FORMS OF CORROSION - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CHAPTER 3 FORMS OF CORROSION (cont ) Chapter Outlines 3.5 Selective Leaching 3.6 Erosion Corrosion 3.7 Stress Corrosion 3.8 Hydrogen Damage Adsorption of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Chapter Outlines 3.5 Selective Leaching 3.6
Erosion Corrosion 3.7 Stress Corrosion 3.8
Hydrogen Damage
  • SELECTIVE LEACHING (Dealloying, Parting)
  • Corrosion in which one constituent of an alloy is
    preferentially removed, leaving behind an altered
    (weakened) residual structure.
  • Can occur in several systems.

  • Combinations of alloys and environments subject
    to dealloying and elements preferentially removed

Alloy Environment Element removed
Brasses Many waters, especially under stagnant conditions Zn (dezincification)
Grey iron Aluminium bronzes Soils, many waters HCl, acids containing Chloride Fe (graphitic corrosion) Al (dealuminification)
Silicon bronzes High-temperature steam and acidic species Si (desiliconification)
Tin bronzes Copper-nickels Hot brine or steam High heat flux and low water velocity (in refinery condenser tubes) Sn (destannification) Ni (denickelification)
Copper-gold single crystals Monels Ferric chloride Hydrofluoric and other acids Cu Cu in some acids, and Ni in others
Gold alloys with copper or silver High-nickel alloys Sulfide solutions, human saliva Molten salts Cu, Ag, Cr, Fe, Mo and T
Medium- and high-carbon steels Oxidizing atmospheres, hydrogen at high temperatures C (decarburization)
Iron-chromium alloys High-temperature oxidizing atmospheres Cr, which forms a protective film
Nickel-molybdenum alloys Oxygen at high temperature Mo
  • Dezincification
  • All Cu-Zn alloys (Brasses) containing gt 15 Zn
    are susceptible . . .
  • e.g. common yellow brass . . . 30 Zn 70 Cu,
    dezincifies to red copper-rich structure.
    Dezincification can be uniform...
  • potable water inside
  • or plug-type.... (boiler water inside,
    combustion gases outside)

Uniform dezincification of brass pipe.
Plug-type dezincification.
Section of one of the plugs shown before
  • Overall dimensions of original material tend to
    be retained . . . residual is spongy and porous .
    . . often brittle.
  • Can go unnoticed, especially if covered with
    dirt/deposit, etc.
  • Uniform dezincification...
  • - usually found in high brasses (highZn),
    acid environments
  • Plug-type dezincification...
  • - usually found in low brasses, alkaline,
    neutral or slightly acid environments.

  • Mechanism
  • (1) Zn atoms leave lattice sites . . .
  • are leached into the environment selectively
  • Discuss . . . w.r.t. last picture.
  • (2) Generally accepted . . .
  • - brass dissolves
  • - Zn stays in solution
  • - Cu re-deposits.
  • Discuss . . . w.r.t. last picture.
  • N.B. possibility for local anode-cathode couples
    .. Cu deposits accelerate attack.
  • N.B. dezincified areas generally 90-95 Cu some
    Cu2O/CuO present if O2 in the environment.

  • Prevention
  • - Make environment less aggressive (e.g., reduce
    O2 content)
  • - Cathodically protect
  • - Use a better alloy (common cure - above not
    usually feasible)...
  • - red brass (lt15 Zn) almost immune
  • - Admiralty Brass. . . 70 Cu, 29 Zn, 1 Sn
  • - arsenical Admiralty. . . 70 Cu, 29 Zn, 1
    Sn, 0.04 As
  • (Sn and Sn-As in deposited films hinder
    redeposition of Cu)
  • - For very corrosive environments likely to
    provoke dezincification, or for critical
    components, use . . .
  • - cupronickels 70-90 Cu, 30-10 Ni.

Graphitization (misnomer . . . graphitization
is the breakdown of pearlite to ferrite C at
high temperature) Grey cast iron is the cheapest
engineering metal . . . 2-4 C, 1-3 Si. Hard,
brittle, easily cast carbon present as
microscopic flakes of matrix graphite within
Microstructure of grey cast iron.
100 ?m
  • In some environments (notably mild, aqueous soils
    affecting buried pipe) the Fe leaches out slowly
    and leaves graphite matrix behind . . appears
    graphitic . . .soft . . . can be cut with a
    knife. Pores usually filled with rust. Original
    dimensions are retained.

