Title: Surgical Complications
1Surgical Complications
2Wound Complications
- Seroma
- Hematoma
- Wound Dehiscence
- Wound Infection
- Chronic Wounds
- Collection of liquified fat, serum and
- lymphatic fluid under an incision
- Fluid is clear, yellow and somewhat viscous
- Mastectomy, axillary dissection, groin
dissection, - large ventral hernias
Presents as localized , well circumscribed
swelling , presssure discomfort and sometimes
clear drainage aspiration under sterile
conditions If persist of becomes infected open
and allow to heal by secondary intention
- Abnormal collection of blood in subcutaneous
layer of recent incision - More worrisome than seromas because of
infection potential - Reason
- Inadequate hemostasis
- Rough handling of tissue
- Coagulopathy
- Presents as
- purplish/blue discoloration
- Localized wound swelling
- Drainage of dark red fluid
In patients who have had neck dissection, a
hematoma can develop postoperatively that is life
threatening Compression of soft tissues
surrounding the airway Immediate and emergent
evacuation can be a lifesaving maneuver
- Prevention
- The most important principle is careful
hemostasis - Correct all clotting abnormalities
- Discontinue medications that can prolong bleeding
time - Wounds with large sking flaps should be drained
7Wound Dehiscence
- Separation of fascial layers early in post
operative course - Great concern because of possibility of
evisceration ( protrusion of intestines through
the fascial layer)
8Wound Dehiscence
- Scenario You are called to see a patient post op
day one with large amount of clear, salmon
colored fluid from his laparotomy incision. WHAT
DO YOU DO? - Open a few staples
- Probe the wound with sterile cotton tipped swab
- Call the OR
- What do you do if pt eviscerates on the floor?
9Wound Dehiscence
- Etiology
- Technical error
- Placing sutures too close to edge
- Too far apart
- Too much tension
- A multitude of other factors
10Wound Dehiscence
Factors associated with Wound Dehiscence
- Technical error
- Intra abd infection
- Malnutrition
- Advanced age
- Chronic steroid use
- Wound complications ( hematoma, infection etc)
- Underlying diseases ( DM, RF, CA, chemo,
irradiation ) - Increased intra-abd pressure ( ascites, coughing,
11Wound Dehiscence
- Approx 2 of patients undergoing abd surgery
- In healthy patients, no difference in dehiscence
rate between continuous versus interrupted
technique - High risk patients interrupted may occasionally
be a wise choice
12Wound DehiscenceManagement
- Condition of the fascia
- If tech error and fascia is strong and intact,
merely be closed - If infected or weak debride and close with
retention sutures - Look for evidence of anastomotic leak or other
13Wound Dehiscence
- If significant amount of fascia needs to be
debrided because of infection do not close
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16Wound Infection
- Also referred to as SSI ( Surgical Site
Infection) - Superficial Incisional
- Skin and Subcutaneous tissue
- Deep Incisional
- Fascia and muscle
- Organ Space
- Internal organs
17Superficial Incisional
- Infection less than thirty days after operation
- Involves skin and tissue only plus
- Purulent drainage
- Diagnosis of superficial SSI by surgeo
- Sx of erythema, pain, local edema
18Deep Incisional
- Less than 30 days after op with no implant or
soft tissue involvement - Infection less than one year after op with
implant and infection involves deep soft tissue (
fascia/muscle) plus - Purulent drainage from the deep space but no
extension into organ space - Abscess found in the deep space on direct or
radiologic exam or on re-op - Dx of deep SSI by Surgeon
- Sx of fever, pain and tenderness lead to
dehiscence of wound or opening by a surgeon.
