Title: Mr. Gerald Smith
1Welcome to theOffice of Naval Research
- Mr. Gerald Smith
- Regional Director
- University Business Affairs
- 18 April 2005
2ONR Update - Overview
- Brief History of ONR
- Areas of Discovery Invention
- The Navy Marine Corp of the 21st Century
- The Business Side of Science
- Pre-award
- Post Award
- ONR Grants.gov
- Automation on the Horizon
3Naval ResearchAn Enduring Mission
Naval Research Laboratory (Appropriations Act,
1916)Conduct exploratory and research
worknecessary for the benefit of Government
service, including the construction, equipment,
and operation of a laboratory.
Office of Naval Research (Public Law 588,
1946) plan, foster, and encourage scientific
research in recognition of its paramount
importance as related to the maintenance of
future naval power, and the preservation
of national security.
Transitioning ST (Defense Authorization Act,
2001)manage the Navys basic, applied, and
advanced research to foster transition from
science and technology to higher levels of
research, development, test, and evaluation.
4Orientation Overview
Here we are
Secretary of the Navy
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research,
Development and Acquisition
Research and Development
Basic Research Applied Research Advanced Tech.
Development Test Evaluation DEM/Val EMD Op.
Systems Development
Aircraft carriers
11 Program Executive Officers
Office of Naval Research
Combat ships
2 Direct Reporting Program managers
Naval Research Lab
Warfare Centers
6 Systems Commands
Weapons systems
54 Major Program managers
PEOs, Systems Commands, Warfare Centers
467 Program managers
Combat boots
Source FY04 Blue Book, FY04 R-1
5Integrated, Use-Inspired Research
- Basic Research (6.1)
- Applied Research (6.2)
- Advanced Technology Development (6.3)
- Development (6.4-6.6)
Science Technology
Research, Development, Test, Evaluation
Advanced Technology DevelopmentREMUS AUV
Basic ResearchShoaling Waves Experiment
Applied ResearchWave Modeling and Prediction
Peer review of portfolios, not proposals
6Naval ST Investment by Performer
FY03 M as reported in the FY04 National Science
Foundation Survey of Federal Funds for RDTE
7ST Investment Categories POM 06
- Innovative Naval Prototypes (INPs)
- Affordable Weapon
- Half-Length Torpedo
- Electromagnetic Gun
- Hy Fly-Hypersonic Strike
- Free Electron Lasers
- X-Craft
- Discovery Invention (DI)
- NRL Base Program
- Science shortfalls in topics with Naval interest
- Nurturing science opportunity
- High impacts/surprises
- Health of Academic pipeline ideas/workforce
- National Naval Responsibilities
- Ocean Acoustics
- Undersea Weaponry
- Naval Engineering
- Virtual Technologies Environments
- Persistent Littoral Undersea surveillance
- SEA Basing Enablers
- Tactical Use of Space
- 36 MW Superconducting Motor
- Advanced Multifunction RF System
Future Naval Capabilities (FNCs)
Quick Reaction and Other
- Time Critical Strike (TCS)
- Organic Mine Countermeasures (OMCM)
- Knowledge Superiority Assurance (KSA)
- Littoral Antisubmarine Warfare (LASW)
- Expeditionary Logistics (ExLog)
- Fleet/Force Protection (FFP)
- Littoral Combat and Power Projection (LCCP)
- Missile Defense (MD)
- Advanced Capability Electric systems (ACES)
- Autonomous Ops (AO)
- Total Ownership Cost Reduction (TOC)
- Capable Manpower (CM)
- Warfighter Protection (WP)
- Other
- Pass-Through - to JFCOM
- OSD Directed
- Infrastructure - Efforts enabling ONRs mission
execution such as IFO, conferences, outreach
- Quick Reaction
- SwampWorks
- Tech Solutions
8Science Technology Funding
FY 04 (PB, M) 668.5 500.0 344.5 201.3 Total
Presidents Budget ST 1,714.3 528.0 Total
DoN ST Funding 2,242.3
- Three ST Portfolio Categories
- 1. Discovery and Invention (DI) . . . . . . .
. . . . - 2. Future Naval Capabilities (FNC) . . . . . . .
. . . - 3. Innovative Naval Capabilities (INC). . . . .