A 200-mm (8-in.) diameter grey-iron pipe that
failed because of graphitic corrosion. The pipe
was part of a subterranean fire control system.
The external surface of the pipe was covered with
soil the internal surface was covered with
water. Severe graphitic corrosion occurred along
the bottom external surface where the pipe rested
on the soil. The small-diameter piece in the
foreground is a grey-iron pump impeller on which
the impeller vanes have disintegrated because of
graphitic corrosion.
(a) External surface of a grey-iron pipe
exhibiting severe graphitic corrosion.
(b) Close-up of the graphitically-corroded region
shown in (a).
(c) Micrograph of symmetrical envelopes of
graphitically-corroded iron surrounding flakes of
20 ?m
  • Selective Dissolution in Liquid Metals
  • In liquid metal coolants (LMFBR with Na or Na-K
    coolant), austenitic alloys can lose Ni and Cr
    and revert to the ferrite phase...
  • Corrosion of Inconel alloy 706 exposed to liquid
    sodium for 8,000 hours at 700?C (1290?F) hot leg
    circulating system. A porous surface layer has
    formed with a composition of ? 95 Fe, 2 Cr and
    lt 1 Ni. The majority of the weight loss
    encountered can be accounted for by this surface
    degradation. Total damage depth 45 ?m. (a) Light
    micrograph. (b) SEM of the surface of the porous
  • Alloy 706 ... 39-44 Ni, 14.5-17.5 Cr, 0.06

  • Also in fusion-reactor environments (Li as
  • Light micrograph of cross-section. SEM of
    surface showing porous layer.
  • Corrosion of type 316 stainless steel exposed to
    thermally convective lithium for 7488 hours at
    the maximum loop temperature of 600?C.

  • Usually, the transport and deposition of leached
    elements is of more concern than the actual
  • (a) (b)
  • SEM micrographs of chromium mass transfer
    deposits found at the 460?C (860?C) position in
    the cold leg of a lithium/type-316-stainless-steel
    thermal convection loop after 1700 hours. Mass
    transfer deposits are often a more serious result
    of corrosion than wall thinning. (a) Cross
    section of specimen on which chromium was
    deposited. (b) Top view of surface.

100 ?m
Iron crystals found in a plugged region of a
failed pump channel of a lithium processing test
  • Selective Leaching in Molten Salts
  • Molten salts are ionic conductors (like aqueous
    solutions) and can promote anodic-cathodic
    electrolytic cells . . . they can be aggressive
    to metals.
  • ALSO . . . some molten salts (notably fluorides)
    are Fluxes and dissolve surface deposits that
    would otherwise be protective dealloying of Cr
    from Ni-base alloys and stainless steels can
    occur in the surface layers exposed to molten
    fluorides the vacancies in the metal lattice
    then coalesce to form subsurface voids which
    agglomerate and grow with increasing time and

  • (a) (b)
  • (a) microstructure of type 304L SS exposed to
    LiF-BeF2-ZrF4-ThF4- UF4 (70-23-5-1-1 mole
    respectively) for 5700 hours at 688?C.
  • (b) microstructure of type 304L SS exposed to
    LiF-BeF2-ZrF4-ThF4- UF4 (70-23-5-1-1 mole
    respectively) for 5724 hours at 685?C.

  • (Flow-Assisted or Flow-Accelerated Corrosion)
  • An increase in corrosion brought about by a high
    relative velocity between the
  • corrosive environment and the surface.
  • Removal of the metal may be
  • as corrosion product which spalls off the
    surface because of the high fluid shear and bares
    the metal beneath
  • as metal ions, which are swept away by the fluid
    flow before they can deposit as corrosion
  • Remember the distinction between
    erosion-corrosion and erosion
  • erosion is the straightforward wearing away by
    the mechanical abrasion caused by suspended
    particles . . . e.g., sand-blasting, erosion of
    turbine blades by droplets . . .
  • erosion-corrosion also involves a corrosive
    environment . . . the metal undergoes a chemical

  • Erosion-corrosion produces a distinctive surface
  • grooves, waves, gullies, holes, etc., all
    oriented with respect to the fluid flow pattern .
    . . scalloping...

