Recovery - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Recovery & Regeneration Shane Pizzey MKin, CSCS, CEP Quotes Recovery .that s the name of the game .. Whoever recovers the fastest does the best Lance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Recovery

Recovery Regeneration
  • Shane Pizzey MKin, CSCS, CEP

  • Recovery.thats the name of the game..
    Whoever recovers the fastest does the best Lance
  • The hardest thing for an athlete to do is not
    to train. You cant sit still. You feel you
    should be out there working Graham Obree World
    Champion Cyclist

  • There is a very fine line between being a World
    Champion athlete and an also ran athlete
  • The key question is, how can you push yourself to
    the limits of human performance without tipping
    over the edge?
  • How can you train hard without falling apart?
  • The answer one of the simplest yet most
    neglected training principles - RECOVERY

  • Recovery gradual healing (through rest) after
    sickness or injury
  • Regeneration growth anew of lost tissue or
    destroyed parts or organs so that the original
    function is restored

Progressive Overload
  • Training is designed to progressively overload
    the body systems and fuel stores
  • If the training stress is inadequate to overload
    the physiological system then no adaptations will
  • If the workload is too great (applied too
    quickly, performed too often without adequate
    rest) then fatigue follows and the following
    performance will be reduced
  • Work alone is not enough to produce the best
    results. Your body needs time to adapt to
  • To encourage adaptation to training it is
    important to plan recovery activities that reduce
    residual fatigue
  • The sooner you recover from fatigue and the
    fresher you are when you complete a training
    session, the better the chance of improving

Fitness vs. Fatigue
Adapted from Grantham
Fitness vs. Fatigue
  • If we present a recovery method at the point of
    fatigue we can expect to reduce the amount of
    time it will take for the athlete to recover from
  • The broken line represents the improved recovery
  • The yellow shaded area represents the increased
    window of opportunity for the presentation of the
    next training stimulus
  • We can then present another training stimulus

Types of Fatigue
  • Fatigue is multi-factorial depending on the
    type of training stimulus, an athlete can
    experience a number of different forms of fatigue
  • Before we can introduce a recovery strategy we
    need to know what type of fatigue we are dealing

Types of Fatigue
  • Metabolic Fatigue (energy stores)
  • High volume training
  • Repeated workloads
  • Aerobic/Anaerobic conditioning
  • Multiple training sessions throughout day
  • Tissue Damage
  • Plyometrics
  • Eccentric loading
  • Contact sports

Types of Fatigue
  • Neurological (peripheral nervous system)
  • High intensity work
  • Resistance training (strength and power
  • Speed work
  • Skill sessions and introduction of new training

Types of Fatigue
  • Psychological (CNS emotional fatigue)
  • Training monotony
  • Lifestyle issues
  • Heavy game/competition/training period
  • Pressure plays
  • New training techniques
  • Environmental
  • Hot and cold environments
  • Travel (local, national, international)
  • Time differences

Recovery Strategies
Adapted from Grantham
Recovery Strategies
  • You should NOT be considering Levels 3 4
    recovery strategies if you have not even
    established the basics at Levels 1 2
  • Level 1
  • Sleep/Rest (passive and active)
  • Sleep is one of the most important forms of rest
    and provides time for the athlete to adapt to the
    physical and mental demands of training.
  • Other forms of passive rest include reading,
    listening to music
  • Other forms of active rest such as walking, cross
    training and stretching are also beneficial to an
    athletes overall recovery

Recovery Strategies
  • Level 1
  • Nutrition (refuelling and rehydration)
  • The most important components for nutritional
    recovery are fluid and fuel replacement. You
    should avoid drinks containing caffeine and drink
    enough fluid (water or sports drinks) before,
    during and after training to replace sweat loss.
  • There is a 45-minute window of opportunity for
    refuelling. The ideal recovery nutrition strategy
    is a meal or liquid supplement containing high
    glycaemic index carbohydrates and quality
    proteins in approximately a 41 ratio
  • This includes 10-20 if the athletes total daily
    caloric intake of these two macronutrients

Recovery Strategies
  • Level 2
  • Periodization
  • One of the fundamental components of any training
  • An athletes ability to recover will be enhanced
    through the use of a well planned training
    program, which allows time to recover from the
    training that is being undertaken
  • Reactive Programming
  • Once you have a plan (see Periodization), accept
    that there will be times when you need to deviate
    from it in order to recover!
  • The ability for a coach and athlete to react to a
    given situation is crucial to the success of the
  • If the athlete is fatigued there is little point
    training for the sake of sticking to the program
  • Athletes and coaches need to be able to program

