Title: Wireless Communication Channels
1 41st IEEE CDC Las Vegas, Nevada December 9th 2002
Workshop M-5 Wireless Communication Channels
Modeling, Analysis, Simulations and
Organizers Charalambos D. Charalambous Nickie
2Wireless Communication Channels
- Schedule
- 0800-0845 Introduction to Wireless
Communication Channels (C.D. Charalambous) - 845-915 Statistical Analysis of Wireless Fading
Channels (C.D. Charalambous) - 915-925 Break
- 925 -1010 Stochastic Differential Equations in
Modeling Log-Normal Shadowing (N. Menemenlis) - 1010-1055 Stochastic Differential Equations in
Modeling Short-Term Fading (N. Menemenlis) - 1055-1100 Break
- 1100-1200 Applications (C.D. Charalambous)
- Additional information can be found at
- http//www.site.uottawa.ca/chadcha/CDC2002
3Introduction to Wireless Communication Channels
- Shannons communication channel
- Impulse response of wireless fading channels
- Large-scale and small scale propagation models
- Log-Normal shadowing channel
- Short-term fading channel
- Autocorrelation functions and power spectral
densities - Assumption WSSUS
- Time spreading
- Time variations
- Channel classification
- Channel simulations
4Chapter 1 Shannons Wireless Communication System
Channel code word
Message Signal
Modulated Transmitted Signal
Source Encoder
Channel Encoder
Mod- ulator
Wireless Channel
Source Decoder
Channel Decoder
Demod- ulator
Received Signal
Estimate of Message signal
Estimate of channel code word
5Chapter 1 Large and Small Scale Propagation
6Chapter 1 Wireless Communication System
7Chapter 1 Impulse Response Characterization
- Impulse response Time-spreading multipath
- and time-variations time-varying environment
8Chapter 1 Multipath Fading Components
- Complex low-pass representation of impulse
9Chapter 1 Band-pass Representation of Impulse
- Band-pass representation of impulse response
10Chapter 1 Representation of Additive Noise
- Low-pass and band-pass representation of received
11Chapter 1 Large and Small Scale Propagation
- Large scale propagation models
- T-R separation distances are large
- Main propagation mechanism reflections
- Attenuation of signal strength due to power loss
along distance traveled shadowing - Distribution of power loss in dBs Log-Normal
- Log-Normal shadowing model
- Fluctuations around a slowly
- varying mean
12Chapter 1 Large and Small Scale Propagation
- Small scale propagation
- T-R separation distances are small
- Heavily populated, urban areas
- Main propagation mechanism scattering
- Multiple copies of transmitted signal arriving at
the transmitted via different paths and at
different time-delays, add vectotrially at the
receiver fading -
- Distribution of signal attenuation
- coefficient Rayleigh, Ricean.
- Short-term fading model
- Rapid and severe signal
- fluctuations around a slowly
- varying mean
13Chapter 1 Log-Normal Shadowing Model
14Chapter 1 Log-Normal Shadowing Model
15Chapter 1 Log-Normal Shadowing Model
16Chapter 1 Log-Normal Shadowing Model
- Power path-loss in dBs, x, and Distributions x
normal and attenuation coefficient, r, vs d
rekx log-normal -
17Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
- 3-Dimensional Model Clarke 68, Aulin 79
18Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
- 3-D Model Clarke 68, Aulin 79
- Transmitted signal Reejwct
- Total field at mobile, or receiving location,
O(x0, y0, z0)
19Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
- 3-D Model Clarke 68, Aulin 79
- Total field at receiving location when mobile
moves - O(x0, y0, z0) gt (x0vtcosg, y0 vtsing, z0),
v velocity of mobile
20Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
- 3-D Model Clarke 68, Aulin 79
- Statistical characterization of I(t), Q(t)
21Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
- Statistical characterization of rn
22Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
- Autocorrelation functions
23Chapter 1 Short-Term Fading Model
24Chapter 1 Time Delays of Paths
- Complex low-pass representation of impulse
response - Typically the time delays are modeled using
exponential distribution, implying that the
number of paths is a Poisson counting process - In reality this representation is not very
25Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- General expressions for the Autocorrelation
function are introduced by Bello 63 for a widely
