Title: Good Grief
1Good Grief Exploring death, loss and grief Revd
Simon BetteridgeChaplain Team Leader Head of
Bereavement Services UHCW NHS Trust
- Intros
- Content
- Confidentiality
- Care of self
3Setting Loss in Context
4Context Historyof death and dying in England
- Affect of WWI
- Post-WWII reforms
- Shift in where people die
- Dispersal of communities
5Attitudes Cultural Perceptions
- Post-modernism and consumerism
- Loss of familiarity with death
6Personal experienceWhat is your experience?
- Reflect on a particular experience
- How did you feel physically and emotionally?
- How were those close to you affected?
- What was the most helpful/unhelpful thing that
was said or done?
7Experience of Grief
Process of experiencing psychological, social and
physical reactions to the perception of loss
8The Grieving Process KÜbler-Ross stages
- Denial No, it cant be
- Feelings (anger) Why me?
- Bargaining If I just
- Depression It hurts so
- Acceptance Thats ok
9The Grieving Process William Wordens tasks of
- Accept the reality of loss
- Work through the pain of grief
- Adjust to a new environment
- Emotional relocation
10The Grieving Process Continuing bonds
- Challenging existing models
- Recognition of complexity
- Constructing a bond
11Meeting Needs
- Be welcoming
- Be firm ground under their feet
- Give permission to show emotions
- Give time and space
- Place of ritual
12Religious Input
- Recognition of value
- Familiar words
- Sense of peace
- Reconciliation
- Outward signs
- Offering to and being received by God
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