control
and peer review - Comments were due March 30, 2007
- July 2007 revision issued late July
- Contains the January 2007 revision plus updated
quality control and peer review sections - Represents the completed 2007 revision and is the
version that should be used by government
auditors until further updates and revisions are
42Chapter 1 Use and Applicability of GAS
- Reinforced the key role of auditing in
maintaining accountability and improving
government operations - Clarified the standards through standardized
language to define the auditors level of
responsibility and distinguish between
requirements and additional guidance - Added guidance on citing compliance with GAS in
the Auditors report - Clarified and expanded the standards to recognize
other sets of standards that can be used in
conjunction with GAS - Retained the same types of governmental audits
and attestation engagements, but updated and
expanded the definitions and descriptions of
performance audits and attestation engagements
43Chapter 2 Ethical Principles in Government
- Heightened emphasis on ethical principles
- Five principles
- Public interest
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Proper use of government information, resources
and position - Professional behavior
44Chapter 3 General Standards
- Clarified and streamlined the discussion of the
impact of professional services other than audit
services (nonaudit services) in their impact on
auditor independence - Stressed the role of professional judgment and
competence in complying with GAS - Updated CPE requirements to incorporate April
2005 changes - Enhanced and clarified the requirements for an
audit organizations system of quality control by
specifying the elements of quality that an
organizations policies and procedures
collectively address - Added a requirement that external audit
organizations make their most recent peer review
report publicly available
45Chapter 3 General StandardsNon-Audit Services
- Moved non-audit services from personal
impairments to organizational impairments - Created three distinct categories of non-audit
services, and consolidated and streamlined the
examples previously interspersed throughout the
independence section - Non-audit services that do not impair
independence - Non-audit services that would not impair
independence if the supplemental safeguards are
complied with - Non-audit services that impair independence
- Bottom line-no substantive changes to
independence standards - GAO will work on updating Independence Standard Q
and As next
46Chapter 3 General StandardsIndependence
- Streamlined requirements for auditors regarding
independence when using the work of a specialist - Added that an externally imposed restriction on
access to records, government officials, or other
individuals needed to conduct the audit may
impair external independence - Added steps that audit organizations should take
if an impairment to independence is identified
after the audit report is issued
47Chapter 3 General StandardsContinuing
Professional Education (CPE)
- Updated the CPE requirements to incorporate
partial exemption from 80 hour CPE requirements
for certain auditors that had been separately
issued in April 2005 - Clarified CPE requirements to include internal
specialists who are part of the audit
organization and part of the team - They are subject to GAS CPE requirements
- Bottom line-no substantive changes to the CPE
48Chapter 3 General StandardsAudit Quality
Control and Assurance
- Clarified that an audit organizations
- noncompliance with peer review results in a
modified GAS statement - noncompliance with the requirements for a system
of quality control does not impact the GAS
statement but is monitored through peer review - system of quality control also provides
reasonable assurance that the organization and
its personnel comply with professional standards
and applicable legal and regulatory requirements
49Chapter 3 General Standards- Audit Quality
Control and Assurance (continued)
- Added a requirement that the quality control
policies and procedures collectively address - Leadership responsibilities within the audit
organization - Independence, legal, and ethical requirements
- Initiation, acceptance, and continuance of audit
and attestation engagements - Human resources
- Audit and attestation engagement performance,
documentation, and reporting - Monitoring of quality
50Chapter 3 General Standards- Audit Quality
Control and Assurance (continued)
- Increased transparency regarding the
effectiveness of QC systems by requiring external
peer review reports be made public - Does not include letter of comment
- Can be done by posting peer review opinion to an
external web site or publicly available file
designed for public transparency of peer review
results - Internal audit organizations should provide copy
to those charged with governance - Government audit organizations should also