Erosion-corrosion of stainless alloy pump
impeller. Impeller lasted 2 years in oxidizing
conditions after switch to reducing conditions,
it lasted 3 weeks!
Erosion-corrosion of condenser tube wall.
  • Most metals/alloys are susceptible to
  • Metals that rely on protective surface film for
    corrosion protection are particularly
    vulnerable, e.g. Al
  • Pb
  • SS
  • CS.
  • Attack occurs when film cannot form because of
    erosion caused by suspended particles (for
    example), or when rate of film formation is less
    than rate of dissolution and transfer to bulk

  • Erosion-Corrosion found in - aqueous solutions
  • - gases
  • - organic liquids
  • - liquid metal.
  • If fluid contains suspended solids,
    erosion-corrosion may be aggravated.
  • Vulnerable equipment is that subjected to
    high-velocity fluid, to rapid change in direction
    of fluid, to excessive turbulence . . .
  • viz. equipment in which the contacting fluid has
    a very thin boundary layer
  • - high mass transfer rates.
  • Vulnerable equipment includes

- pipes (bends, elbows, tees) - valves - pumps - blowers - propellers, impellers - stirrers - stirred vessels - HX tubing (heaters, condensers) - flow-measuring orifices, venturies - turbine blades - nozzles - baffles - metal-working equipment (scrapers, cutters, grinders, mills) - spray impingement components - etc.
  • Surface film effects
  • Protective corrosion-product films important for
    resistance to erosion-corrosion.
  • Hard, dense, adherent, continuous films give good
    resistance, provided that they are not brittle
    and easily removed under stress.
  • Lead sulphate film protects lead against DILUTE
    H2SO4 under stagnant conditions, but not under
    rapidly moving conditions.

Erosion-corrosion of hard lead by 10 sulphuric
acid (velocity 39 ft/sec).
  • pH affects films in erosion-corrosion of
    low-alloy steel.
  • Scale generally granular Fe3O4 (non-protective).
    But at pH 6 pH 10, scale Fe(OH)2/Fe(OH)3 . . .
    hinders mass transport of oxygen and ionic

Effect of pH of distilled water on
erosion-corrosion of carbon steel at 50?C
(velocity 39 ft/sec).
  • Dissolved O2 often increases erosion-corrosion .
    . .
  • e.g. copper alloys in seawater. . . BUT . . . on
    steels, dissolved O2 will inhibit
    erosion-corrosion . . . utilized in boiler
    feedwater systems.

Effects of temperature and dissolved O2 on the
weight-loss of AISI 304 stainless steel exposed
for 800 hours in flowing water at 3.7 m/s.
Effect of oxygen dosing on erosion-corrosion and
potential of carbon steel in water at 150?C, pH
at 25oC 7.8.
  • Good resistance of Ti to erosion-corrosion in
  • - seawater
  • - Cl- solutions
  • - HNO3
  • and many other environments.
  • Resistance depends on formation and stability of
    TiO2 films.

  • Chromium imparts resistance to erosion-corrosion
    to - steels
  • - Cu alloys.
  • Such tests have led to the marketing of a new
    alloy for condenser tubes . . CA-722 . . .
    previously IN-838 . . . with constituents . . .

Effect of chromium additions on seawater
impingement-corrosion resistance of copper-nickel
alloys. 36-day test with 7.5 m/s jet velocity
seawater temperature 27?C.
  • Velocity Effects
  • N.B. Turbulent flow regime for V lt Vc is
    sometimes called
  • Flow-Assisted Corrosion regime.

Schematic showing the effect of flow velocity on
erosion-corrosion rate.
  • Relationship between flow velocity, v, and
    erosion-corrosion rate, w, may be written as . .
  • w kva
  • where k and a are constants that depend on the
  • DISCUSS What happens when v 0 ?
  • How do we express no dependence on velocity?
  • The exponent a varies between . . .
  • 0.3 (laminar flow) and
  • 0.5 (turbulent flow)...
  • occasionally reaching gt 1.0 for mass transfer
    and fluid shear
  • effects.
  • For mechanical removal of oxide films (spalling),
    the fluid shear stress at the surface is
    important, and a gt 1.0 . . . (may reach 2 - 4).

