Title: Utilizing Social Media: The Effects on Organizational Relationships
1Utilizing Social Media The Effects on
Organizational Relationships
- Survey and Interview Data
- This research study details the findings of an
online survey and select follow-up interviews.
Both qualitative and quantitative methods were
employed to expose the affects of social media on
internal and external relationships and answer
the all research questions. This mixed-methods
approach is expected to generate a balanced
understanding of social media affects on
relationships. As the statistics will provide a
platform of demographics and personal preferences
the interviews will warrant a narrative of what
is not mention in the qualitative research. It is
important to use this mixed approach to gather as
much feedback as possible to successfully
measure .
- The surveys were conducted from March 23, 2010
to April 30, 2010 to measure the preference of
social media in contrast to pre-social media
tools with regards to internal and external
4Group A Consumer Demographics
- Respondent Facts
- 40 people started the survey, 37 completed it
(92.5) - Average respondent age 33
- Male/Female ratio 13/26
5Group A Consumer Survey
6Group A Consumer Survey
Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey
How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days?
Answer Options Daily Weekly Very few times Not recently Response Count
o Social networking 28 6 3 2 39
o Social bookmarking 6 7 10 16 39
o Writing a blog 5 5 4 25 39
o Reading a blog 14 9 6 10 39
o Commenting on a blog 7 9 7 16 39
o Writing a customer review 0 6 11 22 39
o Reading a customer review 8 17 7 7 39
o Use RSS feeder 5 0 7 27 39
o Listened to a podcast 4 3 11 21 39
o Uploaded a podcast 2 2 5 30 39
o Watched a vodcast 2 4 7 26 39
o Uploaded a vodcast 0 2 4 33 39
o Edit a wiki 1 0 4 34 39
o Sent a text message 31 3 3 2 39
o Received a text message 35 1 2 1 39
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 39
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 1
7Group A Consumer Survey
8Group A Consumer Survey
Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey
How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days?
Answer Options Daily Weekly Very few times Not recently Response Count
o Twitter 9 1 5 24 39
o Facebook 32 2 2 3 39
o LinkedIn 3 7 5 24 39
o Myspace 0 2 7 30 39
o YouTube 13 14 7 5 39
o Yahoo 15 11 3 10 39
o Google 33 4 1 1 39
o AOL 5 1 4 29 39
o MSN 9 2 5 23 39
o Mozilla 9 1 2 27 39
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 39
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 1
9Group A Consumer Survey
10Group A Consumer Survey
Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey
How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information? How useful are the following sources in finding organization information?
Answer Options 5 - Always useful 4 - Very useful 3 - Somewhat useful 2 - Not very useful 1 - Never useful 0 - Never used this source Response Count
o Company website 15 12 9 1 0 2 39
o Social networks 10 13 14 0 0 2 39
o Search engines 18 14 5 1 0 1 39
o Print press 7 8 16 3 0 5 39
o TV 6 2 20 7 1 3 39
o Radio 7 3 11 8 4 6 39
o Family 8 12 13 2 1 3 39
o Friends 9 12 16 0 1 1 39
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 39
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 1
11Group A Consumer Survey
12Group A Consumer Survey
Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey
How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization? How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization? How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization? How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization? How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization? How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization? How would you prefer to be contacted by and organization?
Answer Options Always Most times Occasionally Never Rating Average Response Count
o Email 21 13 5 0 3.41 39
o Phone 8 6 13 12 2.26 39
o Text 8 7 12 12 2.28 39
o Snail Mail 1 5 14 17 1.73 37
o Face to face 9 11 5 14 2.38 39
o Twitter 2 4 5 27 1.50 38
o Facebook 7 6 12 14 2.15 39
o LinkedIn 2 6 5 25 1.61 38
o IM 4 3 9 23 1.69 39
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 39
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 1
13Group A Consumer Survey
14Group A Consumer Survey
Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey Consumer Survey
Which service would you prefer receiving via social media? Which service would you prefer receiving via social media? Which service would you prefer receiving via social media? Which service would you prefer receiving via social media? Which service would you prefer receiving via social media? Which service would you prefer receiving via social media?