19Organ Space
- Less than 30 days after op with no implant or
soft tissue involvement - Infection less than one year after op with
implant and infection involves any part of the op
opened or manipulated plus - Purulent drainage from a drain placed into the
organ space - Cx organisms from material aspirated from organ
space - Abscess found on direct or radiologic exam or
during re-op - Dx of organ space infection by surgeon
20Risk factors for wound infection
Patient Operation
Advanced age In adequate preop prep
Diabetes Duration of op
Malnutrition No Abx when indicated
Morbid Obesity Instrument contamination
Immunosuppression Break in technique
Coexisting remote infection Foreign body in wound
Colonization with bacteria Ischemic tissue
Prior radiation Devitalized tissue
Smoking Amt of intraop contamination ( spillage)
21Classification of Surgical Wounds
Category Criteria Infection rate
Clean No hollow viscus entered Primary wound closure No inflammation No breaks in aseptic tech Elective procedure 1 3
Clean contaminated Hollow viscus entered but controlled No inflammation Primary wound closure Minor breaks in aseptic tech Bowel prep preop 5-6
Contaminated Uncontrolled spillage from viscus Inflammation apparent Open,traumatic wound Major break in aseptic tech 20 25
Dirty Untreated, uncontrolled spillage Pus in op wound Open suppurative wound Severe inflammation 30 40
22- What is the most common pathogen associated with
post operative wound infection?
23Presentation and management
- Commonly occur 5-6 days post op may present
sooner. - 80 -90 occur within thirty days after surgery
- Superficial wound infection
- Staples removed, allow efflux of purulent
material, - explored, irrigated
- debridement of non viable tissue
- if fascia is intact, no further concerns
- If fascia seperated re xplore
24Scenario 2
- On POD 1, colostomy take down called to see pt
with fever 102.5, HR 115, grayish dishwater
colored fluid from wound. WHAT DO YOU DO? - and crepitus along wound
- Typically what organisms?
25- C.perfringens and group A Betalytic Strep
- Necrotizing fascitis/clostridiomyonecrosis
- OR wound opened and aggressive debridement
- Cx wound
- Group A streptococcal infection
- Recent studies suggest that clindamycin is
superior to penicillin in the treatment of
experimental necrotizing fasciitis/myonecrosis. - recommend the administration of penicillin G (4
million units intravenously every four hours in
adults gt60 kg in weight and with normal renal
function) in combination with clindamycin (600 to
900 mg intravenously every eight hours) -
26Wound Infection - Prevention
- Stop smoking
- Lose weight
- Tight glucose control
- Wean steroids
- Bowel prep
- Hemostasis
- Careful handling of tissue
- Adequate blood supply
- Voluminous irrigation
- Abx proph when indicated
27Chronic Wounds
- Wounds that that have not healed within 30 90
days - Corticosteroids, chemo, malnourihed, obese
- Management
- great deal of patience
- Debride as needed
- Skin graft
- Skin flaps
- Wound Vacs
28- Fifteen minutes into doing a mastectomy, the
nurse anesthesist tells you that the patient has
a temperature of 104.5 deg ,HR of 132 and high
What is your most likely diagnosis and
management of this patient?
29Malignant Hyperthermia
Signs and Symptoms
Active Cooling
- End tidal CO2 Tachycardia Fever 2C per
hour Cyanosis Mottling of skin Tachypnoea
Arrhythmias Rigidity Sweating Hypercarbia
Labile blood pressure Intense masseter spasm
Ice packs Cooling blankets Fans Cold
intravenous fluids Intragastric, intracystic
cooling Peritoneal dialysis using cold
diasylate Extracorporeal cooling if equipment
is available
Core temperature Arterial line and CVP line
Urinary catheter ECG Pulse oximetry
capnography Blood gases Serum glucose Serum
potassium Blood for CPK Urine for myoglobin
Terminate anaesthesia and surgery as soon as
possible Hyperventilate with 100 oxygen Give
Dantrolene Transfer to ICU as soon as possible
30Malignant Hyperthermia
DANTROLENE 2.5 mg/kg IV Repeat as required at
5.10 min intervals to a maximum cumulative dose
of 10 mg/kg. Favorable response indicated by (a)
fall in heart rate(b) abolition of
arrhythmia(c) decline in body temperature(d)
reduced muscle tone
- ARRHYTHMIASIf these persist despite Dantrolene
givePROCAINAMIDE 1 mg/kg/ml IVMaximum dose 15
- HYPERKALAEMIAControl if necessary using glucose
and INSULIN 0.1 units/kg in 2 ml/kg 50 dextrose
- 1.0 mmol/kg/dose IVRepeated as necessary
- URINE OUTPUTMANNITOL 0.5 - 1.0 g/kg(2.5 -
5ml/kg of 20 solution) and/orFUROSEMIDE 1 mg/kg
IVto maintain urine output (gt 1 ml/kg/hr)
31- Where is temperature modulation managed?