Erosion-Corrosion in Carbon Steel and Low-Alloy
Steels N.B. these materials are used
extensively in boilers, turbines, feed-water
heaters in fossil nuclear plants. High
velocities occur in single-phase flow (water) and
two-phase flow (wet steam). Single-phase E-C
seen in H.P. feedwater heaters, SG inlets in
AGRs, feedwater pumps. Two-phase E-C more
widespread . . . steam extraction piping,
cross-over piping (HP turbine to moisture
separator), steam side of feedwater heaters.
  • Material effects low-alloy steel . . .

Cr additions reduce E-C.
Erosion-corrosion loss as a function of time for
mild steel and 1 Cr 0.5 Mo steel in water (pH at
25?C 9.05) flowing through an orifice at 130?C.
  • Flow dependence (single phase)...

Erosion-corrosion rate of carbon steel as a
function of flow rate of deoxygenated water
through orifice at pH 9.05 and at 149?C.
Mechanism... for E-C of C.S. in high temperature
de-oxygenated water... - magnetite film
dissolves reductively Fe3O4 (3n-4) H2O
2e 3Fe(OH)n(2-n) (3n-8)H - high mass
transfer rates remove soluble Fe II species -
oxide particles eroded from weakened film by
fluid shear stress - metal dissolves to try and
maintain film.
Mass transfer characteristics correlated by
expressions such as... Sh kRea Scb Sh
Sherwood Number Re Re
Reynolds Number Sc Sc Schmidt
Number Shear stress correlated by .
f f friction factor and at high Re, f
independent of velocity so
  • Temperature and pH dependence for single-phase
    E-C of CS . . .

Effect of temperature on the exponent of the mass
transfer coefficient for the erosion-corrosion of
carbon steel in flowing water at various pHs.
  • Prevention of Erosion-Corrosion
  • design (avoid impingement geometries, high
    velocity, etc.)
  • chemistry (e.g., in steam supply systems . . .
    for CS or low-alloy steel add O2, maintain pH gt
    9.2, use morpholine rather than NH3)
  • materials (use Cr-containing steels)
  • use hard, corrosion-resistant coatings.

CAVITATION DAMAGE Similar effect to E-C
mechanical removal of oxide film caused by
collapsing vapour bubbles.
High-speed pressure oscillations (pumps, etc.)
can create shock waves gt 60,000 psi. Surface
attack often resembles closely-spaced pitting.
  • Similar to E-C but surface mechanical action
    provided by wear of another
  • surface . . . generally intermittent,
    low-amplitude rubbing.
  • Two theories . . . with same overall result . . .

Effects in terms of materials COMBINATIONS Frettin
g resistance of various materials
Poor Average Good
Aluminum on cast iron Aluminum on stainless steel Magnesium on cast iron Cast iron on chrome plate Laminated plastic on cast iron Bakelite on cast iron Hard tool steel on stainless Chrome plate on chrome plate Cast iron on tin plate Cast iron on cast iron with coating of shellac Cast iron on cast iron Copper on cast iron Brass on cast iron Zinc on cast iron Cast iron on silver plate Cast iron on silver plate Cast iron on amalgamated copper plate Cast iron on cast iron with rough surface Magnesium on copper plate Zirconium on zirconium Laminated plastic on gold plate Hard tool steel on tool steel Cold-rolled steel on cold- rolled steel Cast iron on cast iron with phosphate coating Cast iron on cast iron with coating of rubber cement Cast iron on cast iron with coating of tungsten sulfide Cast iron on cast iron with rubber gasket Cast iron on cast iron with Molykote lubricant Cast iron on stainless with Molykote lubricant
Source J.R. McDowell, ASTM Special Tech. Pub.
No. 144, p. 24, Philadelphia, 1952.
  • Prevention of Fretting Corrosion
  • lubricate
  • avoid relative motion (add packing, etc.)
  • increase relative motion to reduce attack
  • select materials (e.g., choose harder component).

