Title: Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
1Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
2Treatment of the Ruptured Abdominal Aortic
- Diagnosis
- Clinical
- Imaging
- Resuscitation
- Surgery
- Different options
- Complications
3DiagnosisClinical Presentation
- Classic triad
- Severe abdominal pain
- Hypotention
- An episode of syncope may be a hint
- Pulsatile mass
- Large girth may obscure
- Less common symptoms
- Groin/flank pain, hematuria, groin hernia all
secondary to increased intra-abdominal pressure - Congestive Heart Failure with JVD and abdominal
bruit if patient has ruptured into the Vena Cava
414 x 8 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm arising from
the supraceliac aorta and extending to just above
the take off of the left renal artery is
visualized with extensive thrombus but also
extensive flow
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7DiagnosisClinical Presentation
- RAAA is misdiagnosed 16 - 30 of the time
- Common misdiagnosis
- Renal colic, perforated viscous, diverticulitis,
gastrointestinal hemorrhage and ischemic bowel - Mortality rates for correctly diagnosed was 58,
and 44 for misdiagnosed - Likely due to fact that less severe ruptures have
a more subtle presentation and can survive longer
before going to OR
- Plain Films
- Enlarged outline of calcified aortic wall
- A retrospective review showed that 65 of x-rays
form RAAA had calcified aortic wall - Loss of psoas shadow
- Abdominal U/S
- Sensitive in detecting aneurysm but not in
detecting rupture - Abdominal CT
- Most accurate method
- See presence of retroperitoneal blood (77
sensitive and 100 specific)
9Enlarged outline of calcified aortic wall
Loss of psoas shadow
10Sensitive in detecting aneurysm but not in
detecting rupture
11See presence of retroperitoneal blood. Here
there is not a large retroperitoneal hematoma,
but stranding of blood into surrounding tissues
- If suspecting rAAA
- 2 Large bore IVs
- Type and Cross for at least 6 Units of pRBCs
- Confirmed rAAA
- Transfer to Operating room (transfer to center
with experienced surgeons prepared for rAAA) - Establish art line and foley
- Prep and drape before and during anesthetic
- Actual Pre-Op resuscitation
- Controversial
- Aggressive crystalloid can elevate BP and cause
rupture of temporary aortic seal that forms after
initial rupture - Minimally resuscitate to maintain
conconsciousness (80 systolic) and use blood - No randomized trials testing the different
degrees of resuscitation with rAAA - Animal studies show increased mortality when
resuscitation occurs before control of hemorrhage
15SurgeryOpen Repair
No Hypotension
Inspect Retroperitoneum Reflect bowel and duodenum
Supraceliac Clamp
Pararenal Extensive Hematoma
No Hematoma
Careful Dissection for Infrarenal Control
Uncontrolled Bleeding Develops
16SurgeryOpen Repair ? TRANSPERITONEAL
- Transperitoneal allows the fastest and easiest
approach for Supraceliac clamp - Retract the left lobe of the liver to right to
show supraceliac aorta at diaphragm - NG tube identifies esophagus and proximal stomach
and retracts to the left - Enter lesser sac by opening gastrohepatic omentum
- Aorta is found between crura of diaphragm and is
clamped - Can reposition clamp to infrarenal neck of
aneurysm once aneurysm is opened - or can make first anastamosis in aneurysm sac and
then transfer clamp to graft to reperfuse kidneys
and viscera.