transmit their external peer review reports to
appropriate oversight bodies - If peer review opinion is adverse and related to
or impact audits performed under GAS - Each GAS report should disclose the peer review
results until such time as the adverse opinion is
replaced by an unqualified or qualified opinion
51Chapter 3 General Standards- Audit Quality
Control and Assurance (continued)
- Those audit organizations seeking to enter into a
contract to perform a GAS audit or attestation
engagement should provide the following to the
party contracting for such services - The audit organizations most recent peer review
report and any letter of comment - Any subsequent peer review reports and letters of
comment received during the contract period - No change to provisions currently in effect
- Auditors who are using another audit
organizations work should request the audit
organizations latest peer review report and any
letter of comment
52All Types of GAS Auditsand Attestation
- Defined those charged with governance
- Added a requirement for controls over
electronically maintained audit documentation - Clarified and streamlined
- Developing elements of a finding
- Reporting confidential or sensitive information
- Reporting views of responsible officials
- Issuing and distributing reports
53All Types of GAS AuditsRole of Those Charged
with Governance
- Have the duty to oversee the strategic direction
and obligations related to the accountability of
the entity - Because may be unclear who is charged with
governance functions, auditors evaluate
organizational structure for directing and
controlling operations to achieve the entitys
objectives - Evaluation includes
- How the entity delegates authority
- How the entity establishes accountability for
management personnel - If not clear who is those charged with
governance, the auditor should - Document the process followed
- Document conclusions reached for the appropriate
individuals to receive the auditors
54All Types of GAS AuditsControls Over Electronic
Audit Evidence
- Whether audit documentation is in paper,
electronic, or other media - The integrity, accessibility, and retrievability
of the underlying information could be
compromised if - Documentation is altered, added to, or deleted
without auditors knowledge - Documentation is lost or damaged
- For documentation retained electronically, audit
organizations should establish IS controls
concerning accessing and updating the audit
55All Types of GAS AuditsDeveloping Elements of a
- Elements needed depend on the objectives of the
audit - Finding is complete to the extent the audit
objectives are satisfied - Auditor should plan and perform procedures to
develop the elements of a finding that are
relevant - Criteria
- Condition
- Cause
- Effect or potential effect
56All Types of GAS Audits - Reporting Confidential
and Sensitive Information
- If information is excluded from the auditors
report, auditors - Should disclose that certain information has been
omitted and reason for the omission - May issue a separate report and distribute it to
only persons authorized to receive it - If subject to public records laws, auditors
should - Determine the impact of such laws on the
availability of the separate report - Determine whether other means of communicating
would be more appropriate
57All Types of GAS AuditsReporting Views of
Responsible Officials
- All performance audit reports and in financial
audit reports that disclose deficiencies in
internal control, fraud, illegal acts, violations
of provisions of contacts or grant agreements, or
abuse, auditors should - Obtain and report views of responsible officials
concerning - Findings, conclusions, and recommendations
- Planned corrective actions
- Include in report an evaluation of the comments,
as appropriate - If the audited entity does not provide comments,
auditors may issue report - Indicate that the audited entity did not provide
58All Types of GAS Audits Distributing reports
- Distribution of reports depends on
- The relationship of the auditors to the audited
organization - The nature of the information contained in the
report - Different requirements for
- Government audit organizations (external)
- Internal audit organizations in government
- Public accounting firms
59Changes Related to Internal Auditors
- Encouraged internal auditors to use IIA standards
in conjunction with GAS - Clarified that the nonaudit service of carrying
out internal audit functions applies to external
auditors - Modernized the criteria for organizational
independence for internal audit functions - Reporting audit results to those charged with
governance - Access to those charged with governance
- Sufficiently removed from political pressures
- Emphasized the importance of internal audit as
part of the overall governance, accountability,
and internal control - Clarified that internal auditors may follow IIA
standards to communicate results of the audit to
