Simplex Method- Revise part-1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simplex Method- Revise part-1


Revise simplex method, part of optimization in Engineering. Specially designed for Engineering students of BPUT – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Simplex Method- Revise part-1

  • Revised Simplex Method
  • Prepared by
  • Boina Anil Kumar
  • Asst.Prof(Maths)
  • MITS, Rayagada.

Revised Simplex Method.
  • Streamlined versions of the simplex method for
    computer implementations do not follow the
    original simplex algorithm (algebraic or tabular
  • ? The Revised Simplex Algorithm explicitly uses
    matrix manipulations
  • ?it computes and stores only the information
    required for each iteration, namely the
    coefficients of the non-basic variables in
    Equation 0(zero), the coefficients of the basic
    entering variable in the other equations, and the
    RHSs of the equations.

  • To explain revised simplex Procedure we will take
    the following example.
  • Example-
  • Solve the following LPP by revised simplex
  • Note- If the problem is given in minimization,
    then convert it in to Maximization.

  • Step-1
  • 1)If the problem is in minimization, then convert
    it in to maximization(i.e. objective function.)
  • 2) Make all bi 0 (if not).
  • 3) Use Slack variables as per need to make the
    constraints to equations.
  • 4)Objective function also considered as the first
    constraint equation.
  • Thus the given problem can be re-written in
    standard form for revised simplex as follow.

  • Standard form in Revised simplex Method.
  • Here z is as large as possible and unrestricted
    in sign.

  • Step-2
  • Now write the Matrix form of above standard form.
  • Here B is basis matrix and intially it is
    identity matrix.
  • So B-1B.

  • Step-3
  • In this step we construct the Revised Simplex
    table as follow..

Non basic variable table
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 ß2 XB Xk
Basic Variable

A1 A2

z is one of the basic variable for every revised
simplex table.
ß0 always contains the coefficents of z in the
system of equations in standard form.
  • 1st column Basic variables is filled with the
    variables corresponding to the columns forming
    identity matrix in the Matrix A.
  • Here ß0,ß1,ß2 are the columns from the Matrix
  • Non basic variable table is filled with the
    column vectors in Matrix A are not forming
    identity matrix.
  • First we will fill all the data in Revised
    simplex table as well as Non basic variable table
    except XB and Xk column.

Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4)
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk
z 1 0 0
X3 0 1 0
X4 0 0 1
Non basic variable table.
A1 (X1) A2 (X2)
-2 -1
3 4
6 1
  • Now XB is filled after calculating it by the
  • Now the table is

Non basic variable table
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4)
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk
z 1 0 0 0
X3 0 1 0 6
X4 0 0 1 3
A1 (X1) A2 (X2)
-2 -1
3 4
6 1
  • Now compute ?js by following formula.
  • ?j (first row of B-1 )(Aj from Non basic
  • So here ?1(first row of B-1)(A1)(1,0,0)(-2,3,6
    ) 1(-2)0306-2
  • Similarly?2(first row of B-1)(A2)(1,0,0)(-1,4,
    1) 1(-1)0401-1
  • Hint- we may also calculate ?js as follow

  • Step-4
  • Now test for optimality.
  • If all the ?j0 then the optimal solution is
    obtained and XB gives the corresponding values of
    z and other basic variables. Value of non basic
    variables are zero.
  • In our example both the ?js are negative we need
    to minimum.Min?1,?2-2,-1-2?1. i.e. k1So
    the corresponding vector A1 of ?1 will enter in
    to the basis.

  • Step-5
  • Now calculate the Xk by following formula and
    fill it in the table.
  • XkB-1Ak.
  • Here k1 so calculate X1B-1A1.
  • After filling the Xk column the table becomes

A1 (X1) A2 (X2)
-2 -1
3 4
6 1
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) X1
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk Min (XB/Xk)
z 1 0 0 0 -2 Min (XB/Xk)
X3 0 1 0 6 3 6/3
X4 0 0 1 3 6 3/6
Here calculate min(XB/Xk). The vector
corresponding to min ratio will leave the basis.
In our example X4 will leave the basis and Xk
i.e. X1 will enter to the basis. So 6 is the
pivot element (which is highlighted.).
  • Step-6
  • To get the improve table we need to do the
    following operations.
  • Now we need to make pivot element become 1 and
    other elements of that column as zero by matrix
  • So do the following operations

  • So we will get
  • Now replace ß1,ß2 in the previous table by new
    ß1,ß2 in
  • Entering vector Ak in non basic variable table
    will replaced by Xk in
  • In improved table X4 is removed and X1 will
  • In the same way Ak is now X4. (i.e. A1 is X4)
  • So the improved table is as follow

Non basic variable table
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4)
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk Min (XB/Xk)
z 1 0 1/3 Min (XB/Xk)
X3 0 1 -1/2
X1 0 0 1/6
A1 (X4) A2 (X2)
0 -1
0 4
1 1
Here again B-1 is
  • Again XB is calculated by XBB-1b.
  • So
  • Then table become

Non basic variable table
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4)
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk Min (XB/Xk)
z 1 0 1/3 1 Min (XB/Xk)
X3 0 1 -1/2 9/2
X1 0 0 1/6 1/2
A1 (X4) A2 (X2)
0 -1
0 4
1 1
  • Again test for optimal as follow.
  • Here ?2-2/3, so optimal solution is not
  • So A2 will enter. i.e. vectorX2 will enter to the
  • So again we obtain Xk by XkB-1A2.

  • On repeating the above process we will get the
    following revised simplex tables.

Non basic variable Table.
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) X2
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk Min (XB/Xk)
z 1 0 1/3 1 -2/3 Min (XB/Xk)
X3 0 1 -1/2 9/2 7/2 9/7
X1 0 0 1/6 1/2 1/6 3
A1 (X4) A2 (X2)
0 -1
0 4
1 1
  • Next simplex table is
  • On testing all ?j0. So optimal solution is
  • Optimal solution is z13/7, x12/7 and x29/7.
  • Note In entire process the 1st column ß0 is not
    changed. It is applicable for all the problems.

Non basic variable table
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4)
Basic Variable ß0 (z) ß1 (X3) ß2 (X4) XB Xk
z 1 4/21 5/21 13/7
X2 0 2/7 -1/7 9/7
X1 0 -1/21 4/21 2/7
A1 (X4) A2 (X3)
0 0
0 1
1 0
  • Thank you all
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