17Retract the left lobe of the liver to right to
show supraceliac aorta at diaphragm
NG tube identifies esophagus and proximal stomach
and retracts to the left
Enter lesser sac by opening gastrohepatic omentum
18Sometimes crura may need to be split with
electrocautery for appropriate visualization
19Aorta is found between crura of diaphragm and is
20SurgeryOpen Repair ? TRANSPERITONEAL
- Supraceliac Clamp
- Coordinate with anesthesia
- after clamp crank up the resuscitation
- before releasing supraceliac clamp prepare for
hypotension - Advantages
- quick solution to severe hypotension from
intraperitioneal rupture. - avoids injury to renal and gonadal vein injury
from blind dissection of infrarenal neck - Disadvantage
- ischemic injury injury to liver, bowel, and
21SurgeryOpen Repair ? RETROPERITONEAL
- ESPECIALLY for pararenal or suprarenal RAAA
- 10th interspace incision
- 1) Left colon mobilized to incise lateral
peritoneal attachments. - 2) Colon, pancreas, spleen, and kidney are
elevated ? access diaphragmatic crura. - 3) Divide crura ? access entire intra-abdominal
aorta and visceral and renal vessels - 4) May need a thoracoabdominal incision, or extra
thoracic incision for the larger people, or the
hostile abdomen
22SurgeryOpen Repair ? Extras
- Brachial/femoral cut-down for occlusive balloon
into aorta - Aortic compressor to supraceliac aorta if rapid
control needed before establishing exposure for
clamp - Aortocaval fistula ? direct digital pressure
above and below the fistula and suture of the
fistula from within the sac - If iliac aneurysms are present leave alone unless
ruptured, if so repair easiest first (allow for
pelvic reperfusion) - Use cellsaver, its use is justified if anticipate
large blood loss
23Aortic compressor to supraceliac aorta if rapid
control needed before establishing exposure for
24SurgeryOpen Repair ? Anatomic abnormalities
- Venous anomalies that can cause bleeeding during
clamping - Retroaortic renal vein
- Circumaortic renal vein
- Left-sided vena cava
- Duplicate inferior vena cava
- Horseshoe kidney
- If at neck of aneurysm it prevents adequate
exposure (another reason to perform supraceliac
clamping) - Isthmus often contains renal tissue, collecting
system and blood supply - If known before surgery, retroperitoneal approach
25SurgeryOpen Repair
- Closing
- 25-30 cases, the abdomen cannot be closed
without significant tension from swollen bowel or
retroperitoneal hematoma - Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is bladder
presser gt 30cm H2O or 25mm Hg - Use early mesh to reduce incidence of multi organ
failure from ACS - Especially with pre-op anemia, prolonged shock,
pre-op cardiac shock, pre-op cardiac arrest,
massive resuscitation, profound hypothermia, or
severe acidosis - Use nonabsorbable mesh covered with plolyurethane
- Early mesh closure vs takeback mesh resulted in
6 and 40 colon ischemia respectively
26SurgeryEndovascular Repair
- Institution requirements
- 1) Rapid CT scanning
- For neck diameter, angulation, and iliac size
- Only about 20-46 of rAAA are suitable for EVAR
- 2) Training
- 3) Devices
- 4) Suite for Endovascular procedure
27SurgeryEndovascular Repair
- Stratagies for Repair
- Aorto-unifemoral graft ? ipisalateral internal
iliac exclusion and a femorofemoral crossover
graft (Montefiore group) - Modular aortouniiliac and aortobiiliac
- Now rupture kits for repair
28Aorto-unifemoral graft
Endovascular Grafts and Other Image-Guided
Catheter-Based Adjuncts to Improve the Treatment
of Ruptured Aortoiliac AneurysmsTakao Ohki and
Frank J. VeithAnn Surg. 2000 October 232(4)
29Modular aortouniiliac and aortobiiliac
Early Experience with the Talent Stent-Graft
System for Endoluminal Repair of Abdominal Aortic
AneurysmsFrank J. Criado, MD, Eric P. Wilson, MD,
Eric Wellons, MD, Omran Abul-Khoudoud, MD, and
Hari Gnanasekeram, MD Tex Heart Inst J. 2000
27(2) 128135.
30SurgeryEndovascular Repair
- Anesthesia
- Can use local (unless patients are squirming)
- Dont loose the sympathetic tone that can
maintain pressure - Some start under local and convert to general for
positioning and release of graft
31SurgeryEndovascular Repair
- Mortality Rates ? 10 to 45, but limited numbers
of patients - Causes ?
- Colon ischemia
- Continued hemorrage
- Endoleaks are a much bigger problem in this
setting as hemorrhage isnt controlled
32Table 102-1. Reported Data on Ruptured Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysms (RAAA) Treated by Endovascular
Aneurysm Repair
- Postoperative bleeding related to coagulapathy
from hypothermia (12-14) - Limb ischemia ? embolization from aortic debris,
or clot formed in illiacs if retrograde flushing
is not performed - Colonic ischemia (3-13) leads to mortality in
73-100 of time - Degree and duration of hypotension
- Patency of IMA
- Collateral supply
- Site of hematoma
- Spinal Cord Injury incidence 2.3.
- Interuption of pelvic blood supply, prolonged
aortic cross-clamping, introperative hypotension,
aortic embolization, internal iliac interuption
- Respiratory Failure ?