parties who can ensure that the results are given
due consideration
60Chapter 4 Field Work Standards for Financial
- Added the definition of reasonable assurance for
financial audits - Updated communications during planning
- Understanding of the services to be performed
- Communication is required to be written
- To both management and those charged with
governance - Clarified and streamlined the auditors
responsibilities for provisions of contracts or
grant agreements - Added a clear and prominent discussion on
consideration of fraud and illegal acts - Clarified and streamlined the auditors
responsibilities in field work for abuse - Updated GAGAS based on recent developments in
financial auditing and internal control (AICPA
61Chapter 4 Field Work Standards for Financial
Audits-Provisions of Contracts or Grant
- Auditors should design the audit to provide
reasonable assurance of detecting misstatements
that result from violations of provisions of
contracts or grant agreements that could have a
direct and material effect on financial statement
amounts or other financial data significant to
the audit objectives - When auditors conclude that a violation of
provisions of contracts or grant agreements has
or is likely to have occurred, they should
determine the effect on the financial statements
as well as implications for other aspects of the
62Chapter 4 Field Work Standards for Financial
Audits-Fraud and Illegal Acts
- Clarifies the existing standard but does not
change auditors responsibilities - Under both AICPA and GAS auditors are to
- Plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement, whether caused
by error or fraud - Design the audit to provide reasonable assurance
of detecting material misstatements that could
have a direct and material effect on the
financial statements
63Chapter 4 Field Work Standards for Financial
- If auditors become aware of indications of abuse
that could be material, they should apply audit
procedures specifically to ascertain - whether material abuse has occurred and
- the potential effect on the financial statements
- However, because the determination of abuse is
subjective, auditors are not required to provide
reasonable assurance of detecting abuse - After performing additional work, auditors may
discover that the abuse represents potential
fraud or illegal acts
64Chapter 4 Field Work Standards for Financial
Audits-Audit Documentation
- Updated GAS to achieve consistency with AICPA SAS
No. 103 on Audit Documentation - AICPA audit documentation standards are now more
closely aligned with GAS - Since SAS 103 is effective for years ending on or
after December 15, 2006 the audit documentation
standards of GAS are effective for these year ends
65Chapter 4 Field Work Standards for Financial
Audits-Audit Documentation-Summary
- We should prepare audit documentation that
enables an experienced auditor, having no
previous connection with the audit to understand - Nature, timing and extent of procedures performed
- The results of the procedures performed and
evidence obtained - How the audit evidence relates to the audit
conclusions - The conclusions reached on significant matters
66Chapter 5 Reporting Standards for Financial
- Updated reporting requirements for internal
control deficiencies based on SAS No. 112 - Encouraged communicating in the auditors reports
significant concerns, uncertainties or other
unusual events that could have a significant
impact on the financial condition or operations - Increased transparency surrounding reporting on
restated financial statements that go beyond
current AICPA standards - Adopted SAS No. 112 definitions for internal
control deficiencies that originated from the
PCAOB - A significant deficiency is a control deficiency,
or combination of control deficiencies such that
there is more than a remote likelihood that a
misstatement of the entitys financial statements
that is more than inconsequential will not be
prevented or detected - A material weakness is a significant deficiency,
or combination of significant deficiencies, that
results in more than a remote likelihood that a
material misstatement of the financial statements
will not be prevented or detected
67Old Versus New
68Chapter 5 Reporting Standards for Financial
- Required to report significant deficiencies and
material weaknesses in the GAS report on internal
control over financial reporting and on
compliance and other matters based on an audit
performed in accordance with GAS - Internal control deficiencies that are less than
significant deficiencies can be reported in the
management letter or verbally - If communicated verbally-document communication
in the audit documentation - All of the above is effective for fiscal years
ending on or after December 15, 2006! - Linkage in audit reports to management letter if
there are instances of noncompliance less than
material but more than clearly inconsequential.