. . . - Other ST
- Pass-Through and Other . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . - JFCOM, Naval Warfighting Experiments, etc
- Congressional Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9National Naval Responsibilities
What we do all the time
- Naval environment is distinctive and complex
- Naval science and technology must maintain areas
critical to ensuring Naval superiority - Robust U.S. research community
- Adequate pipeline of new scientists and engineers
in Naval-unique disciplines - Ensured future ST products to Naval forces
- National Naval Responsibilities
- Ocean Acoustics
- Underwater Weaponry
- Naval Engineering
- Undersea Medicine (consideration)
10Discovery Invention Grand Challenges
- The Grand Challenges are
- Visionaryfor the Navy Marine Corps after Next
- Compellinganswering a Naval need
- Long-termcompleted over 20 to 50 years
- Very difficult, but probably achievable
- Multi-disciplinary with multiple participants and
multiple opportunities - But not
- Mere linear extensions of present programs
- Massive engineering projects
- Four Grand Challenges (established 1998 vetted
by Jasons and NSB) - Naval Battlespace Awareness
- Electrical Power Sources for Naval Forces
- Naval Materials by Design
- Multifunctional Electronics for Intelligent Naval
Images courtesy Nobel e-Museum
11Future Naval Capabilities (FNCs)
What we do for tomorrow
- Advanced Capability Electric Systems
- Autonomous Operations
- Capable Manpower
- Fleet / Force Protection
- Knowledge Superiority Assurance
- Littoral Antisubmarine Warfare
- Littoral Combat Power Projection
- Expeditionary Logistics
- Missile Defense
- Organic Mine Countermeasures
- Time Critical Strike
- Total Ownership Cost Reduction
- Warfighter Protection
Autonomous Operations
Warfighter Protection
Missile Defense
Investment 500M per year
12Swamp WorksTech Solutions
- Swamp Worksrapidly delivers breakthrough Naval
capabilities for - Emergent operational problems
- Enduring operational barriers challenges
Tech Solutionsweb-enabled direct connection to
Sailors and Marines
13Naval Research delivers
14The Business Side of Science
Acquisition Administration
15University Business Affairs
- Pre-award Assistance
- Full Award Administration, which includes
- Invoice certification
- Cash Management
- Expenditure Rate Monitoring
- Audit Resolution
- Property Administration Purchasing System
Analysis - Engineering Support Services
- Indirect Cost Negotiations
16ONR Regional Offices
18Question 1
- How can I find out who my contract or grant
administrator is if I have a question? - Access the ONR webpage at http//www.onr.navy.mil.
Then go to the Acquisition column and select
University Business Affairs link. At the top,
select the Office Locator link, which will bring
up map of the United States. Click on the state
where the University or organization is located,
and you will get an alphabetical Regional listing
of the schools or organizations in the state you
selected. Locate the one you are interested in
and click on it.
19Question 2
- I received a report from your office, requesting
final documents for expired awards. The report
is requesting forms that I am not familiar with.
Where can I obtain these forms? - Many of forms can be downloaded from the ONR
website http//www.onr.navy.mil/02/024/forms
20Question 2 (cont.)
- Some of the commonly used forms are
- - SF269 Financial Status Report
- - SF270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement
- - SF272 Federal Cash Transactions Report
- - SF294 and 295 Subcontracting Reports
- - SF298 Report Documentation Page
- - SF1034 Public Voucher
- - DD 882 Report of invention
- - NASA 1018 NASA Property in the Custody of
Contractors - - DoD 1662 DoD Property in the Custody of
21Question 3
- Last month, I submitted a payment request/voucher
directly to Defense Finance Accounting Service
(DFAS). They returned it with a letter
requesting certification. Where should I send my
payment request/voucher? - Payment requests/vouchers should never be sent
directly to DFAS, unless specified. They should
be submitted to a Contract Administration Office
or a Procurement Office for certification.
Payment requests may go to several different
addresses depending on what is stated in the
grant or contract. - For Contracts instructions are listed in
Section G of the contract, under Contract
Administration Data. This section will tell you
how many copies of the invoice to submit and
where to send it. - For Grants Invoicing instructions should be
spelled out in the body of the grant.
22Question 4
- My award has ended and I discovered that I didnt
bill for the last expenditure, is it too late to
bill? - You can bill for services after the expiration
date, as long as the expenditure took place
within the performance period and if there are
funds remaining on the award. Contact your
Contract Administrator immediately to discuss the
23Question 5
- How would I check the status of overdue payments
on DoD awards? - DFAS has created a website for you to look up the
payment status on your own. It is a centralized
website for all of the DFAS vendor and commercial
pay operations. Go to - https//myinvoice.csd.disa.mil
- Please wait 30 days for manual invoices to be
processed and posted. If you still did not
receive your payment, please contact your
cognizant ONR Administrative Office.