Answer Options 4 - Always 3 - Most times 2 - Occasionally 1 - Never Response Count
o Customer support 6 10 11 12 39
o Special promotions 17 8 8 6 39
o Recalls 13 8 7 11 39
o Consumer tips 9 11 10 9 39
o Consumer reviews 9 11 9 10 39
o Executive employee blogging 5 8 13 13 39
o Employment opportunities 13 12 6 8 39
o Event information 17 15 3 4 39
o FAQs 9 8 9 13 39
o Other 4 7 9 19 39
Other (please specify) Other (please specify) Other (please specify) Other (please specify) Other (please specify) 0
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 39
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 1
15Group A Consumer InterviewsHow has social media
affected your relationships with organizations?
- 1. It has kept me closely connected with family
and friends. - 2. There's been no affect. I understand that
organizations use social media, but since there
is not a level of consistency in which sites are
used and what types of information is given, I
don't rely on social media as a source of
information. - 3. more aware
- 4. I am more appreciative of organizations that
are transparent and open via SM. - 5. Doesn't affect me really. I ignore all the fan
page requests from organizations on FB. I just
want to use facebook to talk to friends and catch
up on people's lives. - 6. Not much with organizations but it has been
useful with friends and family - 7. Twitter is my favorite means to hear news from
organizations. I use TweetDeck and have a column
just for feeds from organizations that I have
chosen to follow. I find myself better informed
about information I'm actually interested in. T - 8. hasn't
- 9. Provided another source for finding
information. - 10. Social media helps share knowledge across
parts of LMI that would not have otherwise
16Group A Consumer InterviewsHow has social media
affected your relationships with organizations?
- 11. I feel more updated on what is going on with
the organization. - 12. I can get through to most organizations via
social media - 13. It hasn't.
- 14. it is easier to track groups that i have an
interest in - their events, activities, and
ideas. - 15. Not at all.
- 16. LinkedIn has helped find jobs
- 17. none
- 18. No effect to slight improvement
- 19. It's made it easier to learn more about the
organizations i.e. employees, job openings, and
possible contacts - 20. I use Social media daily, and it has allowed
me to become more aware of organizations.
17Group A Consumer InterviewsHow has social
networking affected your relationships with
- 21. Hasn't affected it at all
- 22. I am more aware what organizations are doing!
- 23. It has created a barrier between myself and
organizations, for example when a complaint is
registered it is very rarely done face to face
anymore, and so does not completely rectify
anything. - 24. I've got feedback from companies upon posing
questions. always works well! - 25. N/A
- 26. I think organizations using social media show
that they're trying to reach out to younger
consumers since most younger people always use
social media. - 27. Gives me more insight to how things are fan
through them and their operations. - 28. Easier to learn about.
- 29. Not much at all
- 30. it hasn't.
18Group A Consumer InterviewsHow has social media
affected your relationships with organizations?
- 31. organizations and professional interest
(potential employers or current employers make
social media i.e.. social networking watered down
(for a lack of better words). It causes
censorship. - 32. n/a
- 33. Since I work in the federal government, a lot
of the federal government jobs are not advertised
via social networks but more so on governmental
job posting websites such as USAJobs.com and so
forth. However, using social network will be very
useful and hopefully the federal government will
began to use it more often. - 34. Social media has made organizations more
accessible, thus making our relationships
stronger. - 35. It hasn't affected them at all.
- 36. I guess it makes it easier for them to
advertise. - 37. Due to my company being internationally
headquartered, having a social media page has
allowed me to get to know many of my coworkers as
people instead of a voice over the phone or the
next email. Seeing their social media profile
assisted in helping me connect with them on other
common interest outside of work. - 38. it has not
- 39. I think it has affected me very much because
of the new wave of technology that we have. Its
easier to post information on social networking
websites because it reaches a wide variety of
people faster.
19Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat would you like
to see more of and what would you like to see
less of when using social media to communicate
with organizations?
- 1. A whole lot less paper. I know you still need
some services on paper, but it sure helps keep
the junk mail clutter down through snail mail. - 2. I'd like to see more organization of the sites
and for organizations to use the sites more
efficiently to disseminate information. - 3. profanity on the sites more relevant
information - 4. I like when organizations communicate in a
personal manner via SM--when blog posts are
signed by a CEO, or a twitter post is attributed
to someone specific and not just from the
organization broadly. - 5. Its not as easy to find out about
organizations on facebook. From my knowledge, you
have to add them in order to do anything with
them or to keep updated on them. If it was like a
search engine where you can search the name and
then find what you need about the organization,
that would be better. - 6. Some basic information for those of us in the
60 crowd on the benefits if these tools - 7. I wish the social networks made it easier to
have separate personal/professional interactions.
