Title: Healthy and Ready to Work
1 Healthy Ready to Work, to Live and to
Celebrate the Paperwork It Means You Are
Alive! Making the Paperwork Work Expediting
Program Eligibility
Patti Hackett, MEd HRTW Co-Director, Bangor,
ME T. Kay Hughes, PhD Assistant Superintendent,
Mifflintown, PA PA Transition Conference State
College, PA July 23, 2008
2Todays Outcomes
- By the end of 1 hour success
- will look, sound and feel like
- New knowledge of how to draft disability
documentation - Ways to increase family involvement in the
documentation process - Energized by working in a brain compatible
learning environment that you can model in your
3 About You Me About HRTW
Entitlement-Eligibility Essential
Paperwork Just the Facts Resources
4You, Me, Looking for ?
- Affirm
- Ah ha!
- Squirm
- Disagree
Who You Are? Experts in the Room About me!
5Growing Up Ready to LIVE!
Health Wellness . Humor
7Just the Facts Key Benefits
- Celebrate the Paperwork
- It Means You Are Alive!
- Making the Paperwork Work
- Expediting Program Eligibility
8Take Home Messages
- Paperwork is a reality
- no positives in whining
- 2. Indentify the shortcuts
- put energy on solutions
- 3. Draft the paragraph, create the one pager
- Trim done the care notebook
- 4. Families NEED to learn this
- they get the denials and the stress
9Survival Tips Why NOT try some
- No is just the first answer
- until additional information is provided
- 2. Speak their language, terms
- Compliment, address by name
- 3. Scheduled stress day-deal w/ forms, bills.
- - Open mail on the 15th
- - Take action on 17th prep relax bath
- 4. Three way call
- Practice filling in forms (Home School)
- 2. Cheat sheet portable medical summary
- 3. Tracking to avoid forgetting
- Incorporate form completion activities in
transition planning. - Ask school personnel to include community
agency staff when planning activities. - Work with school personnel to develop a
personal cheat sheet that can be used when
filling out standard forms. -
12Just the Facts Key Benefits
13 14Just the Facts Accessing Adult ServicesIts
Moving from Entitlement to Eligibility
- Dispelling the Myths
- The Intent of the Service
- Roles Teachers,
- Physicians, Care Coordinators
- Families Youth
15Roles - Home and School
- Home
- Ensure a collaborative relationship
- between home/YOUTH and school
- that develops a comprehensive IEP
- Ensure youth is working toward IEP goals that
address all post-secondary outcomes (supporting
aspirations) -
16Roles - Home and School
- Home
- Ensure a collaborative relationship between home
and school that develops a comprehensive IEP - Ensure youth is working toward IEP goals that
address all post-secondary outcomes - School
- Provide advocacy
- Encourage self-advocacy
- Act as a liaison between home, school and
community - Make connections between families, employers,
schools, community agencies - Assist in simplifying paperwork
17Just the Facts SSI
- The Myth
- All applications get denied first time around.
- The Intent
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 1972
- Federal funded by general tax revenues (not
Social Security taxes) - Designed to help aged, blind, and disabled
people, who have little or no income and - Provides cash to meet basic needs for food,
clothing, and shelter (assets 2,000
single/3,000 couple)
18Just the Facts SSI
- Insider Info
- Applications will receive a timely impartial
review IF the complete paperwork is received. - Medical and other evidence is not complete.
- Documentation doesnt follow disability criteria.