  • STRESS CORROSION (Stress Corrosion Cracking -
  • Under tensile stress, and in a suitable
    environment, some metals and alloys crack . . .
    usually, SCC noted by absence of significant
    surface attack . . . occurs in ductile

  • Transgranular SCC (TGSCC)

Cross section of stress-corrosion crack in
stainless steel.
  • Intergranular SCC (IGSCC)

Intergranular stress corrosion cracking of brass.
  • Two original classic examples of SCC
  • season cracking of brass
  • caustic embrittlement of CS

  • Season Cracking
  • Occurs where brass case is crimped onto bullet,
    i.e., in area of high residual stress.
  • Common in warm, wet environments (e.g., tropics).
  • Ammonia (from decomposition of organic matter,
    etc.) must be present.

Season cracking of German ammunition.
  • Caustic Embrittlement
  • Early steam boilers (19th and early 20th century)
    of riveted carbon steel. Both
  • stationary and locomotive engines often exploded.
  • Examination showed
  • cracks or brittle failures around rivet holes
  • areas susceptible were cold worked by riveting
    (i.e., had high residual stresses)
  • whitish deposits in cracked regions were mostly
    caustic (i.e., sodium hydroxide from chemical
    treatment of boiler water)
  • small leaks at rivets would concentrate NaOH and
    even dry out to solid. SCC revealed by dye

Carbon steel plate from a caustic storage tank
failed by caustic embrittlement.
  • Factors important in SCC
  • environmental composition
  • stress
  • metal composition and microstructure
  • temperature
  • e.g., brasses crack in NH3, not in Cl-
  • SSs crack in Cl-, not in NH3
  • SSs crack in caustic, not in H2SO4, HNO3,
    CH3COOH, . . . etc.

  • The greater the stress on the material, the
    quicker it will crack. (N.B. in fabricated
    components, there are usually RESIDUAL STRESSES
    from cold working, welding, surface treatment
    such as grinding or shot peening, etc., as well
    as APPLIED STRESSES from the service, such as
    hydrostatic, vapour pressure of contents, bending
    loads, etc.).

  • Composite curves illustrating the relative
    stress-corrosion-cracking resistance
  • for commercial stainless steels in boiling 42
    magnesium chloride.

DISCUSS how would you obtain such a curve and
what does it mean?
  • The MAXIMUM stress you can apply before SCC is
    formed (c.f. MINIMUM stress to
    be applied compressively to prevent SCC) depends
    on alloy (composition and structure),
    temperature, and environment composition.
  • Such THRESHOLD stresses may be between 10
    70 of the yield stress - Q.V.
  • N.B. residual stresses from welding steel can be
    close to the yield point.
  • N.B. corrosion products can induce large
    stresses by wedging.

N.B. small-radius notch tip and even
smaller-radius crack tip are STRESS RAISERS A
wedging action by corrosion products of ? 10
ksi (10,000 psi) can induce ? ? 300 ksi (300,000
psi) at the crack tip.
  • Corrosion product wedging ? denting of S.G.
    tubes in some PWRs . . .

Boiling in crevice concentrates impurities - can
lead to acid Cl- at seawater-cooled sites.
Hour-glassing of Alloy-600 tubes led to severe
straining and cracking of tubes. Surrey PWR in
U.S. was first to replace S.Gs., because of
  • Time to Failure

Major damage during SCC occurs in late stages as
cracks progress, cross-sectional area decreases,
stress increases until final failure occurs by
mechanical rupture.
  • Environmental Factors
  • No general pattern, SCC common in aqueous
    solutions, liquid metals also found in fused
    salts, nonaqueous inorganic liquids . . .
  • N.B. Coriou (France) cracked Inconel-600 in pure
    water at ?300?C in 1959!!!

  • Environments that may cause stress corrosion of
    metals and alloys
  • Material Environment
    Material Environment
  • Aluminum alloys NaCl-H2O2 solutions
    Ordinary steels NaOH solutions
  • NaCl solutions
    NaOH-Na2SiO2 solutions
  • Seawater Ca, NH3, and
    NaNO3 Air, Water vapor
  • Copper alloys NH3 (g aq)
    Mixed acids (H2SO4-HNO3)
  • Amines HCN
  • Water, Water vapor
    Acidic H2S solutions
  • Gold alloys FeCl3 solutions
  • Acetic-acid-salt solutions
    Molten Na-Pb alloys
  • Inconel Caustic soda solutions
    Stainless steels Acid chloride
  • Lead Lead acetate solutions
    such as MgCl2 and BaCl2
  • Magnesium alloys NaCl-K2CrO4 solutions
    NaCl-H2O2 solutions
  • Rural and coastal
  • atmospheres H2S
  • Distilled water NaOH-H2S
  • Monel Fused caustic soda
    Condensing steam from