- 8. no change
- 9. I don't know.
- 10. Less "jibber-jabber" and more content of
20Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat would you like
to see more of and what would you like to see
less of when using social media to communicate
with organizations?
- 11. Less spam.
- 12. Less Spam, less elf promotion from
individuals and companies - 13. Professional.
- 14. less advertising, less polemicism more
information, more contact - 15. Not sure
- 16. less forced commercials
- 17. trash
- 18. n/a
- 19. I would like to see less advertising
- 20. I would like to see less advertisements from
other organizations
21Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat would you like
to see more of and what would you like to see
less of when using social media to communicate
with organizations?
- 21. more useful information
- 22. More interaction less selling
- 23. I would like to see the personal side of
organizations communication brought back.
Especially when it is important. When it is in
regards to sales, or promotions that is ok to be
done by social media, but I believe that when
talking about an individuals personal experience
it should be done face to face - 24. Advertising and promotions for users of the
social media. less customers complaining on the
sites about the company - 25. N/A
- 26. less advertisements
- 27. More things that matter to the common person
- 28. More info
- 29. More exclusive offers with subscription to
these outlets - 30. Nothing
22Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat would you like
to see more of and what would you like to see
less of when using social media to communicate
with organizations?
- 31. less pop up ads for things I don't
want....less viruses attached to ads - 32. n/a
- 33. Yes, as I explained in my previous answer. It
will be great if more organizations specifically
federal government organization use social media
more to reach out to more qualified applicants
for various job positions. - 34. I would like to see more live interaction,
not info blast. - 35. It is right were needs to be can't complain
at all. - 36. I don't know.
- 37. I would like to see executives use social
media also, to connect more with employees. - 38. Less advertising
- 39. I think social media is great to use for
information but I still believe in the old
traditional way of communicating. face to face
interaction is always best.
23Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat are your
personal thoughts on organizations utilizing
social media to communicate?
- 1. I think it is pretty cool. One of my favorite
companies uses facebook to tell you about sales
and special promotions you can get online or
in-store. I much prefer it than having my mail
box over flow with a bunch of paper. - 2. It depends on the organization and the type of
information being communicated. - 3. free free free
- 4. Externally, I think organizations have the
opportunity to engage better with customers/
interested parties via SM. Internally
organizations can develop more of a community
within their own employees. - 5. I think that in their attempts to make as much
money as they can, they are helping to make our
lives more complicated, especially the folks who
have a life but like to research things before
they do them or buy them (like me). We are
bombarded with SO many distractions on facebook
now that I just pretty much stick with doing what
I did on facebook when I first got on it in
college. It has become too time consuming for me
to do anything else like keep up with
organizations, if I even knew the organization
was on facebook. I can see how organizations
using social media CAN work for some people,
though. If the organization was that important to
me, I'd sign up to receive emails or mailings and
keep up that way. Otherwise, I'll Google, visit
the organization, or talk to someone who knows
about the org. - 6. I think it depends on the nature of the work
and the corporate culture - 7. Social media is useful for audiences that are
receptive to hearing from your organization. In
other word, I feel the medium is best for
maintaining and engaging existing customers. I
just don't know how effective it is in reaching
out to potential new customers. - 8. never thought about it
- 9. It shows that an organization is trying to
keep up with current and new technology. - 10. Absolutely a good idea but the trick is
getting a critical mass to use a tool. If no one
uses it, then there's no reason to use it.
24Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat are your
personal thoughts on organizations utilizing
social media to communicate?
- 11. I think it is the wave of the future.
- 12. If used well, it is a great tool.If used
poorly, it is just more garbage... - 13. I feel social media is over-hyped by
consultants and the media. - 14. it's great, so long as people/organizations
are able to walk the very tricky line between
professional life, personal life, private life,
and public life. so far, social media has not
entirely provided a safe framework for
people/organizations to delineate these disparate
aspects. - 15. It seems to be the trend and the way things
are going but I just prefer email over
everything. - 16. seems like a great idea to keep up with the
younger generation - 17. don't have the time to talk to people
personally - 18. I think social media has its place in an
orginazation, as well as, more traditional means
of communication. - 19. I think it's the wave of the future.
- 20. I believe that communicating through social
media is a good idea, as long as it is being used
for communication purposes only and not to spy on
25Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat are your
personal thoughts on organizations utilizing
social media to communicate?