32Postoperative Fever -Host of infectious and
noninfectious agents may cause postoperative
33FIVE Ws of post op fever
- Wind ( lungs)
- Atelectasis, pneumonia
- Wound
- Water ( Urinary tract )
- Waste ( lower GI tract )
- Wonder drug
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35Atelectasis and Pneumonia
- Atelectasis is the most common cause of post op
- fever in first 48 hrs .
- Result of
- Anesthesia
- Abdominal incision
- Post op narcotics
- Peripheral alveoli collapse and shunt may
- occur, also build up of secretion --- pneumonia
36Atelectasis and Pneumonia
- Use of
- Incentive spirometry
- Deep Breathing
- Coughing
- Will resolve most of the time
- If aggressive toilet is not instituted, pneumonia
may develop.
37Atelectasis and Pneumonia
- Pt with pneumonia will have
- Fever
- Change in secretion
- Leukocytosis
- CXR infiltrates
- Sent sputum Cx
- Broad spectrum, antibiotics
- Aggressive pulm toilet
38- You are called to see a pt few hours post-op in
the ICU, this is the tracing on the monitor.
No prior history of this.
Case 1. BP 70, HR160 Case 2.BP125/67 , HR86
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40- Atrial Fibrillation
- Irregular P waves gt 300/min, irregular
ventricular rhythm - Associated Conditions
- MI.HTN,hypoxia,Hyperthyroidism,electrolyte
imbalance, pulmonary embolus - If Unstable ( Case 1)
- Cardioversion 200 360 J
- Initial Therapy
- Diltiazem 0.25mg/kg , then 10-15mg/hr
- Digoxin 0.5mg , then 0.25mg Q2hrs
- Esmolol, procainamide, amiodarone
- Subsequent therapy
- Procainamide, Digoxin, anticoagulation
41Following laparotomy - return of function MATCH
Small bowel Stomach Colon
48hrs 3-5days 24hrs
42Causes of Adynamic Ileus
- Inflammation e.g. appendicitis, pancreatitis
- Retroperitoneal disorders e.g. ureter, spine,
blood - Thoracic conditions e.g. pneumonia
- Systemic disorders e.g. sepsis, hyponatremia,
hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia - Drugs e.g opiates, Ca-channel blockers,
43 Partial vs Complete
- Complete obstipation
- No residual colonic gas on AXR
- SBFT may differentiate early complete from
high-grade partial - Almost all should be operated on within 24h
- Flatus
- Residual colonic gas above peritoneal reflection
/p 6-12h - Adhesions
- 60-80 resolve with non-operative Mx
- Must show objective improvement, if none by 48h
consider OR
44Is there strangulation?
- 4 Cardinal Signs
- fever, tachycardia, localized abdominal
tenderness, leukocytosis - 0/4 0 strangulated bowel
- 1/4 7
- 2-3/4 24
- 4/4 67
- process accelerated with closed-loop obstr.
4555 year old POD5, from thoracotomy with severe
foul smelling diarrhea, WBC 40,000, 15 bands.
General surgery consult, colonscopy shown below.
46Pseudomembranous Colitis
- Pseudomembranes compromised of fibrin, mucus and
necrotic epithelial cells - Mostly in rectosigmoid
- Accessible to sig-scope
- C.diff toxin is agent responsible
- found in 90 -100 of pts with Pseudomembranous
colitis - Mortality 20 - if untreated
- Progression perforation, toxic megacolon
- Flagyl 250mg PO Q 6 hrs 7 10days
- If unsuccessful
- Vancomycin 125 mg Q6 hrs
47Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
- TNICU PTD 2, Ex-lap, GradeII liver injury
splenectomy. You are called at 0100 to see pt. - Increase peak airway pressures
- Low urine output
- Abdominal distention
A Foley catheter attached to a manometer
accurately reflects intra-abdominal pressure in
the supine patient.
