Marxist Revisionism and Anarchism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Marxist Revisionism and Anarchism


Marxist Revisionism and Anarchism Marxist Revisionism Dictatorship of the Proletariat Marx: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Marxist Revisionism and Anarchism

Marxist Revisionism and Anarchism
Marxist Revisionism
  • Dictatorship of the Proletariat
  • Marx "the emancipation of the working class is
    the task of the working class itself".
  • Lenin "modern socialist consciousness can only
    be brought to the working class from without".
  • Translation Lenin believed the proletariat
    needed the leadership of those (the
    intelligenstia) who understood their interests
    and how to carry out revolution on their behalf
    (this would create a vanguard movement in which
    proletarian consciousness would be taught to
    the peasnants of Russia). Trotsky claims the
    leadership could ignore the "temporary
    vacillations" of the working class.

Marx vs. Lenin
  • Democracy
  • Marx Marx saw the state as the "executive
    committee" of a ruling class. In a socialist
    society, he affirmed, the state, as the
    government of people, would give way to a simple,
    democratic "administration of things".
  • Lenin Democratic centralism is the name given to
    the principles of internal organization used by
    Leninist political parties, and the term is
    sometimes used as a synonym for any Leninist
    policy inside a political party. The democratic
    aspect of this organizational method describes
    the freedom of members of the political party to
    discuss and debate matters of policy and
    direction, but once the decision of the party is
    made by majority vote, all members are expected
    to uphold that decision. This latter aspect
    represents the centralism. As Lenin described it,
    democratic centralism consisted of "freedom of
    discussion with unity of action.

Marx vs. Lenin
  • The International Revolution
  • Marx Marx had argued that revolution would come
    first in countries in the most advanced state of
    capitalism, such as Germany. In 1916 in
    Imperialism Lenin provided a justification for
    launching revolution in comparatively backward
    Russia - it would trigger revolutions in more
    advanced countries which would in turn assist the
    Russian revolution. As it turned out, the
    Bolsheviks found themselves in charge of a
    country desperately in need of development but
    cut off from foreign investment.
  • Lenin Lenin fought to maintain his view of
    international socialism and prepare the ground
    for a new International of the working class. For
    Lenin, the international was in essence
    programme, policy and method. Under these
    conditions of world war, the internationalists
    Lenin, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, John MacLean,
    James Connolly and others would concentrate on
    wooing oppressed third world nations over to
    the economic design of socialism.

Marx v. Lenin
  • Communism
  • Marx Marx envisioned a utopian nation of
    collectives in which workers voluntarily
    cooperated to build industry and democratically
    enjoy the fruits of their labor
  • Lenin Lenin envisioned a rapidly industrialized
    Russia using the following paradigm
  • All industry was nationalized and strict
    centralized management was introduced.
  • State monopoly on foreign trade was introduced.
  • Discipline for workers was strict, and strikers
    could be shot.
  • Obligatory labor duty was imposed onto
    "non-working classes".
  • Requisition of agricultural surpluses from
    peasants in excess of absolute minimum for
    centralized distribution among the remaining
  • Food and most commodities were rationed and
    distributed in a centralized way.
  • Private enterprise became illegal.
  • Military-like control of railroads was

Leon Trotsky
  • Leon Trotsky
  • Support for a strategy of permanent revolution
    (as opposed to the Two Stage Theory of his
  • Criticism of the post-1924 leadership of the
    Soviet Union, support for political revolution in
    the Soviet Union and in what Trotskyists term the
    deformed workers' state in Russia. Trotsky
    claimed that the state was controlled by a
    bureaucratic caste with interests hostile to
    those of the working class
  • Support for social revolution in the advanced
    capitalist countries through working class mass
  • Support for proletarian internationalism.
  • unwavering support for a true dictatorship of the
    proletariat based on democratic principles.

Joseph Stalin
  • De-emphasized the role of workers in advanced
    capitalist countries (for example, he postulated
    theses considering the U.S. working class as
    bourgeoisified labor aristocracy). Also, Stalin
    polemicized against Trotsky on the role of
    peasants, as in China, whereas Trotsky wanted
    urban insurrection and not peasant-based
    guerrilla warfare.
  • Socialism in One Country rather than
  • The theory of aggravation of the class struggle
    along with the development of socialism, a
    theoretical base supporting the repression of
    political opponents as necessary.

