Airport Operation Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Airport Operation Management


Airport Operation Management Topics Pavement Management Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Snow and Ice Control* Safety Inspection Programs Bird and Wildlife Hazard ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Airport Operation Management

Airport Operation Management
  • Pavement Management
  • Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
  • Snow and Ice Control
  • Safety Inspection Programs
  • Bird and Wildlife Hazard Management

Pavement Management
  • The definition of minimum quality standard for
    airfield pavement by U.S. regulation
  • Pavement edges shall not exceed 3 inches
    difference in elevation between abutting pavement
    sections and between full-strength pavement and
    abutting shoulders.
  • Pavement surfaces shall have no hole exceeding 3
    inches in depth or any hole the slope of which
    from any point in the hole to the nearest point
    at the lip of the hole is 45 degrees or greater
    as measured from the pavement surface plane,
    unless, in either case, the entire area of the
    hole can be covered by a 5-inch diameter circle.
  • Pavement shall be free of cracks and surface
    variations which could impair directional control
    of air carrier aircraft.

Pavement Management
  • The definition of minimum quality standard for
    airfield pavement by U.S. regulation (continue)
  • Mud, dirt, sand, loose aggregate, debris, foreign
    objects, rubber deposits, and other contaminants
    shall be removed promptly and as completely as
    practicable, with exceptions for snow and ice
    removal operations.
  • Any chemical solvent that is used to clean any
    pavement area shall be removed as soon as
    possible, with exceptions for snow and ice
    removal operations.
  • The pavement shall be sufficiently drained and
    free of depressions to prevent ponding that
    obscures markings or impairs safe aircraft

Pavement Management
  • Runways are typically paved using one of two sets
    of materials.
  • Runways may be constructed of flexible (asphalt)
    or rigid (concrete) materials.
  • Concrete, a rigid pavement that can remain useful
    for 20 to 40 years, is typically found at large
    commercial service airports and former military
    base airfields. Runways made of rigid pavements
    are typically constructed by aligning a series of
    concrete slabs connected by joints that allow for
    pavement contraction and expansion as a result of
    the loading of aircraft on the pavement surface,
    and as a result of changes in air temperature.
  • Runways constructed from flexible pavement
    mixtures are typically found at most smaller
    airports. Flexible pavement runways are typically
    much less expensive to construct than rigid
    pavement runways. The life of asphalt runways
    typically lasts between 15 and 20 years, given
    proper design, construction, and maintenance.

Pavement Management
  • Periodic on-the-ground inspections can easily
    spot joint openings, surface cracks, and other
    problems before the runway becomes a hazard to
    aviation operations. Specific runway conditions
    that are considered hazards include alligatoring
    of asphalt surfaces, pavement cracking, rutting,
    raveling, and the creation of potholes.
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Pavement Management
  • The following symptoms provide evidence of
    potential pavement failures
  • Ponding of water on or near pavement.
  • Building up of soil or heavy turf at pavement
    edges, preventing water runoff.
  • Clogged or overgrown ditches
  • Erosion of soil at pavement edges
  • Open or silted-in joints
  • Surface cracking or crumbling
  • Undulating or bumpy surfaces

Pavement Management
  • The FAA defines pavement maintenance as "any
    regular or recurring work necessary, on a
    continuing basis, to preserve existing pavement
    facilities in good condition, any work involved
    in the care or cleaning of existing pavement
    facilities, and incidental or minor repair work
    on existing pavement facilities. Pavement
    maintenance involves, for example, sealing of
    small surface cracks.
  • The FAA defines pavement rehabilitation as the
    "development required to preserve, repair, or
    restore the financial integrity" of the pavement.
    Adding an additional layer of asphalt on the
    surface of a runway with the goal of
    restrengthening the pavement would be considered
    a rehabilitation.
  • Though approaches to repairing pavements may
    differ, some experts note that appropriately
    timed maintenance and rehabilitation forestalls
    the need to replace the pavement entirely, termed
    pavement reconstruction, which is a far more
    expensive process. An appropriate maintenance
    program can minimize pavement deterioration.
    Similarly, rehabilitation can extend the time
    needed until the pavement must be replaced.

