Title: Are you an NChamp
1Are you an N-Champ?
2Are you an N-Champ?
3Are you an N-Champ?
4 Electrical Energy Saving
5(No Transcript)
6Electrical Energy Flow
Consumers (Demand or Load) e.g
Lighting -Computer/IT Equipment -Industrial
Power Generation (Thermal, Hydro-electric,
Nuclear) (Supply) Or Non-conventional (Solar PV,
Wind etc)
Transmission and Distribution Network (T D)
Load-shedding? Demand is more than supply
(Basically a Power Shortage/Power Cut)
Ideally... SupplyDemand (Power-generatedPower-co
Increasing supply rapidly is very difficult
7Generation-waste affects the mother environment
8Challenges involved...!!
- Increasing generation is difficult...
- Raw materials, water, environmental effects of
generation waste, manpower, economics...? - Even if generation is increased, similar
complexities involved in modifying T D network
for increased capacity is equivalent to
broadening the roads for carrying more number of
vehicles...one can imagine!
9India, China, Pakistan Already in Power Shortage
'India facing 70,000 MW power shortage'(29 Apr
2007) http//timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articlesh
China's Energy Continuous Struggle with Shortage
(2005/09/29 ) "Energy has become an important
factor that holds back the economic and social
development" http//www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/e
China in power shortage warning (23 January
2008) http//news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7204841.st
10AND U THOUGHT G8 is HaPpY!? Read on...
UK power crisis deepens http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi
Power shortage hits IT Electrical infrastructure
struggling to support increasing technology needs
Electricity supply is a real power struggle - UK
SUNDAY TIMES Submitted by Paul Chambers on
February 10th, 2008 http//www.homecomingrevoluti
US Power Shortage Without More Coal Plants AEP
(US February 18, 2008 ) HOUSTON - The United
States faces an electricity crisis if it eschews
coal-fired power plants on its way to a
low-carbon economy, said the chief executive of
American Electric Power, one of the nation's
biggest utilities. http//www.planetark.com/dail
11Night school....hardworking students in India,
writing final exams in candle light... Reason??...
.. Acute Power Shortage...
12A music Satire of the electrical power cuts in
South Africa 2007 http//www.youtube.com/watch?v
13Why Switch-off?
I am worried about my successors
(students/researchers) who are coming to our
university in the futurehope they will
not experience any load sheddingit will affect
their studies and nightlife in Manchester I am
worried about football/cricket/rugby fans/players
in Manchester I am worried about the patients
in hospitals.... I am worried about the Power
Shortage developing countries are facing and
developed countries may face (ultimately
effect is/will be global) Are you worried about
anything? Dont worry Just switch off the
lights and electrical appliances when they are
not required and be happy ? ...and you become an
Environment Champion
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Group http//www.facebook.com/group.php?gid22305