24Question 6
- I havent received payment on a DoD award and
have been told that the money has expired. Can I
request payment? - Yes, if you are owed the money, you can still get
paid. For money that is expired, it will require
coordination between DFAS, the Administration
Office and the funding agency to request current
year funds.
25Question 7
- We have spent our current funding and we havent
received the next increment. When can I expect
it? - Check with the Program Officer to determine if
they will be providing additional funding. If
further assistance is needed, contact your ONR
Contract/Grant Administrator.
26Question 8
- I submitted a proposal to ONR. Can you tell me
the status? - You should contact the person identified in the
solicitation or the Broad Agency Announcement
(BAA). They will be able to provide you with the
status or direct you to the proper POC for
further information.
27Question 9
- We have a grant that is going to expire soon and
the PI needs more time to finish his research.
Is it possible to request a no funds extension
(NFE)? - Yes, but it depends on the sponsoring agency
- For grants with other agencies, you will need to
look at the terms and conditions that apply to a
specific grant/contract. Contact your Grant
Administrator for the correct POC to request a
NFE. - If the grant is awarded under the Federal
Demonstration Partnership (FDP) terms and
conditions, from an agency other than ONR, you
can normally extend the expiration date up to
twelve months. However, you must notify the
cognizant awarding agency official in writing
with the supporting reasons, at least thirty (30)
days prior to expiration of the award. Please
check the grant to ensure this provision has not
been modified by the awarding agency.
28Question 10
- When is an approval required for rebudgeting?
- Ordinarily, under grants, prior approval is not
needed. OMB Circular A-110 only requires prior
approvals for -
- The transfer of amounts budgeted for indirect
costs to absorb increases in direct cost, or vice
versa, if approval is required by the Federal
awarding agency or - The inclusion, unless waived by the Federal
awarding agency, of costs that require prior
approval in accordance with OMB Circulars A-21,
A-122, 45 CFR part 74, Appendix E, or 48 CFR part
31, as applicable or - The transfer of funds allotted for training
allowances (direct payment to trainees) to other
categories of expense. - Specific agency provisions may require prior
approvals other than those listed above. - For contracts, prior approval is always required.
- Office of Naval Research
- www.onr.navy.mil
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service -
www.dod.mil/dfas - The Federal Demonstration Partnership
www.thefdp.org - National Property Management Association
www.npma.org - National Contract Management Association
30Central Contractor Registry
- All prospective Contractors must be registered in
the CCR database prior to award of a contract,
purchase order or basic agreement. All
applicants may register electronically at
www.ccr.gov Complete and accurate electronic
registrations are processed within 48 hours.
31The Circles of Life!!
- Outgrowth of ONR Pilot with a few universities
in 1998 - First agency award with downloadable data
elements - Designed with two options - PDF (Read,
Forward, Print) - EDI (Transfer to Database) - Precursor to Grants.gov electronic award
capability - Key step in End-to-End automation of grants
- AwardWeb went Live in JAN 2000
- Grant Recipients Receive Email Notice of Award
- Email Contains Embedded Web Site Which can
Invoke Award Web from the Email - UserIDs/Passwords are Maintained by ONR
(Assigned by ONR at Time of First Award) - Paper Turned Off in MAY 2000
34AwardWeb -- To Find Out More
http//www.onr.navy.mil/awardweb/ Or Send an
email to onr21_at_onr.navy.mil
35Electronic Commerce - PayWeb
- PayWeb - Electronic Data Interchange - Electronic
Funds Transfer - A web based invoicing application that ties into
our existing EDI/EFT process. It provides a
no-cost, easy to use interface. PayWeb is
currently in production and opened for any and
all educational and non-profit institutions for
awards administered by the ONR Regional Offices. - The ONR PAYWEB/EDI/EFT bill paying system enables
universities/non-profits to submit their payment
requests electronically, using formats for
either - SF 270 for grants and cooperative agreements
- SF 1034 for contracts
- Govt reviews and approvals are done
electronically and payment is made by the
electronic funds transfer from the Federal
Reserve System to the recipients financial
- PayWeb is a web-based payment request system.
- One time transition process.
- It eliminates the delays of mailed invoices.