  • Increasing temperature accelerates SCC
  • Most susceptible alloys crack ? ? 100?C Mg
    alloys crack at room temperature.
  • Alternate wetting and drying may aggravate SCC -
    accelerate crack growth (possibly because of
    increasing concentration of corrosive component
    as dryness is approached).

Effect of temperature on time for crack
initiation in types 316 and 347 stainless steels
in water containing 875 ppm NaCl.
  • Some Data for Recommending Service of CS or Ni
    Alloy in Caustic
  • NACE caustic soda chart super-imposed over the
    data on which it is based.

Area A Carbon steel, no stress relief necessary
stress relieve welded steam-traced lines Area
B Carbon steel stress relieve welds and
bends Area C Application of nickel alloys to
be considered in this area nickel alloy trim for
valves in areas B and C.
  • Metallurgical Factors in IGSCC
  • In austenitic SS and Ni alloys, sensitization is
    of major importance in determining susceptibility
    to IGSCC . . . depletion of grain boundaries in
    Cr because of carbide precipitation makes them
    vulnerable to attack. e.g., IGSCC of
    recirculation piping in BWRs (type 304 SS)
    induced by ? 200 ppb dissolved oxygen in the
    otherwise pure H2O coolant resulted in a major
    replacement problem. Plants using L-grade
    experienced very much less SCC.
  • Al alloys (e.g., with Mg and Zn) are also
    susceptible to IGSCC because of precipitation
    within grain boundaries . . . Mg-rich
    precipitates can denude the grain boundaries of
    Mg, make them susceptible to attack in aqueous
  • N.B. In grain-boundary-precipitate mechanisms for
    inducing IGSCC, very local galvanic effects
    between precipitates and matrix are important
  • some precipitates are ANODIC
  • some precipitates are CATHODIC.

  • Grain boundary segregation of alloy constituents
    or impurities (without
  • precipitation of separate phases) can also induce
  • e.g., Mg enrichment of grain boundaries in Al
    alloys is a factor in IGSCC
  • promotes local dissolution and hydrogen entry
    (maybe to form hydride, MgH)
  • also . . . grain boundary enrichment of
    impurities and/or C in Fe-base alloys, Ni-base
    alloys and austenitic stainless steels can
    contribute to IGSCC
  • - segregation of P, Si, S, N, B reported only
    clear link with IGSCC reported for P in
    austenitic SS in oxidizing aqueous solutions, for
    P in ferritic alloys in nitrate and caustic

Transgranular SCC Lattice structure in
metal/alloy matrix important dislocation
emergence, movement along slip planes under
stress, and similar factors that can disrupt
passivating films, will promote dissolution of
metal at highly localized and strained
areas. Irradiation-Assisted SCC (IASCC) Since ?
1987, some in-reactor components have cracked in
LWRs . . generally in core-support structures at
the top of the vessel (austenitic SS, Ni alloys).
More widespread in BWRs than PWRs . . .
radiolytic chemical species (especially oxidizing
radicals) seem to be the cause. IASCC of
Alloy-600 (Inconel) penetrations in several PWR
vessel heads have led to leaks and boric-acid
corrosion of RPV head steel (e.g., Davis Besse).
Heads replaced.
  • Mechanism of SCC
  • SCC is very complex probably no single
    mechanism, but several operating at the same
    time. Models (scientific descriptions) of
    mechanisms of two types
  • dissolution
  • mechanical fracture.
  • Dissolution Models of Crack Propagation
  • Major model is based on Film Rupture . . .
    (slip-dissolution) . . . high stresses at crack
    tip create local area of plastic deformation -
    ruptures passive films, exposed metal dissolves
    rapidly . . . some say periodic dissolution and
    re-passivation, some say crack tip always bare.

periodic rupture
Schematic representation of crack propagation by
the film rupture model.
  • Mechanical Fracture Models of Crack Propagation
  • Corrosion Tunnel
  • Corrosion tunnel models.
  • Schematic of tunnel model showing the initiation
    of a crack by the formation of corrosion tunnels
    at slip steps and ductile deformation and
    fracture of the remaining ligaments.
  • (b) Schematic diagram of the tunnel mechanism
    of SSC and flat slot formation.