Joseph Stalin
  • Economic Policy
  • At the end of the 1920s Stalin launched a wave of
    radical economic policies, which completely
    overhauled the industrial and agricultural face
    of the Soviet Union. This came to be known as the
    'Great Turn as Russia turned away from the
    near-capitalist New Economic Policy.
  • The NEP had been implemented by Lenin in order to
    ensure the survival of the Communist state
    following seven years of war (1914-1921, World
    War I from 1914 to 1917, and the subsequent Civil
    War) and had rebuilt Soviet production to its
    1913 levels. However, Russia still lagged far
    behind the West, and the NEP was felt by Stalin
    and the majority of the Communist party, not only
    to be compromising Communist ideals, but also not
    delivering sufficient economic performance, as
    well as not creating the envisaged Socialist
  • It was therefore necessary to increase the pace
    of industrialization in order to catch up with
    the West.

Joseph Stalin
  • Forced Collectivization
  • Collectivization in the Soviet Union was a policy
    pursued under Stalin, between 1928 and 1940, to
    consolidate individual land and labour into
    collective farms. The Soviet leadership was
    confident that the replacement of individual
    peasant farms by collectives would immediately
    increase food supplies for the urban population,
    the supply of raw materials for processing
    industry, and agricultural exports generally.
    Collectivization was thus regarded as the
    solution to the crisis in agricultural
    distribution (mainly in grain deliveries) that
    had developed since 1927 and was becoming more
    acute as the Soviet Union pressed ahead with its
    ambitious industrialization program.
  • The peasantry hated the program
  • The Great Purge Great Purge was a series of
    campaigns of political repression and persecution
    in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin
    in 1936-1938. Also described as a "Soviet
    holocaust" by several authors, it involved the
    purge of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,
    repression of peasants, Red Army leadership, and
    the persecution of unaffiliated persons,
    characterized by widespread police surveillance,
    widespread suspicion of "saboteurs",
    imprisonment, and killings. Estimates of the
    number of deaths associated with the Great Purge
    run from the official figure of 681,692 to nearly

  • Unlike the earlier forms of Marxism-Leninism in
    which the urban proletariat was seen as the main
    source of revolution, and the countryside was
    largely ignored, Mao focused on the peasantry as
    the main revolutionary force who, he said, could
    be led by the proletariat and its vanguard, the
  • Unlike most other political ideologies, including
    other socialist and Marxist ones, Maoism contains
    an integral military doctrine and explicitly
    connects its political ideology with military
    strategy. In Maoist thought, "political power
    comes from the barrel of the gun" (one of Mao's
    quotes), and the peasantry can be mobilized to
    undertake a "people's war" of armed struggle
    involving guerrilla warfare in three stages.
  • Maoism emphasizes "revolutionary mass
    mobilization" (physically mobilizing the vast
    majority of a population in the struggle for
    socialism), the concept of New Democracy, and the
    Theory of Productive Forces as applied to
    village-level industries independent of the
    outside world.
  • A key concept that distinguishes Maoism from most
    other left-wing ideologies (save for "mainstream"
    Marxism-Leninism and Trotsky's theories) is the
    belief that the class struggle continues
    throughout the entire socialist period, as a
    result of the fundamental antagonistic
    contradiction between capitalism and communism.
    Even when the proletariat has seized state power
    through a socialist revolution, the potential
    remains for a bourgeoisie to restore capitalism.

  • The Great Leap Forward
  • The Great Leap Forward of the People's Republic
    of China (PRC) was an economic and social plan
    used from 1958 to 1960 which aimed to use China's
    vast population to rapidly transform mainland
    China from a primarily agrarian economy dominated
    by peasant farmers into a modern, industrialized
    communist society.

  • The Hundred Flowers Campaign
  • The Hundred Flowers Campaign, also termed the
    Hundred Flowers Movement is the period referring
    to a brief interlude in the People's Republic of
    China from 1956 to 1957 during which the Chinese
    Communist Party (CCP) encouraged a variety of
    views and solutions to national policy issues,
    launched under the slogan "Letting a hundred
    flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought
    contend is the policy for promoting progress in
    the arts and the sciences and a flourishing
    socialist culture in our land."
  • In reality, The Hundred Flowers Campaign was a
    deliberate attempt to flush out dissidents by
    encouraging them to show themselves as critical
    of the regime, before wiping them out. The
    campaign was a political trap, allowing Mao to
    persecute those who had views different from the
    party. The ideological crackdown following the
    campaign's failure re-imposed Maoist orthodoxy in
    public expression.

