Title: Diversity Status Report:
1Diversity Status Report
- Presented by Kenneth Burhanna
- 30 March 2005
2Libraries Media Service And DiversityAn
Overview of Todays Presentation
- Mission Commitment to Diversity
- Diversity of LMS Faculty Staff
- Diversity in Collection Development
- Diversity in Access to Resources
- Outreach to Diverse Communities
- LMS Diversity Programming
- LMS Diversity Goals
3Librarianship and Diversity
- The profession of librarianship is deeply
committed to diversity - Guiding Documents
- - ALA Code of Professional Ethics
- - ALA Library Bill of Rights
- - ALAs Statement on Diversity in
Collection Development -
4Librarianship and Diversity
- ALAs Key Action Areas (guiding principles)
- Diversity
- Education and Continuous Learning
- Equity of Access
- Intellectual Freedom
- 21st Century Literacy
5Librarianship and Diversity
- Diversity Initiatives in Librarianship
- ALA Office of Diversity (key resource)
- ALA Spectrum Scholarship (recruitment)
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Diversity
Program (recruitment retention) - ACRL Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee
(recruitment programming) -
6LMS Commitment to Diversity
- Libraries Mission Statement
- The Libraries are an essential force in the
intellectual life and mission of Kent State
University. - To provide services responsive to the
increasingly diverse information needs of the
University Community. -
7Gender Diversity of LMS Staff
8Diversity of LMS Faculty Staff
9The Recruiting Retention Challenge
- Library schools annually graduate approx. 10
minority students. - Of that 10 only about 10 (or 1 of graduating
librarians) will seek careers in Academic
Librarianship. - The Result Fierce competition for small pool of
candidates. -
10LMS Recruiting Initiatives
- To advertise openings widely, reaching out to
minority publications identified in Minority
Recruitment Resources, created by Leela Balraj. - Collaboration between LMS SLIS and Central
State University to create an assistantship for a
Central State student to study Librarianship at
11LMS Retention Initiatives
- Travel support for Professional Development.
- Reappointment Workshops for tenure-track faculty.
- Faculty mentoring program.
- Bi-weekly professional development sessions.
12Diversity in Collection Development
- LMS collection development supports
- Pan-African Studies
- Womens Studies
- Ethnic Studies
- Gay/Lesbian/Transgender (Sociology)
- Globalization World Cultures (Geography)
- Speech Hearing Impaired (Speech Pathology)
- Diversity Issues in Education (Education)
- Diversity in Media (Media)
13Diversity in Access to Resources
- Adaptive technology workstations in the
Information Commons for students with
disabilities (screen magnifiers, screen readers,
onscreen keyboards). - All Information Commons workstations are wheel
chair accessible. - Current study of collaborative learning spaces.
- Ongoing efforts to make library web site ADA
Compliant. -
14LMS Outreach to Diverse Groups
- International Student Orientation
- Adult Services Orientation
- Living/Learning Community Outreach
- Informed Transitions Outreach to high schools.
- ILILE Initiatives
- Outreach to McNair Scholars
152003 Black History Month Program
- LMS Pride! co-sponsored a screening of Brother
Outsider The Life of Bayard Rustin.
162004 Black History Month Program
- A presentation by Bob Moses
- 1964 Mississippi Voter Registration Project
- Algebra Project, to teach math to poor children.
- Sponsors LMS, History, Pan African Studies,
Office of Diversity and Acad. Initiatives, and
172005 Black History Month Program
- William B. Allen, Political Science Professor at
Michigan State University, presented - Radicals and Librarians Finding Inspiration in
Black History.
18LMS Diversity Goals
- Draft a formal diversity plan, incorporating our
current programs and creating a strategy for the
future. - Improve communication of Diversity initiatives
and programs within LMS. - Further our commitment to Diversity in the
upcoming revision of LMSs mission statement. - Establish the Central State Assistantship
(recruitment). - Continue to recruit widely (update Recruitment
Document). - Increase outreach efforts, targeting diverse
groups. - Continue to explore opportunities to establish
Resident Minority Librarian position. - Contribute to Diversity efforts of ALA and ARL.