Title: Swine Barn Surgery
1Swine Barn Surgery
- Amy Woods, DVM
- Rensselaer Swine Services
- Rensselaer, IN
2(No Transcript)
3Pig Surgeries
- Scrotal Hernias
- Abdominal Hernias
- Vasectomies
- Epididyectomies
- Cryptorchids
- Preputial Diverticulectomies
- Cesarean sections
- TKX (Telazol, Ketamine, Xylazine)
- Reconstitute Telazol with 250 mg Ketamine and 250
mg Xylazine (100 mg/ml) - 1 ml/100 IM (may need more)
- Telazol and Xylazine
- Reconstitue Telazol with 500 mg xylazine
- 1 ml/100 IM
- Ketamine and Xylazine
- 11 ratio
- 1 ml/100 IM
- Can maintain on gas
- Halothane, Isoflurane, Nitrous Oxide
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Epidural
- Lidocaine at 5 ml/100, not exceeding 20 ml
- Local infiltration first, then use spinal needle
for epidural - Envision a transverse line the tuber coxae
- Inject perpendicular on midline 1 caudal to
this line
Diseases of Swine, 8th Ed.
7Scrotal Hernias
- Hereditary condition
- 1 incidence in industry
- Acquired due to castration technique?
- Pull vs. cut spermatic cord?
- Pull up vs. straight out?
8Scrotal Hernias
- Often found at time of castration
- DDx
- Hydrocele
- Scirrous cord
- Hematoma
9Scrotal Hernias
- Taping method
- 1 Elasticon tape around legs in figure eight
pattern after castration - Puts pressure on inguinal rings
- Remove tape in 4-5 days
10Scrotal Hernias
- Surgical correction
- Needs to be performed prior to castration
- Farm personnel can be trained
- Small incision over affected inguinal ring
- Identify and bluntly dissect out testicle and
spermatic cord
- Can see intestines within vaginal tunic
11Scrotal Hernias
- Twist tunic to push intestines back into
peritoneal cavity - Place transfixation ligature around spermatic
cord and transect
- Can leave a small area open for drainage
DO NOT use plastic zip ties or staples! These
foreign objects are present at slaughter!
- Close inguinal rings
- Remember to remove other testicle
12Abdominal Hernias/Infected Navels
- Usually only repaired on valuable animals
- Make elliptical skin incision around affected
area - Make stab incision through body wall to expose
13Abdominal Hernias/Infected Navels
- Excise hernia sack so that remaining tissue is
flush with abdominal wall - Close abdomen routinely
- Antibiotics post-op
- Hernias often start with umbilical infection or
- Why?
- Heat stimulation in gilts
- Heat detection for breeding
- Short incision made between spermatic cords 2-3
cranial to ventral aspect of scrotum - Spermatic cord is elevated and vaginal tunic is
- Vas deferens is located
- Firm and white
- No arterial pulse
- Excise at least a 1-2 section of vas deferens
- Do both sides!!!
- Close skin
- Close vaginal tunic?
- Can be performed in very young boars
- Quicker and cheaper than vasectomy
- Testicular anatomy
Dyce, Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, 2nd ed.
- Pressure applied to push testicles toward the
dorsal aspect of scrotum - Small (1-2cm) incision made in skin, tunica
dartos and vaginal tunic overlying tail of
epididymis - Make sure incision is not big enough for
testicle to be exteriorized
- Tail and body of epididymis isolated
- /- ligatures between testis and tail of
epididymis - Excise epididymis
- Sutures usually not required
- Retained testicles (ridgelings, one-nutters)
- Important in show barrows due to mounting
behavior - Very helpful to know which side is retained if
animal is unilaterally castrated - Testicle usually located dorsally between
inguinal canal and kidney
- Make 2-3 incision on belly of pig on side of
retained testicle
- Feel for testicle within abdomen and exteriorize
- Ligate spermatic cord
- Close abdomen
22Preputial Diverticulectomy
23Preputial Diverticulectomy
- Normal contents
- Urine
- Semen
- Epithelial cells
- Bacteria
- Occasional concretions
- Expressed during mounting due to contraction of
preputial muscles
24Preputial Diverticulectomy
- Indications for surgery
- Penis balling up in preputial diverticulum
- Preputial diverticulitis or ulceration
- Excess fluid accumulation
- Odor
- Cosmetic
- Semen bacterial contamination
Fubini, 2004
25Preputial Diverticulectomy
- Preputial diverticulum can be packed with dyed
gauze or infused with Nolvasan for easy
identification - Incision made over lateral aspect of one lobe
- Preputial diverticulum bluntly dissected free
from surrounding soft tissue
- Preputial diverticulum exteriorized
Kross, 1982
26Preputial Diverticulectomy
- Neck of preputial diverticulum is clamped
- Removed preputial diverticulum
- Neck is ligated and transected
27Preputial Diverticulectomy
- Closed method
- Hemostats passed into preputial diverticulum
through preputial opening - Preputial diverticulum grasped and gently everted
- Repeat on opposite lobe
28Preputial Diverticulectomy
- Closed method (cont)
- Forceps placed across neck of everted preputial
diverticulum make sure forceps placed distal to
tip of penis - Neck of preputial diverticulum is transected
- Sutured in mature boars, but often not needed in
younger boars
Lawhorn, 1994
29Cesarean Section
- Method 1
- Radical C-Section with a gun and knife
- Downer sows, etc.
- Method 2
- Survival surgery
- SPF projects, club pigs
- Anesthesia epidural line block or TKX
30Cesarean Section
- Vertical incision left flank
- Horizontal incision parallel to underline
- Likely need to incise both uterine horns
- Make sure you reach both ovaries to ensure that
you have all pigs! - Close uterus with an inverting pattern
- Althouse, GC and LE Evans. Removal of the caudae
epididymides to create infertile boars for use in
estrus detection programs. JAVMA 2105, 678-680.
1997. - Althouse, GC and LE Evans. A novel surgical
technique for vascectomizing boars. JAVMA 2105,
675-677. 1997. - Althouse, GC, et. al. Closed resection of the
preputial diverticulum in the boar.
Agri-Practice 159. 1994. - Fubini and DuCharme. Farm Animal Surgery. 2004
- Food Animal Surgery, Ch 26 Extirpating the
preputial diverticulum in boars - Kross, SB, et. al. Extirpation of the preputial
diverticulum in a boar. Vet. Med. 1982 - Lawhorn, B, et. al. Removal of the preputial
diverticulum in swine. JAVMA 2051, 92-96. 1994 - Straw, BS, et. al. Diseases of Swine 8th Ed.
1999. - Tyler, JW, et. al. Preputial diverticulum stone
in a boar. Vet Record 147, 225. 2000.
Any Questions??