- 21. n/a
- 22. Great! It is so much more effective than
email! - 23. I think it is cowardly, pointless, and shows
that they are really in it for the money, not to
help people. - 24. love it
- 25. As much as I used social networks such as
Facebook for meeting new people, I'd still rather
companies contact me via email or phone - the old
fashion ways - 26. If it helps expand their organization, I'm
all for it - 27. Its great for having a dialog amongst others
- 28. Pressed
- 29. Most of it seems like organizations are
ramming their products down our throats as
opposed to making any special offers - 30. As long as there aren't any laws broken or
organization aren't using any methods deemed
inappropriate, it's cool.
26Group A Consumer InterviewsWhat are your
personal thoughts on organizations utilizing
social media to communicate?
- 31. they don't mix
- 32. n/a
- 33. Utilizing social media is very innovative and
a faster way to communicate to others
particularly when it comes to advertising jobs
and other ads via online. - 34. for informal information, it is great. It
will also serve a filter in feeling out serious
consumers. - 35. I think its good because most people
communicate through the social media so you gotta
keep up with the times and how people
communicate. - 36. Can be annoying sometimes.
- 37. I think keeping abreast on the new social
media outlets and being ahead of the game allows
for any organization to stay modern and also
increases the organization visibility to users
and therefore better known. - 38. They are very smart social media is the way
to go these days. - 39. its great for conveying information.
27Group B External Org Demographics
- Respondent Facts for Group B
- 40 people started the survey, 40 completed it
(100) - Average respondent age 44
- Male/Female ratio 15/25
28Group B External Organization Survey
29Group B External Organization Survey
Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External
How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days?
Answer Options Daily weekly every other week never Response Count
o Social networking 25 8 5 2 40
o Social bookmarking 9 8 5 18 40
o Writing a blog 4 11 9 16 40
o Reading a blog 22 8 3 7 40
o Commenting on a blog 8 10 8 14 40
o Writing a customer review 0 4 22 14 40
o Reading a customer review 12 13 11 4 40
o Use RSS feeder 13 6 6 15 40
o Listened to a podcast 6 7 13 14 40
o Uploaded a podcast 1 3 5 31 40
o Watched a vodcast 3 10 6 21 40
o Uploaded a vodcast 0 1 6 33 40
o Edit a wiki 1 2 5 32 40
o Sent a text message 25 7 3 5 40
o Received a text message 25 9 3 3 40
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 40
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
30Group B External Organization Survey
31Group B External Organization Survey
Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External
How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days?
Answer Options Daily weekly every other week never Response Count
o Twitter 15 10 5 10 40
o Facebook 25 10 4 1 40
o LinkedIn 10 15 7 8 40
o Myspace 1 1 6 32 40
o YouTube 10 15 12 3 40
o Yahoo 13 6 10 11 40
o Google 33 3 1 3 40
o AOL 5 3 2 30 40
o MSN 9 6 8 17 40
o Mozilla 5 1 9 25 40
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 40
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
32Group B External Organization Survey
33Group B External Organization Survey
34Group B External Organization Survey
Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External
When looking to communicate with consumers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with consumers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with consumers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with consumers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with consumers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with consumers, which source do you prefer to use?
Answer Options Always Sometimes Ocassionaly Never Response Count
o Company website 24 11 3 2 40
o Newspaper 5 12 6 17 40
o Blogs 11 7 4 18 40
o TV 2 10 7 21 40
o Radio 1 8 8 23 40
o Face to face 20 15 3 2 40
o Social networks (i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook) 16 13 8 3 40
o Snail mail 2 9 18 11 40
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 40
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
35Group B External Organization Survey
36Group B External Organization Survey
Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External Organization Survey - External
Which kinds of services does your organization offer via social media? Which kinds of services does your organization offer via social media? Which kinds of services does your organization offer via social media?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
o Customer support 30.0 12
o Special promotions 27.5 11
o Product/services information 60.0 24
o Consumer tips 40.0 16
o Consumer reviews 15.0 6
o Executive employee blogging 45.0 18
o Employment opportunities 47.5 19
o Event information 57.5 23
o FAQs 47.5 19
o Other 37.5 15
Other (please specify) Other (please specify) 13
answered question answered question 40
skipped question skipped question 0
37Group B External Organization Interviews Why
does your organization use social media to
- 1. We feel it is a method to reach young
professionals but that list will grow. - 2. to educate the members of our trade
association. - 3. we recognize it's the best way to reach our
target audience (which is B2B not B2C so that is
a bit different than what your survey is asking)
We don't market to consumers. - 4. Transfer of information
- 5. to appear modern, to attempt to gain new and
younger audiences - 6. We are a technology company, we need to
understand and use the tools that our clients
might be using. - 7. To expand the reach of pubic communication and
direct citizens to locations to learn more about
the organization. - 8. I work with the DOD. They are afraid of social
media. - 9. It's the trend!