  • The Cultural Revolution
  • It was launched by Mao Zedong, the chairman of
    the Communist Party of China, on May 16, 1966,
    who alleged that liberal bourgeoisie elements
    were dominating the party and insisted that they
    needed to be removed through post-revolutionary
    class struggle by mobilizing the thoughts and
    actions of Chinas youth, who formed Red Guards
    groups around the country. Although Mao himself
    officially declared the Cultural Revolution to
    have ended in 1969, the term is today widely used
    to also include the power struggles and political
    instability between 1969 and the arrest of the
    Gang of Four as well as the death of Mao in 1976.
  • Many intellectuals were sent to rural labor
    camps, and many of those who survived left China
    shortly after the revolution ended. Many
    survivors and observers suggest that almost
    anyone with skills over that of the average
    person was made the target of political
    "struggle" in some way.
  • The authority of the Red Guards surpassed that of
    the army, local police authorities, and the law
    in general. China's traditional arts and ideas
    were ignored, with praise for Mao being practiced
    in their place. People were encouraged to
    criticize cultural institutions and to question
    their parents and teachers, which had been
    strictly forbidden in Confucian culture. This was
    emphasized even more during the Anti-Lin Biao
    Anti-Confucius Campaign. Slogans such as "Parents
    may love me, but not as much as Chairman Mao"
    were common.

  • Anarchism is a political philosophy encompassing
    theories and attitudes which consider the state,
    as compulsory government, to be unnecessary,
    harmful, and/or undesirable. Specific anarchists
    may have additional criteria for what constitutes
    anarchism, and they often disagree with each
    other on what these criteria are.

  • Individual Anarchism
  • William Godwin
  • In 1793, Godwin who has often been cited as the
    first anarchist, wrote Political Justice, which
    some consider to be the first expression of
    anarchism. Godwin, a philosophical anarchist,
    opposed revolutionary action and saw a minimal
    state as a present "necessary evil" that would
    become increasingly irrelevant and powerless by
    the gradual spread of knowledge. Godwin
    advocated extreme individualism, proposing that
    all cooperation in labor be eliminated on the
    premise that this would be most conducive with
    the general good. Godwin was a utilitarian who
    believed that all individuals are not of equal
    value, with some of us "of more worth and
    importance' than others depending on our utility
    in bringing about social good. Therefore he does
    not believe in equal rights, but the person's
    life that should be favored that is most
    conducive to the general good. Godwin opposed
    government because he saw it as infringing on the
    individual's right to "private judgement" to
    determine which actions most maximize utility,
    but also makes a critique of all authority over
    the individual's judgement. This aspect of
    Godwin's philosophy, stripped of utilitarian
    motivations, was developed into a more extreme
    form later by Stirner.

  • Max Stirner The most extreme form of
    individualist anarchism, called "egoism," was
    expounded by one of the earliest and best-known
    proponents of individualist anarchism, Max
    Stirner, Stirner's The Ego and Its Own,
    published in 1844, is a founding text of the
    philosophy. According to Stirner's conception,
    the only limitation on the rights of the
    individual is their power to obtain what they
    desire, without regard for God, state, or moral
    rules. To Stirner, rights were spooks in the
    mind, and he held that society does not exist but
    "the individuals are its reality"  he supported
    a concept of property held by force of might
    rather than moral right. By "property" he is not
    referring only to things but to other people as
    well. Stirner advocated self-assertion and
    foresaw "associations of egoists" where respect
    for ruthlessness drew people together. Even
    murder is permissible "if it is right for me."

  • American Anarchism
  • Another form of individualist anarchism was
    advocated by the "Boston anarchists," American
    individualists who supported private property
    exchangeable in a free market. They advocated
  • the protection of liberty and property by private
    contractors, and endorsed exchange of labor for
  • all natural opportunities requisite to the
    production of wealth be accessible to all on
    equal terms and that monopolies arising from
    special privileges created by law be abolished."
  • That state monopoly capitalism (defined as a
    state-sponsored monopoly) prevented labor from
    being fully rewarded.
  • A major cleft occurred later in the 19th century
    when Tucker and some others abandoned natural
    rights and converted to an "egoism" modeled upon
    Stirner's philosophy. Some "Boston anarchists",
    like Tucker, identified themselves as "socialist"
    a term which at the time denoted a broad
    concept by which he meant a commitment to
    solving "the labor problem" by radical economic
    reform. By the turn of the 20th century, the
    heyday of individualist anarchism had passed,
    although it was later revived with modifications
    by Murray Rothbard and the anarcho-capitalists in
    the mid-twentieth century, as a current of the
    broader libertarian movement, and the
    anti-capitalist strain by intellectuals such as
    Kevin Carson.

