Title: The Need for a
1The Need for a Strong Force
Why do protons stay together in the nucleus,
despite the fact that they have the same
electric charge?
? They should repel since they are like charge
Why do protons and neutrons in the nucleus bind
? Since the neutron is electrically neutral,
there shouldbe no EM binding between protons and
This Friday and then Monday I will begin
reviewing what we havelearned up to now.This
will also serve to focus you on the important
concepts.I will also hand out a review sheet
next Monday which summarizeswhat the exam will
cover.Friday the 26th will be devoted to a pure
QA session.
3Search for a Theory of Strong Interactions
- By the 1960s, Feynman et al, had fully
developed a quantumtheory which accounted for
all EM phenomenon. This theory iscalled Quantum
Electrodynamics (or QED for short). - Because of this remarkable success, scientists
developed ananalogous theory to describe the
strong interaction. It is calledQuantum
Chromodynamics (or QCD for short). - Scientists conjectured that, like the EM force,
there is also a quantum of the strong force, and
called it the gluon.
4The Strong Force
- For the EM interactions, we learned that The
photon mediates the interaction between objects
which carry electrical charge
- For the Strong Interactions, we conjecture
that A force carrier, called the gluon mediates
the interaction between objects which carry
color charge (that is, the quarks, and gluons
- The most striking difference between the gluon
and thephoton is The gluon carries color
charge, but the photon does not carry electric
charge. ? Gluons can interact with other gluons
5Comparison Strong and EM force
Property EM Strong
Force Carrier Photon (g) Gluon (g)
Mass 0 0
Charge ? None Yes, color charge
Charge types , - red, green, blue
Couples to All objects with electrical charge All objects with color charge
Range Infinite (1/d2) ?10-14 m(inside hadrons)
6Color Charge of Quarks
- Recall, we stated, without much explanation,
that quarks come in3 colors.
- color charge ?? strong-force
as electrical charge ?? EM force.
- Experiments show that there are 3 colors not 2,
not 4, but 3.
- Again, this does not mean that if you could see
quarks, you would see them as being colored.
This color that we refer to isan intrinsic
property and color is just a nice way to
visualize it.
7Color of Hadrons (II)
8Color of Gluons
Each of the 8 color combinationshave a color
and an anti-color
When quarks interact, they exchange color
Dontworryaboutwhat thismeans
Quark 1
Quark 2
9Color the Strong Force
10Flow of Color Charge
11Color Exchange
Quarks interact by the exchange of a
gluon.Since gluons carry color charge, it is
fair to say that the interaction between quarks
results in the exchange of color charge (or just
color) !
12Gluons Important Points
- Gluons are the force carrier of the strong
force. - They only interact with object which have color,
or color charge. - Therefore, gluons cannot interact with
leptonsbecause leptons do not have color charge !
13Feynman Diagrams forthe Strong Interaction
- As before, we can draw Feynman diagrams to
represent the strong interactions between
quarks. - The method is more or less analogous to the case
of EM interactions. - When drawing Feynman diagrams, we dont show
theflow of color charge (oh goody). Its
understood to be occurring. - Lets look at a few Feynman diagrams
14Feynman Diagrams (Quark Scattering)
Quark-quarkScattering Could also
15Where do we get quark and antiquarks from?
And, antiquarks?
16Flashback to EM Interactions
Recall that photons do not interact with each
other.Why? Because photons only interact with
objects which have electric charge, and photons
do not have electric charge !
Gluons carry the charge of the strong force,
which is color charge, or just color !
18Ok, so heres where it gets hairy!
Since gluons carry color charge, they can
interact with each other !(Photons cant do that)
19And quark-gluon interactions as well!
Since both quarks and gluons have color, they can
interact witheach other !!!
20Where do the gluons come from ?
- The gluons are all overinside hadrons!!
- In fact there are a lot more than shown here
!!! - Notice sizes here
- In fact quarks are lt 1/1000th of the size of
the proton, so they are still too big in this
picture ! - Even protons and neutronsare mostly empty space
Since the strong force increases as quarks move
apart, they can only get so farThe quarks are
confined together inside hadrons.Hadron jail !
In this way, you can see that quarksare always
confined inside hadrons (thats CONFINEMENT) !
23What holds the nucleus together?
The strong force !
- Inside the nucleus, the attractive strong force
is stronger thanthe repulsive electromagnetic
force. - Protons and neutrons both experience the
strong force. - The actual binding that occurs between
proton-proton andproton-neutron is the residual
of the strong interaction.
24Food for thought
Recall Mass of Proton 938 MeV/c2 Proton
constituents 2 up quarks 2 (5
MeV/c2) 10 MeV/c2 1 down quark 1
10 MeV/c2 10 MeV/c2 Total quark mass
in proton 20 MeV/c2
Wheres all the rest of the mass ?????
Its incorporated in the binding energy
associated with the gluons !
? 98 of our mass comes from glue-ons !!!!
25Summary (I)
- The property which gives rise to the strong
force is color charge - There are 3 types of colors, RED, GREEN and
BLUE. - Quarks have color charge, and interact via the
mediator of thestrong force, the gluon. - The gluon is massless like the photon, but
differs dramaticallyin that - It has color charge
- Its force acts over a very short range (inside
the nucleus)
26Summary (II)
- Because gluons carry color charge, they can
interact among themselves. - Quarks and gluons are confined inside hadrons
because of the nature of the strong force. - Only 50 of a protons energy is carried by the
quarks. Theremaining 50 is carried by gluons. - We learn about the strong force by hadron-hadron