Title: The clinical pharmacology of neonat
1The clinical pharmacology of neonat
Zhou Yanqiong
2- Characteristic of medicine reaction
- Characteristic of pharmacokinetics
- Significance of drug monitoring
- Medication of breast milk feeding neonat
- Special reaction of neonatal medicine
- Rational administration of neonatal common disease
3Definition of neonatal
postnatal 28ds
4Characteristic of neonat
- 1. functional underdevelopment of organ,
underdevelopment of enzymatic system, - slow drug metabolism and evacuation
- 2.Variation of drug metabolism and evacuation
velocity according to the birth weight, fetal age
and postnatal days - 3.individual difference among the sick babies
- 4.Function weaken
- So, dosage, dosing interval and administration
route will be different
5Drug absorption and route of administration
- Administration by gastrointestinal tract
(GI/GIT) gastric acidity, gastric emptying time,
pathologic status (PS) - Administration by nongastrointestinal tract
- 1. hypodermic injection,intramuscular
injection regional flow, characteristic of
medicine - 2. intravenous injectionfast
6 Pay attention to neonatal intravenous injection
- ?Administration according to specify velocity
- ?To bring about constitution necrosis by drug
effusion - ?To cause thrombophlebitis by injecting the same
blood vessel repeatedly?Injection site should be
changed - ?To avoid using hypso-concentration
7Drug disposition
- Drug distribute to sys by blood circulation
- organization, fat, pH
- Liposolubility, molecular wieght,
- protein binding rate, barrier
8Characteristic of drug disposition of neonat
- More total body water and extracellular fluid
volume - Less fat mass
- Low degree of plasma protein binding
- Underdevelopment of blood-brain barrier
9Drug metabolism
- Organ liver
- Accretion rate size of hepar, metabolic
capability of enzymatic system - Liposoluble substances excreted by binding with
glucuronate or sulfate - A decline of the accretion rate low enzymatic
activity of glucuronyl transferase of neonat
10Drug metabolism
- binding with glucuronate indomethacin,
salicylate, chloramphenicol - Chloramphenicol graybaby syndrome
- sulfoconjugation glucuronate
11Drug excretion
- Organ kidney
- Underdevelopment of Nephridial tissue Fewer
glomcrulus - glomerular filtration tubular secretion
- acid-base balance water-electrolyte metabolism
prime type
12Significance of drug monitoring of neonat
drug metabolism
- Fetal age
- postnatal days
- pathologic condition
- individual difference
- Not according to therapeutic reaction
- Safety/toxis margin
- adverse reaction
13Drug monitoring
- gentamicin????
- cefotaxime sodium?????
- digoxin???
- Phenobarbital????
- Aminophylline???
- chloramphenicol???
14Administration of breast milk feeding neonat
- Banned in lactation
- Prudent in lactation
- suspend lactation
15Unusual reaction
- hypersensitivity
- Haemolysis, jaundice, nuclear jaundice
- methemoglobinemia???????
- hemorrhage??
- NS toxic reaction????????
- graybaby syndrome?????
16Haemolysis, jaundice, nuclear jaundice
- physiological jaundice
- Drugs to evoke haemolysis/jaundice
- Pathway of haemolysis/jaundice
- Nosogenesis of bilirubin encephalopathy
- drug treatment of neonatal jaundice
17Drug treatment of neonatal jaundice
- enzyme inducer Phenobarbital, nikethamide
- Inhibit haemolysis prednisone , dermacort
- Diminish bilirubin
- Infuse albumin
18Rational administration of neonatal common disease
- neonatal asphyxia?????
- neonatal convulsions?????
- neonatal septicemia??????
- neonatal respiratory-distress syndrome??????????
19Neonatal asphyxia
- Common reasonfetal distress respiratory center
inhibited/damaged - Drug treatment
- 1. Retrieve acidosis
- 2. Intracardiac injection of cardiac
- 3. Supply of oxygen
- 4. Infection prevention
20Neonatal convulsions
- Common reason
- hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,
- intracranial hemorrhage,
- hypocalcemia
- Drug treatment
- treat primary disease,
- retrieve metabolic disorder,
- anticonvulsant
21Treatment of neonatal convulsions
- To retrieve metabolic disorder
- 1.Retrieve hypoglycaemia
- 2.Retrieve hypocalcemia
- 3.Retrieve hypomagnesemia
- 4 . Retrieve VitB6 defect
- Anticonvulsant application
- 1.Phenobarbital????
- 2.phenytoin sodium????
- 3.Diazepam???
- 4.chloral hydrate????
22Neonatal septicemia
- High case-fatality rate
- Fast pathogenetic condition
- Intravenous injection
23Neonatal septicemia
- Coccobacteria
- blood-brain barrier
- purulent meningitissuppurative meningitis
- Supportive treatment
? bacillus
Third generation cephalosporin
24Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn
- dyspneic respiration respiratory
failure - alveolar surfactant insufficient
- Characteristic of pathobiology
- asphyxial membrane --- pulmonary closure
hyaline membrane diseasemembrane syndrome
25Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn
- Treatmentkeep warm oxygen retrieve electrolyte
disturbances and acidosis infection prevention
depressurization - Oxygen therapy atomizationmask oxygen
inhalation 40concentrationinterruption