Title: PROMOSI OFFLINE Memadukan nama perusahaan dengan nama web
- Memadukan nama perusahaan dengan
- nama web.
- Mencatumkan alamat web dalam iklan TV
- Menyebutkan alamat web dalam iklan radio
- Mencantumkan alam alamat web dalam
- media outdoor (Billboard, Street Furniture,
- Transit, Alternative Media dsb.)
- Mencantumkan alamat web dalam semua
- barang cetakan yang keluar dari
- perusahaan (di kop surat, amplop, brosur,
- kartu nama, stiker, papan nama, semua
- iklan, nota tagihan, materi iklan dan siaran
- pers dan sebagainya.)
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Social Networking
- Internet Directory
- Award Sites
- Email Signature
- Visiting Forum
- Free Classified ads
- Share Program
- Link/Banner Exchange
- Autoresponder
- Writing Articles dsb.
3SEO On Page
- Penentu SEO
- Title
- Meta Tags
- Heading
- Content
- Footer
- Images
- Video
- Internal Link
- Sitemap
- Tata letak SEO yang bersahabat
- Menggunakan Plugin Pendukung SEO
- All in One SEO
- Google XML Sitemap
- Related Post
- Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger
4Mesin Ping
- http//ultimateplugins.com/smart-update-pinger/
- http//1470.net/api/ping
- http//www.a2b.cc/setloc/bp.a2b
- http//api.feedster.com/ping
- http//api.moreover.com/RPC2
- http//api.moreover.com/ping
- http//api.my.yahoo.com/RPC2
- http//api.my.yahoo.com/rss/ping
- http//www.bitacoles.net/ping.php
- http//bitacoras.net/ping
- http//blogdb.jp/xmlrpc
- http//www.blogdigger.com/RPC2
- http//blogmatcher.com/u.php
- http//www.blogoole.com/ping/
- http//www.blogoon.net/ping/
- http//www.blogpeople.net/servlet/weblogUpdates
- http//www.blogroots.com/tb_populi.blog?id1
- http//www.blogshares.com/rpc.php
- http//www.blogsnow.com/ping/
5Mesin Ping
- http//www.lasermemory.com/lsrpc
- http//mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatt
- http//www. mod-pubsub.org/kn_apps/blogchatt/ping.
php - http//www.newsisfree.com/xmlrpctest.php
- http//ping.amagle.com/
- http//ping.bitacoras.com
- http//ping.blo.gs/
- http//ping.bloggers.jp/rpc/
- http//ping.blogmura.jp/rpc/
- http//ping.cocolog-nifty.com/xmlrpc/
- http//ping.exblog.jp/xmlrpc
- http//ping.feedburner.com
- http//ping.myblo.jp
- http//ping.rootblog.com/rpc/.php
- http//ping.syndic8.com/xmlrpc.php
- http//ping.weblogsalot.com/rpc.php
- http//ping.weblogs.se
- http//pingoat.com/goat/RPC2
- http//www.popdex.com/addsite.php
6Seach Engine Optimization (SEO)
- http//www.addme.com
- http//addurl.altavista.com/addurl/new
- http//addurl.alltheweb.com/add_url
- http//www.directory-search.org
- http//www.freewebsubmission.com
- http//www.gloprom.com
- http//www.google.com/addurl.html
- http//www.halloindonesia.com
- http//www.indocenter.co.id
- http//overtune.com/d/about/advertisers/
- http//www.positiontech.com/inktomi
- http//search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx?FORMWSDD2
- http//www.searchindonesia.com
- http//submit2.jayde.com
- http//submit.search.yahoo.com/free/request
- http//submitawebsite.com
7Social Networking
- Menampilkan beberapa web http//www.addthis.com
- Facebook.com Was initially intended for college
students -- it branched out, and now allows
everyone membership. 350 million members. - MySpace.com 471 million members. This site is
massive, boasting the largest membership of any
social networking site on the Internet. - Window Life Spaces Blogging (formerly MSN
Spaces), 120 million members. - Friendster.com 90 million members. Friendster
was considered the top online social networking
service until around April 2004, when it was
overtaken by MySpace. Demographic studies
indicate users are from 17 to 30 years old. - Habbo.com 117 million members. General for
teens. Over 31 communities worldwide. Chat Room
and user profiles.