accepted Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated
Scattering (WSSUS) channel - WSS in the time-domain
- US attenuation and phase shift of paths i and j
are uncorrelated
26Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- Time-spreading Multipath characteristics of
27Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- Time-spreading Multipath characteristics of
28Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- Time-spreading Multipath characteristics of
channel - Multi-path delay spread, Tm
- Characterizes time dispersiveness of the channel,
- Obtained from power delay-profile, Fc(t)
- Indicates delay during which the power of the
received signal is above a certain value. - Coherence bandwidth, Bc approx. 1/ Tm
- Indicates frequencies over which the channel can
be considered flat - Two sinusoids separated by more than Bc affected
differently by the channel - Indicates frequency selectivity during
29Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- Time variations of channel Frequency-spreading
30Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- Time variations of channel Frequency-spreading
31Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
- Time variations of channel Frequency-spreading
- Doppler Spread, Bd
- Characterizes frequency dispersiveness of the
channel, or the spreading of transmitted
frequency due to different Doppler shifts - Obtained from Doppler spectrum, Sc(l)
- Indicates range of frequencies over which the
received Doppler spectrum is above a certain
value - Coherence time, Tc approx. 1/ Bd
- Time over which the channel is time-invariant
- A large coherence time Channel changes slowly
32Chapter 1 Channel Autocorrelation Functions
33Chapter 1 Channel Classification
34Chapter 1 Channel Classification
35Chapter 1 Channel Classification
- Underspread channel TmBd ltlt 1
- Channel characteristics vary slowly (Bd small)
or paths obtained within a short interval of time
(Tm small). - Easy to extract channel parameters.
- Overspread channel TmBd gtgt 1
- Hard to extract parameters as channel
characteristics vary fast and channel changes
before all paths can be obtained.
36Chapter 1 Flat Fading Channel Simulations
- Flat Fading
- a(t) Rayleigh or Ricean
37Chapter 1 Frequency Selective Channel Simulations
38Chapter 1 References
- G.L. Turin. Communication through noisy,
random-multipath channels. IRE Convention Record,
pp. 154-166, 1956. - P. Bello. Characterization of random time-variant
linear channels. IEEE Transactions in
Communications, pp 360-393, 1963. - J.F. Ossanna. A model for mobile radio fading
due to building reflections Theoretical and
experimental waveform power spectra. Bell Systems
Technical Journal, 432935-2971, 1964. - R.H. Clarke. A statistical theory of mobile radio
reception. Bell Systems Technical Journal,
47957-1000, 1968. - M.J Gans. A power-spectral theory of propagation
in the mobile-radio environment. IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
VT-21(1)27-38, 1972. - H. Suzuki. A statistical model for urban radio
propagation. IEEE Transactions in Communications,
25673-680, 1977. - T. Aulin. A modified model for the fading signal
at a mobile radio channel. IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, VT-28(3)182-203, 1979. - A.D.Saleh, R.A.Valenzuela. A statistical model
for indoor multi-path propagation. IEEE Journal
on Selected Areas in Communications,
5(2)128-137, 1987.
39Chapter 1 References
- M. Gudamson. Correlation model for shadow fading
in mobile radio systems. Electronics Letters,
27(23)2145-2146, 1991. - D. Giancristofaro. Correlation model for shadow
fading in mobile radio channels. Electronics
Letters, 32(11)956-958, 1996. - A.J. Coulson, G. Williamson, R.G. Vaughan. A
statistical basis for log-normal shadowing
effects in multipath fading channels. IEEE
Transactions in Communications, 46(4)494-502,
1998. - E. Biglieri, J. Proakis, S. Shamai. Fading
channels Information-theoretic and communication
aspects. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
44(6)2619-2692, October 1998. - W.C.Jakes. Microwave mobile communications, New
York, Wiley-Interscience, 1974. - K. Pahlavan, A.H. Levesque. Wireless Information
Networks, New York, Wiley-Interscience, 1995. - J.G. Proakis. Digital Communications,
Mc-Graw-Hill, New-York, 1995. - T.S. Rappaport. Wireless Communications, Prentice
Hall, 1996.