  • Adsorption of impurities at the crack tip
    promotes the nucleation of dislocations
  • lead to shear-like fracture (seemingly brittle).
  • Tarnish Rupture
  • Cracks propagate by alternate film growth and
    (brittle) film fracture, followed by rapid film
    formation over exposed metal.
  • Film-Induced Cleavage
  • thin film forms
  • brittle crack initiates in layer
  • crack moves from film into matrix
  • crack continues through ductile matrix until it
    blunts and stops
  • process repeats.
  • Adsorption-Induced Brittle Fracture
  • Species adsorbing at crack tip alter inter-atomic
    bond strengths, lower stress required for
    fracture propagation should be continuous.
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement
  • Cathodic processes involving hydrogen-ion
    reduction can inject H into matrix . . . this can
    embrittle metal, promote cracking . . . most
    likely in ferritic steels but also possible in
    Ni-base, Ti and Al alloys (contributes to SCC of
    carbon steel feeders at Point Lepreau ?).

  • Prevention of SCC
  • 1. Lowering the stress below the threshold value
    if one exists. This may be done by annealing in
    the case of residual stresses, thickening the
    section, or reducing the load. Plain carbon
    steels may be stress-relief annealed at 590 to
    650?C, and the austenitic stainless steels are
    frequently stress-relieved at temperatures
    ranging from 820 to 930?C.
  • 2. Eliminating the critical environmental species
    by, for example, de-gasification,
    demineralization, or distillation.
  • 3. Changing the alloy is one possible recourse if
    neither the environment nor stress can be
    changed. For example, it is common practice to
    use Inconel (raising the nickel content) when
    type 304 stainless steel is not satisfactory.
    Although carbon steel is less resistant to
    general corrosion, it is more resistant to
    stress-corrosion cracking than are the stainless
    steels. Thus, under conditions which tend to
    produce stress-corrosion cracking, carbon steels
    are often found to be more satisfactory than the
    stainless steels. For example, heat exchangers
    used in contact with seawater or brackish waters
    are often constructed of ordinary mild steel.

  • 4. Applying cathodic protection to the structure
    with an external power supply or consumable
    anodes. Cathodic protection should only be used
    to protect installations where it is positively
    known that stress-corrosion cracking is the cause
    of fracture, since hydrogen embrittlement effects
    are accelerated by impressed cathodic currents.
  • 5. Adding inhibitors to the system if feasible.
    Phosphates and other inorganic and organic
    corrosion inhibitors have been used successfully
    to reduce stress-corrosion cracking effects in
    mildly corrosive media. As in all inhibitor
    applications, sufficient inhibitor should be
    added to prevent the possibility of localized
    corrosion and pitting.
  • 6. Coatings are sometimes used, and they depend
    on keeping the environment away from the metal -
    for example, coating vessels and pipes that are
    covered with insulation. In general, however,
    this procedure may be risky for bare metal.
  • 7. Shot-peening (also known as shot-blasting)
    produces residual compressive stresses in the
    surface of the metal. Very substantial
    improvement in resistance to stress corrosion
    found as a result of peening with glass beads.
    Type 410 stainless was exposed to 3 NaCl at room
    temperature type 304 to 42 MgCI2 at 150?C and
    aluminum alloy 7075-T6 to a water solution of
    K2Cr2O7-CrO3-NaCl at room temperature.

  • Corrosion Fatigue The fatigue fracture of a
    metal aggravated by a corrosive environment or
    the stress corrosion cracking of a metal
    aggravated by cyclic stress.
  • N.B. Fatigue fracture usually occurs at stresses
    below the yield point but after many cyclic
    applications of the stress.
  • Typical S-N curves

  • Fatigue-fractured material often shows most of
    the fracture face shiny metallic, with the final
    area to fracture (mechanically by brittle
    fracture of a reduced cross-section) having a
    rough crystalline appearance . . .
  • If corrosion-fatigue occurs, the shiny-metallic
    area might be covered with corrosion products
    BUT normal fatigue fractures may also develop
    corrosion products - depends on environment,
    stress pattern, etc.

