Title: What Are the Fibonacci Numbers
1What Are the Fibonacci Numbers?
In other words, whats up with those numbers
being so darn special?
- Erin ODougherty
- 7-15-2008
- History of Numbers
2What are the Fibonacci numbers, exactly?
- The Fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55
,89,144,233,377, - 610,987..
- To get them you simply find the sum of the
previous two consecutive numbers. - Ex 112
- 213
- 325
- Fibonacci used this sequence of numbers to
investigate population growth in rabbits. The
problem goes like this
3So, whats the story?
- Well, it all started with those darn
rabbits..bored after a long winters break. What
else were they left to do? - So, they decided to do what we all do when we get
bored. And so, we begin our tale.Fibonacci
decided to try with one newly born pair of
bunnies (one female and one male), in a beautiful
field of daises. These two bunnies take one month
to become sexually mature. At this point they
produce a new pair of bunnies (always one male
and one female). If you continued this pattern,
how many pairs would there be in one year?
4Fibonaccis Bunny Thereom
5The Answer.
After 12 months of this nonsense there will be
377 pairs! This series continues on and on and
6- If it is true, that mathematics is a way of
making sense in our chaotic world, with a system
of numbers, then it can be said that Fibonaccis
numbers are way of making sense of our natural
7Other Fascinating Things About The Fibonacci
- This series does appear in nature quite a bit.
It can been seen in everything from sunflowers to
pineapples to pine cones. -
- Fibonacci has been closely linked to the arts,
architecture,natural phenomena, and trigonometry.
Spiraling outwards from the center of the
sunflower, both clockwise and counterclockwise,
this sunflower displays two consecutive numbers
in the Fibonacci series.
8 and 13
This pinecone has 5 and 8 spirals.
11More Cool Things
- The Fibonacci series seems to have a direct
correlation to the Golden Ratio. As the numbers
in the sequence increase, their ratio starts to
hover around 1.61803 which is why Fibonaccis
numbers are also referred to as the Golden
Sequence. - The Golden Ratio also appears in our natural
world frequently.
12Imagine, if our students applied this outside of
math class
- The above cartoon (Amend 2005) shows an
unconventional sports application of the
Fibonacci numbers (left two panels). (The right
panel instead applies the Perrin sequence).
- Mactutor
- http//library.thinkquest.org/27890/altver/applica
tions4.html - www.dm.unito.it/.../immagini/Fibonacci.jpg
- http//farm1.static.flickr.com/163/333039205_8eb19
4ae40.jpg?v0 - http//library.thinkquest.org/27890/media/photoPin
eapple2.jpg - http//mathworld.wolfram.com/FibonacciNumber.html
- Katz, V., The History of Mathematics, pp. 282-287
- Livio, M., The Golden Ratio, pp. 94-98