Pavement Management
  • A proper pavement management program evaluates
    the present condition of a pavement and predicts
    its future condition through the use of a
    pavement condition index. By projecting the rate
    of deterioration, a life cycle cost analysis can
    be performed for various alternatives, and the
    optimal time of application of the best
    alternative is determined.
  • During the first 75 percent of its life, a
    pavement's performance is relatively stable. It
    is during the last 25 percent of its life that
    pavement begins to deteriorate rapidly. The
    challenge of pavement management programs is to
    predict as accurately as possible when that 75
    percent life cycle point will be reached for a
    particular piece of pavement so its maintenance
    and rehabilitation can be scheduled at the
    appropriate times.
  • The longer a pavement's life can be stretched
    until it must be rehabilitated, the lower the
    overall life cycle cost of the pavement will be.
    According to the FAA's own estimates, the total
    costs for ignoring maintenance and periodically
    rehabilitating poor pavement can be up to four
    times as high as the cost for maintaining the
    same piece of pavement in good condition.

Pavement Management
  • Runway Surface Frictions
  • Runway pavement surface friction is threatened by
    normal wear, moisture, contaminants, and pavement
    abnormalities. Repeated traffic movements wear
    down the runway surface.
  • Wet weather can create dynamic or viscous
    hydroplaning. Dynamic hydroplaning is a condition
    where landing gear tires ride up on a cushioning
    film of water on the runway surfaces.
  • Viscous hydroplaning occurs when a thin film of
    oil, dirt, or rubber particles mixes with water
    and prevents tires from making sure contact with
  • Contaminants, rubber deposits, and dust particles
    accumulate over a period of time and smother the
  • The pavement itself might have depressed surface
    areas that are subject to ponding during periods
    of rainfall.

Pavement Management
  • Runway Surface Frictions
  • The most effective and economical method of
    reducing hydroplaning is runway grooving.
    One-quarter-inch grooves spaced approximately 1
    1/4 inches apart are made (generally with diamond
    blades) in the runway surface.
  • These safety grooves help provide better drainage
    on the runway surface, furnish escape routes for
    water under the tire footprint to prevent dynamic
    hydroplaning, and offer a means of escape for
    superheated steam in reverted rubber skids.
  • Grooving also assists in draining surface areas
    that tend to pond, reducing the risks of spray
    ingesting, fluid drag on takeoff, and impacting
    spray damage.
  • Unfortunately, the grooves become filled with
    foreign matter and must be cleaned periodically.
  • The removal of rubber deposits and other
    contaminants includes use of high-pressure water,
    chemical solvents, and high-velocity impact

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2004/10/18 ???? TNA536(??)
2004/08/24 ???? FEA182(??)
2004/07/02 ???? UIA826(??)
2003/08/24 ?????? FEA055 (??)
2000/04/24 ???? FEA1201 (??)
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Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
  • Although the incidents of fires and emergencies
    occurring at an airport are rare, when they do
    occur, especially on an aircraft, the fire
    fighting and rescue capabilities at the airport
    may mean the difference between life and death
    for pilots, passengers, and other airport
    personnel. Because of this, aircraft rescue and
    fire fighting (ARFF) services are strongly
    recommended at all airports and are required to
    be present at all airports.
  • For most of the airports, an agreement with local
    municipal rescue and firefighting agencies is
    also necessary.
  • The characteristics of aircraft fires are
    different from those of other structures and
    equipment because of the speed at which they
    develop and the intense heat they generate.
    Because of this, ARFF uses combinations of water,
    dry chemicals, and aqueous film-forming foam
    (AFFF) to fight aircraft-based and other airfield

Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
  • The U.S. regulation indicates a minimum response
    time of the first vehicle to an incident, defined
    by the ability to reach the midpoint of the
    runway farthest from the vehicle's assigned post,
    of 3 minutes from when an alarm is sounded, with
    all other vehicles required to the scene within a
    minimum of 4 minutes.
  • Until the 1960s, airport fire fighting equipment
    consisted of little more than modified versions
    of the gear used by municipal fire services.
    Today, nearly every major airport is equipped
    with rapid intervention vehicles (RIVs) able to
    reach runways within 2 minutes of an alarm.
    Heavy-duty vehicles are designed to cross rough
    ground to reach a distant runway or go into rough
    terrain, where many accidents tend to occur.