8Social Networking
- del.icio.us Del.icio.us (pronounced as
"delicious") is a social bookmarking web service
for storing, sharing, and discovering web
bookmarks. The site was founded by Joshua
Schachter in late 2003, and is now part of
Yahoo!. - digg.com Digg is a website made for people to
discover and share content from anywhere on the
Internet, by submitting links and stories, and
voting and commenting on submitted links and
stories, in a social and democratic spirit. - Linkedin.com 53 million members -- a powerful
tool for business networking. - Orkut.com Owned by Google. Popular in Brazil and
India membership of 67 million. - Hi5.com 80 million members. General. Popular in
India, Portugal, Mongolia, Thailand, Romania,
Jamaica, Central Africa and Latin America. Not
popular in the USA. - Qzone.com. 200 million members. General. In
Simplified Chinese caters for mainland China
9Social Networking
- Twitter.com 44.5 million members. General.
Micro-blogging, RSS, updates - Classmates.com 50 million members. School,
college, work and the military - Odnoklassniki.com 40 million members. General.
Popular in Russia and former Soviet republics - Netlog.com 59 million members. General. Popular
in Europe, Turkey, the Arab World and Canada's
Québec province. Formerly known as Facebox and
Redbox. - Tagged.com 70 million members. General. Subject
to quite some controversy about its e-mail
marketing and privacy policy - Flixster.com 63 million members. Movies
- Flickr.com 32 million members. Photo sharing,
commenting, photography related networking,
10Social Networking
- Yahoo! 360 (a.k.a Yahoo! Days) is a personal
communication portal similar to orkut and
MySpace -- it is currently in the beta-testing
phase. It integrates features of social
networking, blogging and photo sharing sites. -
- Xanga.com 40 million members. Xanga is a free
Web-based service that hosts weblogs, photoblogs,
videoblogs, audioblogs, and social networking
profiles. -
- Care2.com 7.2 million members. Care2 is a social
networking website that was founded to help
connect activists from around the world. -
- Ryze.com .25 million members. Ryze.com is a free
social networking website designed to link
business professionals.
11Social Networking
Some of the other, not included in the list above
are aSmallWorld, Bebo, BlackPlanet.com,
BlackPlanet.com, Blue Dot, Bolt, Bonito,
Broadcaster.com, Buzznet, CarDomain, Consumating,
Couchsurfing, Cyworld, Dandelife, DeadJournal,
DontStayIn, Doostang, Ecademy, eSPIN, Faceparty,
Flirtomatic, Fotki, Friends Reunited, Gaia
Online, Geni.com, GoPets, Graduates.com,
Grono.net, Hyves, imeem, Infield Parking,
IRC-Galleria, iWiW, Joga, Last.fm, LibraryThing,
LiveJournal, LunarStorm, MEETin, MeetUp,
MiGente.com, Mixi, MOG, Multiply, My Opera
Community, myYearbook, Nexopia, OUTeverywhere,
Passado, Piczo, Playahead, ProfileHeaven, Pownce,
RateItAll, Reunion.com, Searchles, Sconex,
Shelfari, Soundpedia, Sportsvite, Studivz,
Stumbleupon, TagWorld, TakingITGlobal, The Doll
Palace, The Student Center, Threadless,
TravBuddy.com, Travellerspoint, Tribe.net,
Vampire Freaks, Vox, WAYN, WebBiographies,
Windows Live Spaces, Woophy, XING, Xuqa, X13,
Yammer, Yelp, Youmeo, Zaadz, Zoogr, Zooomr
12Internet Directory
- Tempatkan URL Anda di sebanyak mungkin Internet
- Directory
- http//ask.ineedhhits.com/
- http//browsertune.com/flanga/hotspots.htm
- http//creativeagency.eu
- http//docs.yahoo.com/info/suggest
- http//dmoz.org
- http//gdotz.com
- http//Infignos.com
- http//ldmstudio.com
- http//netinsert.com
- http//pegasusdirectory.com
- http//submit.looksmart.com
- http//somuch.com
- http//www.submitexpress.com/
- http//www.wikidweb.com/
- http//www.web-directories.ws/General/Free/ ada
3000 ID
13Award Sites
- http//cool.infi.net/
- http//browsertune.com/flanga/hotspots.htm
- http//www.selectsurf.com/addsite
- http//www.startingpage.com/html/awards.html
- http//www.webbyawards.com/
- http//www.web100.com/
14Banner Exchange
- http//www.BannerPitmas.com
- http//www.bannerindonesia.com
- http//www.indobanner.com
- http//www.worldbannerexchane.com
15SEO Off Page
- Signature
- Do Follow Comment
- http//www.lifeinthefastlane.ca/-
PR4http//middlezonemusings.com/ -
PR4http//www.rishabhsood.net/ -
PR3http//nthambazale.com/- PR3http//www.seodiv
a.net - PR3http//www.reviewerofsites.com/
-PR2http//www.blogsthatmakemoney.blogspot.com -
PR2http//www.blogsthatmakemoney.blogspot.com -
PR2http//ericsocia.net/ - PR1http//moneybush.b
nese.com/Make Home Fragranceshttp//virgintech.b