  • Mutualism
  • Mutualism began in 18th century English and
    French labor movements before taking an anarchist
    form associated with Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in
    France and others in the United States.
    Proudhon's ideas were introduced by Charles A.
    Dana, to individualist anarchists in the United
    States including Benjamin Tucker and William
    Batchelder Greene.
  • Mutualist anarchism is concerned with
    reciprocity, free association, voluntary
    contract, federation, and credit and currency

  • Social Anarchism
  • Social anarchism is one of two different broad
    categories of anarchism, the other category being
    individualist anarchism. The term social
    anarchism is often used to identify communitarian
    forms of anarchism that emphasize cooperation and
    mutual aid. Social anarchism includes
    anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-communism,
    libertarian socialism, anarcho-syndicalism,
    social ecology and sometimes mutualism.

  • Collectivist Anarchism
  • Collectivist anarchism, also referred to as
    revolutionary socialism or a form of such, is a
    revolutionary form of anarchism, commonly
    associated with Mikhail Bakunin and Johann Most.
    It is a specific tendency, not to be confused
    with the broad category sometimes called
    collectivist or communitarian anarchism.
  • Unlike mutualists, collectivist anarchists
    oppose all private ownership of the means of
    production, instead advocating that ownership be
    collectivized. This was to be achieved through
    violent revolution, first starting with a small
    cohesive group through acts of violence, or
    "propaganda by the deed," which would inspire the
    workers as a whole to revolt and forcibly
    collectivize the means of production.
  • However, collectivization was not to be extended
    to the distribution of income, as workers would
    be paid according to time worked, rather than
    receiving goods being distributed "according to
    need" as in anarcho-communism.
  • This position was criticised by later
    anarcho-communists as effectively "upholding
    the wages system". Anarchist communist and
    collectivist ideas were not mutually exclusive
    although the collectivist anarchists advocated
    compensation for labor, some held out the
    possibility of a post-revolutionary transition to
    a communist system of distribution according to

  • Anarcho-Communism
  • Anarchist communists propose that the freest form
    of social organisation would be a society
    composed of self-governing communes with
    collective use of the means of production,
    organized by direct democracy, and related to
    other communes through federation.
  • However, some anarchist communists oppose the
    majoritarian nature of direct democracy, feeling
    that it can impede individual liberty and favor
    consensus democracy. In anarchist communism, as
    money would be abolished, individuals would not
    receive direct compensation for labour (through
    sharing of profits or payment) but would have
    free access to the resources and surplus of the
  • According to anarchist communist Peter Kropotkin
    and later Murray Bookchin, the members of such a
    society would spontaneously perform all necessary
    labour because they would recognize the benefits
    of communal enterprise and mutual aid. Kropotkin
    believed that private property was one of the
    causes of oppression and exploitation and called
    for its abolition, advocating instead common
    ownership. Kropotkin said that "houses, fields,
    and factories will no longer be private property,
    and that they will belong to the commune or the
    nation and money, wages, and trade would be

  • Anarcho-Syndicalism
  • In the early 20th century, anarcho-syndicalism
    arose as a distinct school of thought within
    anarchism. With greater focus on the labour
    movement than previous forms of anarchism,
    syndicalism posits radical trade unions as a
    potential force for revolutionary social change,
    replacing capitalism and the state with a new
    society, democratically self-managed by the
  • Anarcho-syndicalists seek to abolish the wage
    system and private ownership of the means of
    production, which they believe lead to class
    divisions. Important principles include workers'
    solidarity, direct action (such as general
    strikes and workplace recuperations), and
    workers' self-management. This is compatible with
    other branches of anarchism, and
    anarcho-syndicalists often subscribe to anarchist
    communist or collectivist anarchist economic
    systems. Its advocates propose labor
    organizations as a means to create the
    foundations of a non-hierarchical anarchist
    society within the current system and bring about
    social revolution.
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