48Metabolic Complications
- Thyroid Storm
- Adrenal Insufficiency
- Hyperthyroidism
49Thyroid Storm
- a decompensated state of thyroid hormoneinduced,
severe hypermetabolism involving multiple
systems. - Thyroid storm is the most extreme state of
50Thyroid Storm
- Palpation of gland during surgery
- Emotional stress
- Iodine/iodide administration (without prior PTU)
- Tachycardia rates that can exceed 140 beats/min
- Hyperpyrexia to 104 to 106ΒΊ F is common
- CNS signs Agitation, delirium, psychosis,
stupor, or coma are common
51Thyroid Storm
- The therapeutic regimen
- A beta-blocker to control the symptoms induced by
increased adrenergic tone. - A thionamide, such as methimazole, to block new
hormone synthesis. - An iodinated radiocontrast agent to inhibit the
peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. - An iodine solution to block the release of
thyroid hormone. - Glucocorticoids to reduce T4-to-T3 conversion and
possibly treat the autoimmune process in Graves'
52A 56 year old wm , s/p AAA repair, in the ICU on
the vent,with the following
- persistent hypotension despite fluids and
pressors - PCWP - 20
- CVP15
- hyponatremia
- hypoglycemia
53Causes of adrenal insufficiency in surgical
setting, as well as clinical and laboratory
- Causes of postoperative primary adrenal
insufficiency include - Autoimmune disease, TB, fungal disease,
malignancy, AIDS, and drug suppression.
Hemmorhage is a common cause in the ICU - Secondary causes (decreased ACTH) include
- suppresion by glucocorticoid therapy, ACTH
secreting tumors, pituitary operation,
irradiation, head trauma. - Clinical findings anorexia, malaise,
hypoglycemia, hypotension - Low CO and high SVRI or High CO and low SVRI
- Dx is by measuring free cortisol and cosyntropin
stim.test - Tx is with fluids and steriods (dexamethasone
followed by hydrocortisone)
54Adrenal Insufficiency
- Random cortisol level of less than 20Β΅g/dl is
suggestive - Cosyntropin test - 250 Β΅g of cosyntropin
- Check cortisol level at 30 and 60 minutes
- Failure to increase greater than 20 Β΅g is
diagnostic or by 9 over baseline - Administer Dexamethasone - it does not affect
cosyntropin test
55Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Release
- The diagnosis of SIADH is made when hyponatremia
coexists with serum hypo-osmolality (lt280 mOsm
per kg H 2 O) and a urine osmolality of more than
100 mOsm per kg H 2 O.
56Disorders Associated With SIADH
- Carcinomas(e.g,bronchogenic and pancreatic)
- Pulmonary disorders(e.g ,tuberculosis, pneumonia)
- Central nervous system disorders(e.g, trauma,
stroke, meningitis) - Drugs(thiazides, NSAIDS, ACE inhibitors etc)
57Treatment of SIADH
- removal of all offending drugs
- management of mild hyponatremia with fluid
restriction (lt800 ml per day) alone. - In moderate hyponatremia, fluid restriction and
0.9 sodium chloride infusion are necessary - hyponatremia should be corrected at a rate of 0.5
mmol per liter per hour to achieve a sodium level
of 125 mmol per liter - In severe cases, associated with coma, hypertonic
(3) sodium chloride infusion may be necessary. - Rapid correction (within 24 hours) of
long-standing hyponatremia that has persisted for
more than 2 days has caused central pontine
58Delirium,Dementia and Depression
- Virtually any medical condition can precipitate
delirium in a susceptible host - multiple underlying conditions are often found .
- Fluid and electrolyte disturbances (dehydration,
hypo/hypernatremia) - Infections (urinary tract, respiratory tract,
skin and soft-tissue) - Drug toxicity
- Metabolic disorders (hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia,
uremia, liver failure) - Low perfusion states (shock, heart failure)
- Withdrawal from alcohol and sedatives.
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62The end!