69Chapter 5 Reporting Fraud, Illegal Acts, Other
Noncompliance, Abuse
- When auditors conclude that any of the following
has occurred or is likely to have occurred, they
should include in the audit report the relevant
information about - Fraud and illegal acts that are greater than
inconsequential - Material violations of contracts or grant
agreements - Material abuse
- No significant change from 2003 GAS revision
70Chapter 5 Communicating Significant Matters
- Auditors may communicate the following matters
when they become aware that such issues exist - Significant concerns or uncertainties about the
fiscal sustainability of a government or program
significant to the financial condition or
operations - Unusual or catastrophic events that likely will
have significant ongoing or future impact - Significant uncertainties
- Any other matter that the auditors consider
significant - Determining whether to communicate in the
auditors report is a matter of professional
judgment - Effective for 12/31/08 year ends
71Chapter 5 Restatements
- Goes above and beyond AICPA responsibilities
- In response to frequent restatements of federal
and other governmental financial statements - Auditors should advise management to make
appropriate disclosures when they believe it is
likely that previously-issued financial
statements are misstated and the misstatement
could be material - Auditors also have the following professional
responsibilities - Evaluate the timeliness and appropriateness of
managements disclosure and actions to determine
and correct misstatements in the
previously-issued financial statements - Report on restated financial statements
- Report directly to appropriate officials when the
audited entity does not take the necessary steps
72Chapter 5 Restatements (continued)
- Evaluating managements disclosure and actions
- Auditors should evaluate the following regarding
managements disclosures and actions to determine
and correct misstatements - Acted in an appropriate time frame after new
information was available - Disclosed the nature and extent of known or
likely material misstatements - Disclosed whether specified information was in
the entitys restated financial statements - Report on restated financial statements
- Explanatory paragraph includes
- Disclosure that the previously-issued financial
statements have been restated - Statement that previously issued report should
not be relied on and is replaced by a revised
report - Reference to the notes that discuss the
restatement - If applicable, reference to the report on
internal control
73Chapter 5 Restatements (continued)
- Report directly when the audited entity does not
take the necessary steps - Auditors should notify those charged with
governance if entity management - Does not act in an appropriate timeframe
- Does not restate with reasonable timeliness
- Auditors should inform those charged with
governance that they should take necessary steps
to prevent further reliance on the auditors
report and advise them to notify oversight bodies
and funding organizations - If users not notified, auditors should do this
74Chapter 6 Attestation Engagements
- Conforming changes have been made for the
following items - Definitions of internal control deficiencies
- Description of abuse
- Audit documentation
- Use of terminology to define professional
requirements - Reporting views of responsible officials and
confidential and sensitive information - Issuing and distributing reports
75Chapter 7 and 8 Performance Audits
- Enhanced performance auditing standards that
elaborate on the overall framework for
high-quality performance audits by - Defining the level of assurance associated with a
performance audit as providing reasonable
assurance that auditors have sufficient,
appropriate evidence to achieve the audit
objectives and support findings and conclusions - Adding a section on concept of significance
- Adding a section on audit risk and specifically
adding risk as a factor to be used in planning
and evaluation of the evidence - Added a section describing the auditors
assessment of the collective evidence to support
the findings and conclusions - Added a section on information systems controls
for the purpose of assessing audit risk and
planning the audit
76Chapter 7 and 8 Performance Audits (continued)
- Expanded the auditors compliance with GAS in the
performance audit report - Clarified and streamlined
- The auditors responsibility for reporting the
views of responsible officials - Reporting confidential and sensitive information
- For issuing and distributing reports
- When auditors comply with GAS, they use the
following language in the report - We plan and perform the audit to obtain
sufficient appropriate evidence to provide a
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions
based on our audit objectives - We believe that the evidence obtained provides a
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions
based on our audit objectives
77Appendix Supplemental Guidance
- Does not establish additional GAS requirements
- Includes examples of
- Deficiencies in internal control
- Abuse
- Fraud risk
- Overall guidance includes guidance on determining
whether laws, regulations or provisions of
contracts are significant
782007 Revision Implementation Dates
- For performance audits, audits beginning on or
after January 1, 2008 - For financial audits and attestation engagements,
effective for audits of periods beginning on or
after January 1, 2008 - Certain standards issued by the AICPA have
earlier effective dates. Effective dates of
those new standards apply to GAS audits - Until the 2007 Revision becomes effective,
auditors should adopt the terminology and
definitions of SAS No. 112 in reporting on
internal control