- It minimizes clerical errors due to internal
processing checks. - Institutions and non-profit entities can track
their payment requests and payment dates.
- The ONR electronic bill paying system has been
operational since 1991 - Current version has been adopted as the DoD
standard for electronic payments to universities
/ non-profits - Soon will be expanded to transact with
other-than-Navy paying offices utilizing WAWF
technology. - Future enhancements will include online SF 269
SF 272 submission.
- Benefits include
- Paper free processing
- No cost
- Error rate reduction
- Rapid identification of any payment requests
requiring correction - Greatly improved payment time for recipients
- Improved expenditure rates for Federal agencies
39- What is Wide Area Workflow?
40Wide Area Work Flow Receipt and Acceptance
- WAWF is a Web-Based system for vendors to
electronically submit invoices/receiving reports,
and the Government to inspect, accept/reject,
receive, certify and pay electronically. - ONR first piloted WAWF in August 2003
- Used for SBIRs and all STTRs in FY 2004
- The process is easy and is increasingly being
used at ONR. - ONR will use WAWF for virtually all contracts
with commercial contractors. Universities still
use PayWeb for invoice processing. PayWeb will
interface with WAWF as part of the back-office
processing. - WAWF is mandated DoD Wide Full Deployment in FY
41Wide Area Work Flow Receipt and Acceptance
- WAWF came about as the result of the 2001
National Defense Authorization Act which required
claims for payment under a DOD contracts to be
submitted and approved in electronic form - DFARS lists WAWF as the primary electronic
Invoicing (252.232-7003) and Material Inspection
Receiving Report (252.246-7000) mechanism for
DoD PayWeb is also authorized as an acceptable
method for electronic Invoice submittal.
- ONR / Navy / DoD has been active participant in
developing the implementation plan of Public Law
106-107. - Four goals are
- Improve effectiveness and performance of Federal
programs - Simplify Federal grant application and reporting
- Improve Delivery of Services to the public
- Greater coordination between Federal agencies and
grant recipients.
- The digital signature issue within DoD has been
resolved. - ONR is in the final stages of completing the
electronic SF 424 form. Completion of this form
is tied to ONRs conversion to its new
back-office pre-award system (NAVRIS). NAVRIS
goes live July 2005. - ONR will be looking for test universities to
validate the proposal submission process. - Contact Joe Bass or Frank ODay at ONR for
additional information. - bassj_at_onr.navy.mil
- odayf_at_onr.navy.mil
- What Is It?
- A web and email application that reminds
Performers about the responsibilities for on-time
delivery of grant/contract end items. - This application dramatically improves
Contractor/Grantee performance in research
reporting, and sharply reduces manual processing
of reports.
- The benefits are better dissemination of
technical and patent information, faster reuse of
unneeded research funds, reduced labor cost, and
enhanced credibility for ONR as the research and
research administration of agency choice. - AdminWeb will be going through a major revision
this coming year. Greater functionality to submit
reports for all ONR administered awards in an
electronic format. Will be directly connected to
ONRs back office systems.
46AdminWeb -- Benefits Summarized
- Current
- Provides users monthly e-mail summary reminders
of awards expiring, reports due, reports overdue. - Provides users real-time, continuous Web access
to information in ONR data system about expired
and expiring awards and status. - Fosters satisfactory completion of award
requirements, and timely award payment and
closeout. - Future
- Added functions help move toward paperless
performance, facilitate award compliance /
completion. - Ability to submit Property reports.
47AdminWeb -- To Find Out More
- Contact
- Diana Nichols-Gilchrist, (703) 696-2573 or
- Christina Bennett (703) 696-5388
- at ONR Headquarters,
- or visit website.
- www.onr.navy.mil/adminweb
- or
- Contact your UBA field reps.
48Some Other Recent Developments
- Over the last year and more, final award
reporting requirements for ONR Awards have been
streamlined, and are reflected in the new award
forms - For grants, ONR Final Technical Report is
required only if Program Officer determines it is
necessary. - For grants, no final ONR property report unless
there is Govt owned property. - For ONR grants, no SF269 final cost report,
unless advances are used, or Govt determines
specific need based on risk. - ONR is administering select NIH awards. Our
delegation is currently confined to property
49Some Other Recent Developments
- ONR Regional Offices now use common set of back
office tools for proactive award administration - Tools include...
