Title: Major Dutch climate programme and campaign
1- Major Dutch climate programme and campaign
- Over 40 NGOs involved
- Budget 16.3 million
- Introduction of a new brand that gives a face to
all initiatives to reduce the risk of climate
change - Government and business sector can participate
- Potential start of international campaign
- Heres what Im going to do for the climate
2Background key issues
- Climate change is not perceived as urgent threat,
but as a rather abstract long term environmental
problem - There are many initiatives to reduce the risks of
climate change, but they are not part of a
bigger movement - What can I do, why does my individual action
makes sense
3Solution (1)
- Involve parts of society that are confronted with
the impacts of climate change. They can convince
the public that climate change is becoming more
and more a here and now social issue - Development and humanitarion NGOs
- Other partners
- Water sector
- Farmers (bluetongue virus)
- Health sector (heat waves, Lyme)
4Solution (2)
- Create a new joint brand that brings together all
initiatives to reduce the risk of climate change - Both adaptation and mitigation efforts
- Make individual actions part of a broader
5Unique opportunity in the Netherlands
- Invitation by National Postcode Lottery to NGOs
to develop joint programme on an issue that is
relevant to all participating NGOs - NGOs chose climate change
- National Postcode Lottery is major financier
Dutch NGOs - Annual budget 220 mln
6Programme objective
- Participating humanitarian, development and
nature conservation NGOs start to improve the
quality of their core business by including
climate change in their programme and project
development - This is key to create new credible senders
7Campaign objectives
- Raise the sense of urgency climate change in top
5 social issues - New senders are key to make climate change a here
and now social issue - At least one million consumers take action thanks
to this campaign
8Participating NGOs
9The Project portfolio
Project budget 100.000 - 480.000
10The international project portfolio
- AMREF Flying Doctors introduces innovative
sollutions to reduce the rise in the spread of
Hydatid in Sudan - Unicef starts a swimming lesson programme in
Bangladesh to reduce the number of kids that are
drowned - FreeVoice en the Red Cross introduce in six
countries in Central America and the Caribbean
early warning systems for hurricanes - Many other projects in the field of drought
management, water management, forest restoration,
11Nature projects in the Netherlands
- Natuurmonumenten, BirdLife Netherlands, the
Wadden Sea Society and Ark Foundation introduce
climate buffers nature as a tool to reduce the
risks of climate change. Example - An upstream (small) river restoration project
that also helps to avoid flooding in the
neighboring town in case of heavy rainfall - Promotion of Natures Calender
- 600 groups of Climate Trees in all Dutch
12The consumer campaign
- FOE Netherlands, Greenpeace, the Society for
Nature and Environment, the regional federations
for Nature and Environment, WWF and DOEN
Foundation start a consumer campaign - Efficient light bulbs
- Top ten products
- Most efficient cars
- Green electricity
- Climate neutral products
- Business sector can participate by promotion of
products that are part of the campaign package
13 The public campaign
- Campaigns by participating NGOs
- Event with Al Gore, première An inconvenient
thruth - Joint mass media campaign
- Joint website www.hier.nu (www.here.now)
- Co-operation with commercial TV station
- Daily weather programme
- Reality programme
- Winners of climate photo competion visit projects
in Nepal, Souther Africa and Nicaragua - Support by National Postcode Lottery
- Bussiness campaigns Philips, NUON, Hema and many
more - Massive sticker distribution by participants
- Here becomes a virus
14Joint campaignEvent with Al Gore
15Joint campaign
- Mass media campaign
- TV spots
- Radio
- billboards
16Joint campaign
17Joint campaign
- Visit projects in Nepal, Nicaragua, South Africa
18Joint campaign
- Climate actions heart of website
- Photo competition
- School competion with Ali B
19Joint campaign One million actions, put your own
climate action on the map (Google Earth)
20WWF, Unicef, Oxfam/Novib, Simavi and PLAN
Advertorial Nepal/Bangladesh
21Advertorial Simavi (Billboard campaign)
22Website Red Cross
23Presentation climate buffers to
Minister-President Nature helps to protect
against climate change
24Website WWF
25 Action Greenpeace and regional environmental
federations Red Light District becomes Green
Light District
26(No Transcript)
27Business Sector participationHEMA, major retail
28Business Sector ParticipationPHILIPS
29Joint policy proposals
- Federation for Nature and Environment, FOE,
Greenpeace, WWF 30 emission reduction in 2020 - Nature Conservation NGOs Climate Buffers
- Netherlands Red Cross, Oxfam/Novib and others
financing adaptation in developing countries
30Heres the public support for effective
government policies
- Joint Letter Minister-President Balkenende and
Prime Minister Blair to EU Colleagues after Gore
event - Climate change priority for new government