- 10. To reach a broader audience, who might not
come to our website.
38Group B External Organization Interviews Why
does your organization use social media to
- 11. Information about specific projects that
impact the community. We often ask for input and
feedback from the public. - 12. Courageous leadership.
- 13. It's budget-neutral.
- 14. We made a conscious decision to "meet our
customers where they are" rather than forcing
them to come to us "our way." - 15. To have a more engaging conversation with our
stakeholders. - 16. Reach a younger generation
- 17. Helps keep teams that are spread out in close
communication - 18. Because our audience isn't always on our site
and we hope to get our message to them. - 19. going where the users are
- 20. It is considering using social media to reach
a younger audience.
39Group B External Organization Interviews Why
does your organization use social media to
- 21. Good way to engage active citizens.
- 22. it doesn't
- 23. Another mode of communication for the mix and
it helps improve SEO - 24. My organization is a public school system and
they do not use social media to communicate with
consumers. - 25. My organization is Mary Kay. We need to get
product on people. - 26. does not apply 2 me
- 27. It's necessary
- 28. Great way to reach a broad number of people,
low costs - 29. Get more/better applicants
- 30. Business Capabilities
40Group B External Organization Interviews Why
does your organization use social media to
- 31. better understanding of client in a cool
atmosphere - 32. Because they are required to.
- 33. We don't.
- 34. One of the most effective mediums for
connecting with diverse audiences - 35. stay in touch with younger generation.
- 36. To reach the new generation of applicants
- 37. Another form of communication
- 38. to reach clients who use it! younger groups
especially - 39. Because it's efficient, and gives consumers
immediate answers. - 40. To bring in various donors
41Group B External Organization Interviews What
affects has social media had on your
relationships with consumers?
- 1. too new to assess
- 2. it has brought us closer to our members.
- 3. We have increased our awareness levels and
have found other companies who want to partner
with us as a result of our social media efforts. - 4. Limited
- 5. reaching a greater audience
- 6. It connects the company to individuals on a
relaxed level. It's fun and it's easy-going. - 7. It is creating dialogue and feedback we did
not previously have access to. - 8. We are not attracting young people to work as
civilian employees. - 9. Less face-to-face and somewhat less phone
calls - 10. The perceive us as more open and transparent.
42Group B External Organization Interviews What
affects has social media had on your
relationships with consumers?
- 11. It has allowed us to broaden our scope and
reach of communication with larger and more
diverse audiences. - 12. Opened new channels, but there's some
hesitation - 13. It's allowed greater engagement and viral
dissemination of information. - 14. It's still evolving. Traffic on our Facebook
and LinkedIn presences is increasing, and our
Twitter following is growing more rapidly each
week. - 15. It has been slow, but we do see a return on
our time investment with people applying for
positions or being interested in our website for
more information. - 16. Moderate effect
- 17. Improved it for some, for others no change-
depends on the clients relationship with social
media. - 18. Our customers are more engaged with us and
don't think of us as a normal state agency.
Instead they think of us as an innovative agency
that spends taxpayer dollars wisely. - 19. reaching people we did not before
- 20. n/a
43Group B External Organization Interviews What
affects has social media had on your
relationships with consumers?
- 21. Provides fairly quick feedback from a
knowledgeable community. It is not the total
solution. - 22. none
- 23. Able to touch base more often
- 24. I work in a public school system. There are 3
possible consumers the student, parent, and
public. If I consider my consumer to be a student
- I have a better relationship with those
students because I can glean insight into what is
happening in their world from their perspective.
For example, I know when a student may need
counseling based on posts from their Facebook or
MySpace pages. - 25. It has both enhanced and increased my
relationship with and business with my clients. - 26. does not apply 2 me
- 27. an opportunity to reach out the
wider/anti-social audience - 28. Build relationships
- 29. None so far
- 30. More dialog with consumers
44Group B External Organization Interviews What
affects has social media had on your
relationships with consumers?
