Title: Driver Education Jeopardy
1Driver Education Jeopardy
- Drivers Education Review Activity
2Driving Jeopardy
Obtaining your license
Good Driving Practices
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Final Jeopardy
3Driver Education Jeopardy
Obtaining your license
Good Driving Practices
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Final Jeopardy
4100 statement from Obtaining your license
You must be how old to obtain your permit?
5100 Answer from Obtaining your license
What is 15 and six months?
6200 statement from Obtaining your License
What is the minimum number of hours you must
drive before you can obtain your license?
7200 Answer from License
40 hours
8300 statement from Obtaining your license
You will receive your permanent drivers license
at the age of
9300 Answer from Obtaining your license
16 and three months
10400 statement from Obtaining your license
If you are a Virginia resident 19 years of age or
older you must hold a learners permit for how
11400 Answer from Obtaining your license
At least 30 days or proof of completion of a
state approved driver education program.
12500 statement from Obtaining your license
How many sessions is the Drivers ed class and how
many hours is behind the wheel?
13500 Answer from Obtaining your license
36 classes and 14 hours
14100 statement from Safety
Wearing what can double your chances of surviving
a crash?
15100 Answer from Safety
A seatbelt
16200 statement from Safety
- Children under what age are safer buckled up in
the back seat?
17200 Answer from Safety
age 12 and under
18300 statement from Safety
- All Children under what age must be properly
secured in a safety seat or booster seat when
riding in vehicles manufactured after January 1st
19300 Answer from Safety
Age 8 and under
20400 statement from Safety
- Children from birth to age 12 months must ride
facing what?
21400 Answer from Safety
The rear of the vehicle
22500 statement from Safety
It is illegal to transport children under what
age in the bed of a pickup truck even if equipped
with a camper shell?
23500 Answer from Safety
Age 16 and under
24100 statement from Good Driving Practices
You are not allowed to drive from What hours, if
you are under age 18?
25100 Answer from Good Driving Practices
12 am(midnight) to 4 am.
26200 statement from Good Driving Practices
Drivers under age 18 who hold a learners permit
or drivers license are prohibited from using what
while driving?
27200 Answer from Good Driving Practices
A cell phone
28300 statement from Good Driving Practices
If you are under age 18 you may carry how many
passengers during the first year you hold your
drivers license?
29300 Answer from Good Driving Practices
30400 statement from Good Driving Practices
Every ___ seconds you have to look in the rear
31400 Answer from Good Driving Practices
32500 statement from Good Driving Practices
Avoid driving in someone elses _________
33500 Answer from Good Driving Practices
Blind spots
34100 statement from Exams
You must get what percent correct on the signs?
35100 Answer from Exams
36200 statement from Exams
You must get what percent correct on the general
knowledge part of the test?
37200 Answer from Exams
38300 statement from Exams
What is the fine you must pay to retest if you
39300 Answer from Exams
40400 statement from Exams
How many days must you wait to retest if you fail?
41400 Answer from Exams
15 days
42500 statement from Exams
Test will include what type of screening?
43500 Answer from Exams
Vision screening
44100 statement from Alcohol
What is the legal limit for teenagers if driving
while intoxicated?
45100 Answer from Alcohol
46200 statement from Alcohol
What is DUI?
47200 Answer from Alcohol
The Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or
Alcohol law.
48300 statement from Alcohol
If over age 21 what is the legal limit while
driving while intoxicated?
49300 Answer from Alcohol
50400 statement from Alcohol
Is it legal to have alcohol content that hasnt
been open, in your car, if you are under 21?
51400 Answer from Alcohol
52500 statement from Alcohol
If underage 21 and caught with alcohol content,
are you tried as an adult or a child, regardless
of your age?
53500 Answer from Alcohol
54Final Jeopardy
- How much does it cost to obtain a 90-day
temporary drivers license?
55Final Jeopardy Answer
56Brittney Geathers
Jazmyn Ervins