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Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
  • Training is a key ingredient to the overall
    effectiveness of ARFF.
  • The followings are the recommended basic training
  • Airport familiarization
  • Aircraft familiarization
  • Rescue and fire fighting personnel safety
  • Emergency communications systems at the airport,
    including fire alarms
  • Use of the fire hoses, nozzles, turrets, and
    other appliances required for compliance
  • Application of the types of extinguishing agents
    required for compliance
  • Emergency aircraft evacuation assistance
  • Fire fighting operations
  • Adapting and using structural rescue and fire
    fighting equipment for aircraft rescue and fire
  • Aircraft cargo hazards
  • Familiarization with firefighters' duties under
    the airport emergency plan

Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
  • Furthermore, at least one ARFF person on duty
    must be trained in emergency medical care,
    covering the following areas
  • Bleeding
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Shock
  • Primary patient survey
  • Injuries to the skull, spine, chest, and
  • Internal injuries
  • Movement of patients
  • Burns
  • Triage

Snow and Ice Control
  • Aircraft deicing
  • he presence of ice or significant snow
    accumulation on an aircraft's wings or fuselage
    has potential significant adverse effects on the
    performance of aircraft in flight. Because of
    this, the removal of such accumulations is
    required prior to flight. This removal process is
    known as aircraft deicing.
  • Aircraft deicing is accomplished by spraying one
    of two types of heated aqueous solutions onto the
    aircraft. The heat of the solution and the force
    of the spray melt and remove the accumulation.
    The chemical properties of the solution act as an
    antifreeze to prevent significant accumulation
    prior to takeoff.

Safety Inspection Programs
  • Clearly one of the most important concerns of
    airport management is operational safety. To
    ensure those regulations regarding to safety are
    continuously met, airport management should carry
    out a comprehensive safety inspection program.
  • the following general categories in which
    emphasis on elimination, improvement, or
    education are suggested
  • Hazards created by weather conditions such as
    snow, ice, and slush on or adjacent to runways,
    taxiways, and aprons
  • Obstacles on and around airfield surfaces
  • Hazards that threaten the safety of the public
  • Hazards created by erosion, or broken or damaged
    facilities in the approach, takeoff, taxi, and
    apron areas
  • Hazards occurring on airports during construction
    activity, such as holes, ditches, obstacles,
    and so forth
  • Bird hazards adjacent to the airport
  • Inadequate maintenance personnel or equipment

Safety Inspection Programs
  • A typical Safety Inspection ModelPDCA Model
  • PPlan
  • DDo
  • CCheck
  • AAction (feedback)

Bird and Wildlife Hazard Management
  • Birds and other wildlife striking aircraft in
    operation in the vicinity of an airport has the
    potential to cause serious damage to aircraft and
    loss of human life.
  • In 2001, over 5,600 aircraft reported a wildlife
    strike, nearly five times the amount reported in
    1990. Between 1990 and 2001, an estimated 400
    million per year in aircraft damage and over
    500,000 hours per year of aircraft downtime was
    associated with these events. Because most
    strikes occur on or near airports, emphasis on
    bird and wildlife management is mandated.
  • A flock of birds ingested into a jet engine at
    takeoff can cause a dangerous stall, and a single
    large bird hitting an engine with the force of a
    bullet might smash a fan blade that can cost
    thousands of dollars to replace.
  • Airport managers, as well as all other members of
    the aviation community, are aware of the hazards
    that can be caused by birds.

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Bird and Wildlife Hazard Management
  • There are a variety of control techniques
    available that can be used individually or in
    combination, including
  • Elimination of food sources through better
    planning and implementation of a regimen for
    vegetation management on the airport property.
  • Elimination of habitat such as trees, ponds,
    building ledges, and other roosting areas.
  • Physical annoyance, such as noisemakers,
    high-pressure water from fire hoses, and decoys,
    such as papiermache owls to frighten birds.
  • Chemical treatment to cause dispersal and
    movement of flocks or death Effective insect
    control would also be a part of chemical
  • Continual upgrading of scientific methods used in
    assessing the effectiveness of different bird
    control techniques.
  • Better training and management of a team
    dedicated to bird hazard management.
  • Use of firearms or other mechanical means of
  • The use of trained birds of prey, such as falcons
    and hawks, complements a number of other measures
    enacted in recent years in the fight against bird
    strikes. Moreover, several airports have turned
    to border collies as an effective way to chase

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