  • N.B. In normal fatigue, the frequency of the
    stress cycles is not important. (can do
    accelerated fatigue tests at high frequency - the
    total number of cycles determines fatigue).
  • BUT in corrosion fatigue, low-cycle stresses are
    more damaging than high-frequency stresses.
  • Environment is important.
  • e.g., in seawater
  • Al bronzes and type 300 series SS lose
    20-30 of normal fatigue resistance
  • high-Cr alloys lose 60-70 resistance.
  • N.B. Cyclic loads mean lower allowable stresses,
    this must be designed into components if there
    is also a corrosive environment, the allowable
    stresses are EVEN LOWER.

  • Prevention of Corrosion Fatigue
  • change design so as to reduce stress and/or
  • reduce stress by heat treatment (for residual
    stress), shot peening (to change surface residual
    stresses to COMPRESSIVE).
  • use corrosion inhibitor with care!
  • use coatings . . . electrodeposited
  • Zn
  • Cr
  • Ni
  • Cu
  • and
  • nitrided layers (heating of steels in contact
    with N-containing material e.g., NH3, NaCN,

  • Hydrogen can degrade metals by
  • hydrogen blistering
  • hydrogen embrittlement
  • decarburization
  • hydrogen attack.

  • Blistering
  • Hydrogen enters the lattice of a metal, diffuses
    to voids, creates high internal stresses ?
    blisters . . .
  • Blistering may occur during exposure to
  • hydrocarbons
  • electroplating solutions
  • chemical process streams
  • pickling solutions
  • H-containing contaminants during welding
  • general corrosive environments.

Cross section of a carbon steel plate removed
from a petroleum process stream showing a large
hydrogen blister. Exposure time 2 years.
  • Embrittlement
  • Similar to blistering . . . hydrogen enters metal
    lattice . . .BUT . . .interaction with metal
    lattice different. High-strength (and more
    brittle) steels are susceptible.
  • H-embrittlement different from SCC in nature of
    cracks . . . stress-corrosion cracks usually
    propagate anodically

  • Hydride-forming metals are susceptible to H-
    embrittlement . . .e.g., Zr-alloy pressure tubes
    (in CANDUs) and fuel sheathing (in all water-
    cooled reactors) pick up hydrogen (or deuterium
    in heavy water ) by general corrosion. The
    hydrogen (D) migrates through the metal lattice
    to cool regions and to regions of high tensile
    stress - can precipitate as a separate phase -
    zirconium hydride.
  • These hydrides are themselves brittle, and crack,
    and the crack can propagate through the material,
    with more hydride progressively precipitating at
    the crack tip.

N.B. Enough hydride can precipitate to form a
hydride blister . . . c.f.
hydrogen blister.
  • N.B. The mechanism of hydrogen uptake by metals
    must involve
  • ATOMIC HYDROGEN - molecular hydrogen cannot
    diffuse through metal lattices.
  • BUT . . . remember that molecular hydrogen may
    absorb and dissociate on metal surfaces.

Schematic illustration showing the mechanism of
hydrogen blistering.
  • Decarburization and Hydrogen Attack
  • High temperature process - C or carbide in steels
    can react with gaseous hydrogen . . .
  • C 2H2 ? CH4
  • Note that the reaction can occur with atomic H in
    the metal lattice . . .
  • C 4H ? CH4
  • May crack the steel from high internal pressure.
  • May cause loss of strength as C disappears.

  • Prevention of Blistering
  • use steels with few or no voids
  • use coatings
  • use inhibitors
  • remove impurities that can promote hydrogen
    evolution . . . S2- (particularly bad), As,
    CN-, etc.
  • use different materials (Ni-base alloys have low
    diffusion rates for hydrogen).

  • Prevention of Embrittlement
  • reduce corrosion rate (inhibitors, coatings,
  • change electroplating process to minimize H
    effects (voltage, current density, bath
    composition, etc.)
  • bake material to remove H
  • minimize residual stresses
  • use less susceptible material
  • maintain clean conditions during welding.
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