- 31. keeps people in the loop with others and keep
lines of communication open - 32. None.
- 33. No effects.
- 34. Strengthens relationships
- 35. easier to contact us
- 36. Not sure there have been any
- 37. Minimal
- 38. able to contact/touch them more often
- 39. I've become better friends with clients (past
and present) because of, for example, Facebook. - 40. N/A
45Group B External Organization Interviews What
are your personal thoughts on organizations
utilizing social media to communicate externally?
- 1. I believe we are going to see an explosion of
social networking as a means of communication in
the coming two years. - 2. I think it's incredibly powerful because it's
a conversation and much more collaborative. - 3. It's a must. But let's not get caught up in it
to the exclusion of other means of communicating.
- 4. Concerned about security vulnerabilities
- 5. It needs to be time-consuming and content
intensive to provide real value. Starting without
a plan is suicide. - 6. It is a different type of customer/company
connection. Casual and relaxed v stiff and
forced. - 7. SM is a tool. It is one part of the overall
communication effort. Done properly it can reach
new audience members and expnd the overall
audience. That said it must be part of the plan
to be effective and can not just be done to be
done. - 8. I love it. I think it is a great way to spread
positive information about a company. - 9. great idea (and becoming essential)!
- 10. I think it's growing trend that will become
the norm for interacting with our
46Group B External Organization Interviews What
are your personal thoughts on organizations
utilizing social media to communicate externally?
- 11. It is here to stay, so we need to figure out
how to best maximize the value to all of our
clients and consumers. - 12. Necessary.
- 13. If you're not participating, someone will
fill the void that already exists, and when that
happens, you'll have no control over the message.
- 14. My organization relies on volunteers to
execute most everything we do, so we've found
that a strong social media plan makes day-to-day
communication much easier - and far less
expensive than conventional methods. - 15. I think social media is a great way for
organizations to communicate externally with
their stakeholders. It allows for instant
feedback and a pulse of whether you are doing
things right or need to improve what you are
doing. It puts faces to the customers you are
serving. - 16. Organizations should use all avenues of
communication - 17. It's a must!
- 18. It's a fantastic way to communicate with the
public if you have the resources to maintain it. - 19. very positive.
- 20. I think it is the coming thing. Ignoring the
impact would be foolish.
47Group B External Organization Interviews What
are your personal thoughts on organizations
utilizing social media to communicate externally?
- 21. Great way to get some information out into
the community. We have to be careful that it not
the only way information is distributed but only
one of many tools. - 22. great idea, wish mine would do so
- 23. If done well, it can be helpful and
informative. But please don't spam. - 24. Personally, I think that it would be a good
idea to communicate more effectively with
parents, students and the public. It would be
nice if the schools would participate in some
type of social media. It would be useful to
broadcast situations at school such as code
black, broken down bus, or to notify parents of
meetings. - 25. Organizations will become "unnoticed or less
noticed," if they do not keep up with technology.
A part of that "keeping up with the times" is
utilizing social media in order to keep/make
people aware that an organization exists. - 26. does not apply 2 me
- 27. it's good, just be careful as its not always
trust-worthy and can be annoying at times - 28. need to
- 29. We need to use them or they will be used to
communicate a message we might not like. An
organization that uses them proactively tends to
be better prepared for future success.. - 30. No problem
48Group B External Organization Interviews What
are your personal thoughts on organizations
utilizing social media to communicate externally?
- 31. it is great for business it opens the doors
of communication to marketing other venues - 32. They are a joke. It is all just a show to
meet the requirements of the current
administration. The management has been through
this before- if they wait long enough, the
administration/leadership appointees change, and
they can coast back to 'the usual'. Our
administrator doesn't even use a computer, let
alone email. - 33. Personally, I love that other organizations
use social media, which is one of the reasons
I've tried to champion its use in our
organization. - 34. "Social media is a fundamental shift in the
way we communicate. All the time online
conversations are happening about you, your brand
and your organisation. "it's not a choice whether
you DO social media, the choice is how well you
do it" Erik Qualman" - 35. I think it is necessary in today's world
- 36. Seems like a good idea, especially if we used
it more thoroughly. I think it works for others.
Of course the people we are trying to contact may
use our onset to move onto more exclusive venues.
