Title: YLM
1Presentation to BREI
YLM Community Awareness Program May 2006
Government Community Partners BRE
Professional Tourism Associations
2Local Online Community Directory Its A System!
- Presentation Objective
- Develop the most effective approach for your
Community to implement, utilize and sustain up to
date business data - Presentation Agenda
- Review Community Data as a System including
members/businesses, consumers/community and
community partners. - Review YLM features aimed at sustaining accurate
data while adding value to Businesses, Partner
and the Public. - Review existing Communities examples utilizing
the YLM Community Program
3Local Online Community Directory Its A System!
Consumer Awareness Consumer Utility
Consumer Usage
Consumer Usage Business Awareness Business
Business Usage
Business Usage Community Partner Utility
Community Partner Usage
Consumer Usage Business Usage Community
Partner Usage
Community Prosperity !
4Stakeholder Functionality
- Tools for Community Partners to Manage Community
Economic Development Prosperity - Highly Accurate Directory Data to feed BRE
efforts - Trending Analysis Tools to feed BRE efforts
- Survey Email Communication Tools
- E-News Letters to sustain community currency
- Outbound Call Campaigns to help follow-up with
efforts - Community Awareness Program Co-ordination
- Revenue Generator for Partners, sustains program
- Basic Listings, Enhanced Listings Webservices
for Businesses to Promote Themselves - Visual Presence
- Business controls updates information
- Search priority
- Group Icons
- Stat Blast Search Hit Reports (monthly feedback)
- Information on how to be found
- YLM Support (800 email)
- Outbound Call Campaign Tools
5Local Online Community Directory Its A System!
Consumer Awareness Consumer Utility
Consumer Usage
Consumer Usage Business Awareness Business
Business Usage
Business Usage Community Partner Utility
Community Partner Usage
Consumer Usage Business Usage Community
Partner Usage
Community Prosperity !
6Community Awareness Program
- Air Cover Awareness
- Newsprint Advertising Banner Ads
- Radio Advertising
- Press Conferences
- Press Releases
- Transit Advertising
- News Articles
- Website Presence
- Targeted Awareness
- Mayors Letter / Brochure
- YLM Targeted Letters / Brochure
- Community E-Newsletter (Managed by YLM)
- Stat Blast Search Hit Reports (monthly feedback)
- News Articles / Advertorials
7Community Awareness Program
YLM Supports SHOP LOCAL efforts. .becomes
your Regions official online directory of
businesses and organizations Therefore giving
you up to date data when You need it!
8Stakeholder Functionality
Gives you and your community partners a
subscription to a common multilayered database of
businesses with real time reports and
administrative tools!
9Stakeholder Functionality
Participating Chambers BIAs members are
highlighted on all YLM directories across your
region with your Chambers and BIAs icons next
to their listings
10Each complimentary business listing, including
11Each Enhanced business listing, including
12The YLM Solution
- Improves the accuracy of your regions local
business data, while showcasing your local
businesses to the world, achieved by partnering
with the following partners - Your businesses and organizations
- The Economic Development Officers (EDO) across
your Region - Chambers of Commerce Board of Trades
- Towns Cities Communications Buy Local efforts
- Tourism
- BIAs
- various Industry Groups across the Region
13The YLM Solution
One Master Database is Created Allowing all your
appropriate partners to securely leverage one
source for business demographic information as
well as to showcase local businesses in various
online directories throughout your Region. You
sponsor one standard directory view for each
business that provided their public address,
phone number, primary NAIC, contact email
address, website and a map to their location.
Individual businesses are able to enhance their
listings by adding additional visuals such as
logos or a window to their web site, additional
text like an expanded marketing message or ad,
and preferred or priority listing in search
results, depending on the enhancements they
14The YLM Solution
- Reduced Immediate and Long Term Costs of Data
Collection - Database fields can be collected maintained in
by various partners across your Region - The Survey Toolset can be used to update the
directory database directly - All or parts of the Survey Toolset can be used as
often as needed, not only for initial data
collection - A combination of emails, faxes, snail mail, or
call center services can be used to reduce costs
of initial and ongoing data collection updates - BRE data results can be imported into the same
database - Advantage
- Saves time and money by providing real-time
business data updates, analysis reports and tools
- Consolidation of data provides greater scope and
accuracy for analysis - Partners and businesses participate in improving
your communitys business data - Puts all communities on a solid footing
15The YLM Solution
- Affordable Subscription Available to All ED
Professionals and Appropriate Partners Across the
Region ..Provides - Administrator reports available anywhere,
anyplace - pie charts, reports, lists - Survey results available anywhere, anyplace in
real-time - Red Flag and Green Flag Reports and Alerts
through the Survey or data system - 2.5 Hour Training session to access all features
- Advantage
- Efficient automation of reporting to Boards
- Consistent reports and outcome measures among
communities - Provides ED specific and customizable back end
access to intelligence results - Ability to Leverage This One Source of Data for
Accurate and Efficient BRE Planning, Visits
and Follow-ups - Showcase local Supply Chains
- Showcase Regional Industrial or Tourism
Businesses - Showcase Clusters
16YLM Community Examples
The Town of Markham Economic Development
Department and the Markham Board of Trade share a
common objective of increased prosperity for our
business community. Consumers and businesses
locally and on a global scale are searching the
Web for products and services. I believe that
one of the key ways to achieve our common goal is
to assist our business community in creating a
"world-class" presence on the Web. To that end,
our collective use of the Breken / YLM Community
Directory can be a critical step in achieving
that world class web presence. Darren Ciastko
Sr. Business Development Officer - Town of
17YLM Community Examples
"The YLM Program has really helped our entire
region and at the same time our Economic
Development processes. Now every business in
our region has a web presence and our internal
business data is better than ever. We recently
implemented the Survey Tool and found that we
were able to customize our own survey easily,
deploy it the way we wanted, and see results
online immediately. Frank Tenhave, Executive
Director, Enterprise Fundy, NB
18YLM Community Examples
19YLM Community Examples
20YLM Community Examples