- Automated monthly e-mail listing of new awards
received, with detail on which reports are
monitored by ONR. - Annual reminder about candidate awards for
Government property reporting. - Automated E-Mails and follow-ups within Govt
activities to get awards closed out. - Three times yearly notifies recipients and ONR of
possible Expenditure Rate problems. - Electronic Document Management System. Goal to
receive, store, and distribute all award and
award related documents. This includes proposal
documents received from grants.gov and award
documents from all DoD and NASA awarding
agencies and closeout documents submitted
through AdminWeb.
50Billing Rates
- DoD research programs typically run from one to
three years - Programs are often incrementally funded for each
fiscal year - Programs are scrutinized on an annual basis for
expenditures and expenditure rates - Programs that dont measure up to goal may have
performance or other problems that need addressing
51Billing Rates
- Letter of credit is not used on DoD awards
- Individual payment requests are submitted (unless
scheduled payments are in effect) - Monthly cycle is desired billing timeframe
- EDI/EFT, PayWeb or manual voucher processing
- Recipient chooses Advance or Reimbursement
basis - ONR field offices approve requests if part of our
delegation - (always a part of ONR delegation)
- ONR checks payment requests for routine errors,
available funds, period of performance, etc. - Field tracks billing information in CAMIS
database system - CAMIS information allows for monitoring of
52Billing Rates
- Defense Finance (DFAS) office processes actual
payment to recipient once request is approved by
ONR (or other) office - Different DFAS centers handle different agencies
- DFAS Charleston for most Navy accounts
- Obligations / expenditures are tracked in agency
financial management systems (STARS for Navy) - Info in financial management systems is the
official info to monitor EXPENDITURE RATES
53Billing Rates
- Three times a year, scheduled to tie in to key
benchmark dates for evaluating program
performance. - Criteria used looks at expected straight-line
spending, date when the money was provided, etc.,
and performers billing of current year funding
to date, etc. - Automated Notifications go out (which the field
office can override) to recipients deemed to have
potential financial performance problem awards.
54Billing Rates
- Recipient is asked to provide information back to
the Field Office on causes for apparent billing
lag. - That information is shared with ONR Program
Officer, who may use it to adjust timing of
future increments, or for other program
decisions. - Information is stored in ONRs CAMIS system, so
performer may not receive subsequent Email if
performance is satisfactorily explained.
55Billing Rates
- The goal, as much as possible, is to have this
E-Mail process be chief trigger mechanism for
oversight of ONR assistance awards financial
performance - Recipient still has obligation to notify the
Government of major performance issues. - ONR program or other personnel may still need
to request information about financial or program
56Cash Management
- Individual payment requests may be either on
either Advance or Reimbursement basis. - Advances are the preferred mechanism for
nonprofit organizations with suitable financial
controls. - Some DoD agencies may choose to use Scheduled
Payments (such as ARO or AFOSR). . . - BUT receiving advances or Schedule Payments adds
additional recipient obligations and oversight,
as well as Federal monitoring.
57Cash Management
- That oversight required is Cash Management.
- CASH MANAGEMENT is the business process of
overseeing Government funds on hand compared to
the actual immediate needs for that program. -
- The Purpose of Cash Management is to minimize
the time elapsing between transfer of funds to
the recipient and their expenditure for program
58Cash Management
- To receive advances, institutions must have
adequate procedures and controls to minimize time
from receipt of funds until disbursement. - Amounts received must be for immediate needs.
- Advances received (over a minimal amount) must be
kept and tracked in interest-bearing accounts. - Interest earned must be refunded to the
59Cash Management
- If the field office is delegated Cash Management
award responsibilities, personnel have
responsibility to monitor - Is the institution actually utilizing /
receiving advances? - Are advances properly identified as such on the
SF270 payment requests? - Is recipient minimizing time and AMOUNT for
cash on hand? - Are timely, adequate financial reports being
submitted, if required, such as the SF272? - Is interest tracked and remitted, if applicable?
- Tools are now available in CAMIS system to
better track SF272 data and identify potential
problems awards.
60ONR Update and Initiatives -- Summarized
- ONR innovations affecting postaward performance
are designed to - Keep up with technological change
- Steer toward a paperless environment
- Simplify fulfillment of award requirements
- Speed and simplify the payment process
- Stress the need for compliance with award terms
- Enhance the ability of recipients and ONR to
monitor award status and close out completed
awards - Focus on awards and aspects of award
administration where the risk is.
61ONR Acquisition -- Key Contacts