- 37. Time consuming
- 38. neutral
- 39. If it wasn't for such organizations, my
business would still be tanking. - 40. Social Media Social Networking are the
49Group C Internal Org Demographics
- Respondent Facts for Group C
- 18 people started the survey, 17 completed it
(94.4) - Average respondent age 47
- Male/Female ratio 5/13
50Group C Internal Organization Survey
51Group C Internal Organization Survey
Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal
How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days? How many times have you utilized the following activities within the last 30 days?
Answer Options Daily weekly every other week never Response Count
o Social networking 12 3 3 0 18
o Social bookmarking 3 2 4 9 18
o Writing a blog 2 3 6 7 18
o Reading a blog 12 4 1 1 18
o Commenting on a blog 4 6 5 3 18
o Writing a customer review 0 3 9 6 18
o Reading a customer review 5 6 3 4 18
o Use RSS feeder 6 3 3 6 18
o Listened to a podcast 5 1 6 6 18
o Uploaded a podcast 2 2 2 12 18
o Watched a vodcast 0 2 5 11 18
o Uploaded a vodcast 0 1 3 14 18
o Edit a wiki 0 2 6 10 18
o Sent a text message 11 3 1 3 18
o Received a text message 11 3 1 3 18
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 18
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
52Group C Internal Organization Survey
53Group C Internal Organization Survey
Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal
How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days? How often have you visited the following sites within the last 30 days?
Answer Options Daily weekly every other week never Response Count
o Twitter 7 5 3 3 18
o Facebook 7 6 4 1 18
o LinkedIn 5 8 2 3 18
o Myspace 1 2 1 14 18
o YouTube 5 6 4 3 18
o Yahoo 4 4 7 3 18
o Google 16 2 0 0 18
o AOL 0 1 1 16 18
o MSN 4 2 1 11 18
o Mozilla 3 4 1 10 18
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 18
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
54Group C Internal Organization Survey
55Group C Internal Organization Survey
56Group C Internal Organization Survey
Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal
When looking to communicate with co-workers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with co-workers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with co-workers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with co-workers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with co-workers, which source do you prefer to use? When looking to communicate with co-workers, which source do you prefer to use?
Answer Options Always Sometimes Ocassionaly Never Response Count
o Company intranet 3 7 5 3 18
o Email 13 5 0 0 18
o Blogs 1 1 3 13 18
o Phone 5 11 2 0 18
o IM 4 2 6 6 18
o Face to face 10 8 0 0 18
o Social networks (external) (i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn) 1 7 2 8 18
o Social networks (internal) (i.e. Yammer) 0 7 1 10 18
answered question answered question answered question answered question answered question 18
skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
57Group C Internal Organization Survey
58Group C Internal Organization Survey
Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal Organization Survey - Internal
Which reason have you utilized social media to communicate with co-workers? Which reason have you utilized social media to communicate with co-workers? Which reason have you utilized social media to communicate with co-workers? Which reason have you utilized social media to communicate with co-workers?
Answer Options Answer Options Response Percent Response Count
o Non-work related interaction o Non-work related interaction 66.7 12
o Assistance with a work task o Assistance with a work task 50.0 9
o Brainstorming o Brainstorming 50.0 9
o Meetings o Meetings 50.0 9
o Long distance interaction o Long distance interaction 50.0 9
o To push out information to unspecified people o To push out information to unspecified people 38.9 7
o Information about the company (i.e. training, company updates, benefits, events) o Information about the company (i.e. training, company updates, benefits, events) 33.3 6
o Other o Other 22.2 4
Other (please specify) Other (please specify) Other (please specify) 5
answered question answered question answered question 18
skipped question skipped question skipped question 0
Number Other (please specify)
1 Share lessons learned or best practices with each other Share lessons learned or best practices with each other
2 Forbidden by Federal Agency
3 never use social media at work (I don't count email as social media) never use social media at work (I don't count email as social media) never use social media at work (I don't count email as social media)
4 new internal online community
5 to discuss best practices and ask questions on social media sites to discuss best practices and ask questions on social media sites to discuss best practices and ask questions on social media sites
59Group C Internal Organization Interviews Why
does your organization use social media to
- 1. Enhancement
- 2. It is effective and makes employee feel we are
involved and are up to date - 3. BECAUSE IT'S CHEAP AND EASY.BECAUSE YOU CAN
COMMUNITY THAT IS VISIBLE TO EACH OTHER - 4. Social media is an important way for our
company to educate members and non-members about
our organizations mission. It also provides a new
avenue for this audience to get involved with our
work and update us on their interests. - 5. It is fast and can reach people wherever they
may be - 6. It only uses social media for external
communications. - 7. the employees do - young staff. it depends on
your definition of social media which is lacking
here. I know what I mean by social media but
every respondent will be different. - 8. Expand the dialogue
- 9. share information about events
- 10. We only use social media to communicate with
our clients.