- SSA staff receive raises in part based on
paperwork flow. -
19Just the Facts SSI Disability Criteria
- An individual is "disabled" if he or she has a
medically determinable physical or mental
impairment - Can be expected to result in death
- Has lasted or can be expected to last for a
- continuous period of not less than 12 months
- Child - Marked severe functional limitations
- Adults -Inability to engage in any
- substantial gainful activity (2007-900/mo)
20Just the Facts SSI - Listings
- Musculoskeletal System
- Special Senses and Speech
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular System
- Digestive System
- Genito-Urinary System
- Hemic and Lymphatic System
- Skin
- Endocrine System
- Multiple Body Systems
- Neurological
- Mental Disorders
- Neoplastic Diseases Malignant
- Immune System
www.ssa.gov search BLUE BOOK
21Just the Facts SSI
- 111.07 Cerebral palsy with
- A. Motor dysfunction meeting the requirements of
101.02 or 111.06 or - B. Less severe motor dysfunction
- (but more than slight) and 1 of the
following - 1. IQ of 70 or less or
- 2. Seizure disorder, with at least one major
motor seizure in the year prior to application
or - 3. Significant interference with communication
due to speech, hearing, or visual defect or - 4. Significant emotional disorder
22Just the Facts SSI
- Disability Criteria for Children Domains
- - Acquiring and Using Information - Attending
and Completing Tasks - Interacting and Relating
with Others - Moving About and Manipulating
Objects - Caring for Yourself and - Health
and Physical Well-being -
23Just the Facts SSI
- CHILDREN - Meets or Equals
- Functionally "listed impairment
- Marked limitations in 2 of these domains
- interferes seriously with the child's ability
to independently initiate, sustain, or complete
activities. - Extreme limitation in 1 domain,
- interferes very seriously with these
abilities. -
24Just the Facts SSI
- Disability Criteria for Adults
- Meets the Listing - one of the Listings by
comparing it to the specific requirements in the
Listings. - Meets or Equals - impairment(s) is equal in
severity and duration to a listed impairment. - Residual Functional Capacity - disability is
severe, but does not meet or equal a listed
impairment -
25 Questions
26Just the Facts VR
- The Myth
- They purposely delay applications.
- They only serve people who are easy to place.
- The Intent
- To assist and empower eligible individuals
with disabilities to achieve and maintain
meaningful employment
27Just the Facts VR
- Supported Employment
- Short-Term, Vocational Training
- College or University-based education
- Job Coaching
- On-the-Job Training
28Just the Facts VR
- Physicians, Care Coordinators
- Help gather medical other evidence for
disability determination - Families Youth
- Portable Medical Summary-ICD9 codes
- 1st appt have ALL paperwork completed.
- Be part of the solution, be proactive.
29Just the Facts VR
- Include VR personnel in transition planning
meetings. - Ask personnel to explain role VR can play in
attaining post-secondary outcomes. - Ask personnel to assist in obtaining actual
paperwork used in post-secondary activities - .
30Handouts VR
- Documenting Disability
- Sample Letter from Physician
- Families need to learn how to draft letter
- Medical Team reviews/edits
- Youth learn the rules and regs.
31- Tools
- Portable medical summary
- Letter from Doc
32 Questions
33 Patti Hackett, MEd Co-Director, HRTW Center,
Bangor, ME pattihackett_at_hrtw.org
34Resources - 04
- HRTW Portal - Laws that Affect CYSHCN
- http//www.hrtw.org/tools/laws_leg.html
- The Term Special Health Care Needs or Disability
- Disability Rights Portals
- Education Issues
- Employment Disability
- Equal Opportunity Access (504, 508 ADA)
- Family Medical Leave Act
- HRSA/MCHB Title V Legislation
- Health Insurance Benefits
35Just the Facts SSI -- Resources
- SSA website
- www.ssa.gov/ssi
- Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST)
- On-line tool - eligible for benefits from any of
the programs Social Security administers. - https//secure.ssa.gov/apps7/best/benefits/
- Understanding Supplemental Security Income, 2007
- http//www.socialsecurity.gov/ssi/text-understandi
ng-ssi.htm -
36Just the Facts SSI -- Resources
- www.ssa.gov search BLUE BOOK
- Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
- http//www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebo
ok/ - Listing of Impairments - Childhood Listings
- www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/Chil
dhoodListings.htm -
- Listing of Impairments - Adult Listings
- www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/Adul
37Just the Facts SSI -- Resources
- Ultimate Social Security Disability Guide
- http//www.ultimatedisabilityguide.com/index.html
- Understanding the GRID Rules
- http//www.ultimatedisabilityguide.com/grid_rules.
html - FORMS-Residual Functional Capacity (mental)
(physical) - http//www.ultimatedisabilityguide.com/rfc_forms.h
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