WELDING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WELDING Group D: Tarang Valecha Dhananjay R. Apurva Mali Prateek Singh List various types of welding used for shipbuilding and with the aid of simple sketches ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Group D Tarang Valecha
  • Dhananjay R.
  • Apurva Mali
  • Prateek Singh

List various types of welding used for
shipbuilding and with the aid of simple sketches,
explain three common types of welding.
  • The processes employed in shipbuilding are
    usually of the fusion welding type. It is
    achieved by means of a heat source, which is
    intense enough to melt the edges of the material
    to be joined as it is traversed along the joint.
    Gas welding, arc welding and resistance welding
    all provide heat sources of sufficient intensity
    to achieve fusion welds.

Various types of welding used in shipbuilding are
  • Gas welding
  • Electric arc welding
  • Automatic welding with coated wires or cored
  • Submerged arc welding
  • Stud welding
  • Tungsten inert gad welding (T.I.G.)
  • Metal inert gas welding

  • Electro-slag welding
  • Electro-gas welding
  • Thermit welding

Gas welding
  • Oxyacetylene welding, commonly referred to as gas
    welding, is a process which relies on combustion
    of oxygen and acetylene.
  • When mixed together in correct proportions within
    a hand-held torch or blowpipe, a relatively hot
    flame is produced with a temperature of about
    3,200 deg.C.
  • The chemical action of the oxyacetylene flame can
    be adjusted by changing the ratio of the volume
    of oxygen to acetylene.

Gas welding
  • Three distinct flame settings are used, neutral,
    oxidising and carburising.
  • Welding is generally carried out using the
    neutral flame setting which has equal quantities
    of oxygen and acetylene.
  • The oxidising flame is obtained by increasing
    just the oxygen flow rate while the carburising
    flame is achieved by increasing acetylene flow in
    relation to oxygen flow.
  • Because steel melts at a temperature above 1,500
    deg.C, the mixture of oxygen and acetylene is
    used as it is the only gas combination with
    enough heat to weld steel.

Gas welding
Neutral flame
Carburising flame
Oxidising flame
Gas welding
  • However, other gases such as propane, hydrogen
    and coal gas can be used for joining lower
    melting point non-ferrous metals, and for brazing
    and silver soldering.
  • Oxyacetylene equipment is portable and easy to
    use. It comprises oxygen and acetylene gases
    stored under pressure in steel cylinders.
  • The cylinders are fitted with regulators and
    flexible hoses which lead to the blowpipe.

Gas welding
  • The relationship between material thickness,
    blowpipe nozzle size and welding speed, is shown
    in the chart.

Tungsten inert gas welding
  • Frequently used in the welding of Aluminium
    brasses, Cunifer, and stainless steels.
  • This is a particularly effective weld process
    particularly for the aluminium brasses such as
    yorcalbro often found in sea water systesm.
  • The small heat effected zone is particularly
    important as super granulation causes a softening
    of yorcalbro leading to bulging and failure under

Tungsten inert gas welding
  • The main advantages are
  • Easy to use in all positions
  • Stable welld directed heat with small heat
    effected zone and deep penetration
  • Clean smooth welds of high quality

Tungsten inert gas welding
  • Technique-The basic technique is a cross between
    Stick welding and gas welding. The arc is struck
    against the surface, the shield gas is ionised
    and a stable arc is formed. The elctrode must be
    quickly brought up to the weld height to prevent
    contaminationof the weld pool. The tungsten
    electrode does not melt. A filler rod of correct
    material is introduced in a similar fashion to
    gas welding. The electrode holder is held at a
    75' angle and thefiller rod held at 30' in the
    direction of the forehand travel.For TIG the
    shield gas has the added requirement of
    preventing oxidation and cooling the tungsten

Metal inert gas welding (M.I.G.)
  • Also called Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW).
  • Where CO2 is used as the shielding gas the system
    may also be known as Metal Active Gas (MAG).
  • Generaically the term MIG is applied to the
    welding sets.

Metal inert gas welding (M.I.G.)
  • The shield for the arc is formed from a supply of
    inert gas.
  • Gas stored in a bottle is led via a flow
    regulator through a tube to the welding torch.
  • When the trigger on the torch is depressed
    firstly the gas valve is opened and the shield
    gas emitted from the nozzle.
  • Further depressing the trigger makes an
    electrical switch and the wire feed is activated
    and the metal wire electrified.
  • To start the welding operation the torch is held
    a set distance-sat 10-15mm, from the work piece,
    the trigger is pressed and the arc established.
  • Note that the arc is not 'struck' in the same way
    as stick welding.
  • To improve the arc creation is it advisable to
    sharpen the wire to a point before starting Wire
    Stick out - The amount of wire sticking out of
    the holder at startup should be controlled.
  • Too long and the weld arc is cool and may not be
    properly shielded by the gas.
  • Too short and the holder tip can be overheated
    and weld spatter may enter the
    nozzle and cause turbulence in the gas flow

Metal inert gas welding (M.I.G.)
  • Gasses use for different metals
  • Argon
  • Aluminium
  • Stainless Steel
  • Copper and copper alloys
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Ferrous metals
  • Argon/CO2 mix
  • Ferrous Metals
  • Stainles steels
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