60Group C Internal Organization Interviews Why
does your organization use social media to
- 11. Courageous leadership.
- 12. IM saves time and saves email server
resources and "email fatigue" syndrome. Yammer is
good for general status, to know what people are
working on. - 13. doesn't really except twitter set up for
emergencies - 14. never use social media at work (I don't count
email as social media) - 15. Forbidden by Federal Agency
- 16. We don't use it...yet.
- 17. To keep up with times and preferences
- 18. Easy access to broad group
61Group C Internal Organization Interviews What
affects has social media had on your
relationships with other employees?
- 1. Improved relationships
- 2. Better and broader communication
- 4. Our company has 50 state offices, so Yammer is
a great tool for all staff members working on
social media initiatives to communicate with one
another. It has been a great forum for sharing
information and best practices. I also use it
frequently to get advice and ask questions about
things I don't know. - 5. We stay in better touch
- 6. None yet - mostly externally.
- 7. allows for different styles of communication
and preference. - 8. increased awareness
- 9. push out same information to a lot of people
and the message remains the same. - 10. None.
62Group C Internal Organization Interviews What
affects has social media had on your
relationships with other employees?
- 11. Mixed. Some people love it, some people hate
it, and I'm the face of the effort. - 12. Easy to ping someone on IM - makes people
more approachable. - 13. none
- 14. none, we don't use it
- 15. Have connected sparingly via Linked in with
other employees across the country, but again,
social media is forbidden by my Federal Agency. - 16. It has, for the most part, improved my
relationships with my coworkers. - 17. Not sure
- 18. Slowly changing organizational culture in
government workplace
63Group C Internal Organization Interviews What
are your personal thoughts on organizations
utilizing social media to communicate internally?
- 1. The more the better
- 2. It will be more and more accepted for some
- 4. I think that as the world changes and the way
we communicate changes, it is important that
organizations adapt to this change so that it is
able to more effectively serve it's members.
Social media is becoming an important vehicle in
the distribution and sharing of information and
therefore, it is important that it be part of any
organizations communication strategy. - 5. I consider them to be modern and efficient
- 6. They are more progressive generally. Social
media usage is just a by-product of progressive
management. - 7. All good. Please note in BOTH SURVEYS your
selections do not allow for "once a month" and
you do not identify whether it is my preference
because it is what is available, requested of me
to use, or required. Also, you don't touch on
whether any of these tools are available. The
word "utilize" should be used sparingly -- it is
bad jargon at the best of times and has a very
limited correct usage. Question 3 is a
particularly egregious example of misuse. - 8. do it carefully
- 9. need to incorporate this, great way to push
out information fast. - 10. As we progress towards telecommuting/telework,
we will have a greater need for using other
means of communication.
64Group C Internal Organization Interviews What
are your personal thoughts on organizations
utilizing social media to communicate internally?
- 11. It's a brand-new initiative. I'm interested
to see how it turns out. - 12. It won't work for everyone or necessarily
work for the organization, but it's a good idea
to let people try it! - 13. should use to fullest extent
- 14. If the organization is reasonably large, then
it makes sense to use social media for sharing
information, get input on things that affect the
whole organization, maintain communities of
practice. I personally prefer in person
communication over digital communication, but if
the work conditions (e.g. geographically
disbursed organization, many teleworkers) then
social media is a great substitute - 15. My agency is a dinosaur. Social media is done
as minimally as possible because the current
administration demands it. They have a twitter
account and contribute to the departmental
facebook page because they are forced. Literally,
only ONE employee has permission to work on any
social networking (my boss). I requested the
opportunity to work on this, and was told that
only my boss could do it, so there was no need
for anyone else to participate. We are blocked
from Facebook- even our own departmental page!
The Twitter name/link was created so that our
agency could not be associated with the
department, which is much more recognizable. My
personal thought is that going through the
motions wastes EVERYONE's time. - 16. I enjoy using social media to communicate and
wish more of my coworkers did as well. - 17. I think it has great potential once more
people use it. - 18. Perfect way to bridge the generation gaps and
meet GenY where they live and play - great way to
share information quickly in a less formal setting