- 26-47 (mortality up to 68)
- High O2 requirements, increased lung
permeability, decrease in lung compliance - Factors that predispose
- Large shifts in fluid and blood
- Pre-existing pulmonary dysfunction
- Long cross-clamp time
- Renal Dysfunction ?
- Incidence is 26-42 in patients in symptomatic
aneurysms or rAAA - Higher with suprarenal cross-clamp, longer
duration of cross-clamp, pre-existing renal
dysfunction, shock, old age
- Irreversible Shock ?
- 10-15 of rAAA mortality
- Irreversible state in which aortic clamping,
aggressive fluid resuscitation, and inotropic
support can fail to reverse hypotension - Cardiac Complications ?
- MI mortality of 19-66
- Arrhythmias mortality 46
- Cardiac arrest mortality 81-100
- CHF mortality of 41
- Common as patients usually have simultaneous
cardiac dz
- Liver Failure ?
- Due to hypoxic injury
- Although the liver is robust can deal with a
large degree of hypoxic injury it still must
reabsorb hematoma and the increase in metabolism
that is required to do this - Patients usually develop jaundice on day 7
- Multisystem Organ Failure ?
- Incidence of 64
- Most common cause of death after 48 hrs
- Also referred to as a systemic inflammatory
- Multisystem Organ Failure ?
- Two hit hypothesis
- 1) Hemorrhagic shock first ischemic insult
primes the inflammatory response - 2) Aortic Clamping second ischemic insult
- 3) Resuscitation first reperfusion insult
- 4) Aortic unClamping second reperfusion insult
- Animal models support
- PMNs primed by pre-op hemorrhage, and after
operative repair there was further activation
with elevations of oxidative burst. - These patients are walking into the hospital with
oxidative injury
- Between 43 to 70 depending on the study
- Predictors ?
- Scoring systems
- POSSUM 12 physiologic variables and 6 operative
variables for calculated risk - Hardman index Based on age, creatinine,
hemoglobin, EKG evidence of ischemia, h/o loss of
consciousness - Multiple Organ dysfunction score (based on
respiratory, renal, hepatic, hematologic,
neurologic, and cardiac) - Deaths bimodal
- Those that died 48 after repair had sig increases
in MODS - Renal failure followed by hepatic failure at Day
10 are at highest risk for mortality
39Table 102-2. Logistic Regression Model Showing
the Interaction of Significant Preoperative and
Intraoperative Variables That Predicted Early
Survival After Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
40Logistic Regression Model Showing the Interaction
of Significant Postoperative Complications That
Predicted Early Survival After Ruptured Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm
- Diagnosis Have RAAA on the differential, dont
miss the diagnosis - Resuscitation Less is more until aorta is
clamped - Surgery Quick, safe exposure. Use a method
that you are experienced with. - Complications Expect them
42I would like to end with one more aorta
43(No Transcript)
44If substantial hematoma prevents distal
dissection use occlusive balloons placed from
inside the aneurysm
45SurgeryOpen Repair ? TRANSPERITONEAL
Supraceliac Clamp
If no hypotension
Inspect Retroperitoneum Reflect bowel and duodenum
Pararenal Extensive Hematoma
If no hematoma
Careful Dissection for Infrarenal Control
Uncontrolled Bleeding Developes
46- She was evaluated for an intra-abdominal process
because of abdominal pain. The patient was
signed out to me by Dr. Lynn at the end of his
shift. The patient suddenly called out to the
nurse and was noted to be unresponsive. She was
breathing shallow. I was called to the bedside.
The patient appeared pale to me with pale
conjunctivae. She was breathing shallow. Pulse
oximetry was 100. She had a paced rhythm of
about 60. Blood pressure was 175/64. Her
abdomen was mildly distended but otherwise soft.
Because of the patient's shallow breathing and
her low cognitive function, I immediately
obtained an Accu-Chek, which was 120. I was
concerned about anemia, but the hemoglobin was
10. On the other hand, while we were assessing
her, I got a call from the radiologist, who
reported that the patient had a ruptured AAA.
Advance directives did not show any DNR status.
The patient was immediately updated to room 5 for
resuscitation. Vascular Surgery was called and
immediately came down. We were giving the
patient oxygen, attempting a central line
placement. O negative blood was ordered. The
patient, however, was taken immediately up to a
waiting operating room by the vascular surgeons.
Transfer nurse helped take the patient up.
Oxygen was given 100.