Recovery Strategies
  • Cool down and stretching
  • The cool down is a group of exercises performed
    immediately after training to provide a period of
    adjustment between exercise and rest.
  • Its purpose is to improve muscular relaxation,
    remove waste products, reduce muscular soreness
    and bring the cardiovascular system back to rest.
  • Stretching is often combined with the cool down.
    Many athletes lack sufficient flexibility to
    perform their sports movements efficiently and
    the elevated temperatures following exercise
    provide a good opportunity to improve ROM and
    reduce the risk of injuries

Recovery Strategies
  • Level 3
  • Compression Skins
  • This is the latest boom business in terms of
    recovery, and leading sports apparel
    manufacturers are producing garments with
    compression qualities
  • Heavy training can cause muscle damage resulting
    in soreness, swelling, pain and impaired athletic
    performance (Kraemer)
  • Recent scientific research has indicated that
    external compression can be an effective
    treatment that minimizes swelling, improves the
    alignment and mobility of scar tissue and
    improves proprioception in an injured joint
    following eccentric damage and DOMS

Recovery Strategies
  • Level 3
  • Massage
  • The idea behind massage is that it can have the
    following impact
  • Physiological benefits
  • 1. Increased blood flow, enhanced oxygen and
    nutrient delivery to fatigued muscles, increased
    removal of lactic acid
  • 2. Warming and stretching of soft tissues
    increasing flexibility, removal of micro trauma,
    knots and adhesions
  • Psychological benefits
  • 1. Improved mood state
  • 2. Increased relaxation and feeling less fatigued
  • Massage also improves an athletes body awareness
    which muscles have been stressed
  • Athletes should spend 10 minutes at the end of a
    training day performing some self massage
    (particularly legs and shoulders)

Recovery Strategies
  • Level 3
  • Contrast Showers
  • Alternating hot and cold showers/baths provides
    an increase in blood flow to the working muscles
    and accelerates the removal of lactic acid
  • Contrast showering also stimulates the nervous
    system because the brain has to receive and
    recognize two different types of information (hot
    and cold). The changes in temperature also help
    to increase arousal
  • Guidelines
  • Complete within 30 minutes of training/competition
  • Hot - 35-40ºC
  • Cold 10-15ºC
  • Shower hot 1-2 mins, cold 30-60 secs (repeat
    3-4 times)
  • Bath/Spa hot 3-4 mins, cold 30-60 secs (repeat
    3-4 times)
  • Bath cold 30-60 seconds immersion, followed by
    60 seconds dry rub (vigorously rub the cooled
    areas) with a towel (repeat 2-4 times)
  • Begin and end with cold

Recovery Strategies
  • Level 3
  • Cold Baths
  • Cold baths have primarily been used for their
    pain relieving properties
  • Rationale is that when you plunge your body into
    a bath full of icy cold water vasoconstriction
    occurs and the blood will be drained away from
    the muscles that have been working (removing
    lactic acid)
  • Once you get out of the bath the capillaries
    dilate, new blood flows back to the muscles
    bringing with it oxygen that will help the
    functioning of the cells
  • Recent research by Sam Erith at Loughborough
    University has shown that treatment with
    cryotherapy improves muscle function, reduces
    muscle damage and decreases soreness associated
    with DOMS
  • Guidelines
  • Cold 5-15ºC
  • Duration 7-10 minutes to cool the muscles
    (shorter if looking for short term pain relief)
  • Keep the body parts moving to prevent a barrier
    of warm water forming around the limbs.

Matching Fatigue Recovery Strategy
  • Metabolic Fatigue Tissue Damage
  • Sleep, rest (passive and active)
  • Nutrition
  • Hydrotherapies (contrast showers)
  • Massage
  • Compression clothing

Matching Fatigue Recovery Strategy
  • Neurological (peripheral nervous system)
  • Sleep, rest (passive and active)
  • Hydrotherapies (cold baths)
  • Massage
  • Psychological(CNS and emotional fatigue)
  • Sleep, rest (passive and active)
  • Meditation
  • Counseling

Matching Fatigue Recovery Strategy
  • Environmental
  • Sleep, rest (passive and active)
  • Hydrotherapies (contrast bathing, cold baths)

Self Myofascial Release
  • Most popular method is the Foam Roller
  • Available in many densities
  • Other methods include The Stick, various balls
    and other commercial products
  • Rationale
  • Muscles need to be lengthened
  • Muscles develop knots
  • Muscles need to be pliable

Self Myofascial Release
  • Science behind
  • Autogenic Inhibition
  • Pressure place on the GTO at the tendons sends a
    signal to the muscles to relax
  • While the muscle is relaxed, we can more easily
    create the change in length and tone
  • Better than stretching?
  • While stretching no doubt helps to increase
    length of muscle fibres, it does not decrease
    muscle tone and increase pliability
  • SMR can also break up soft tissue adhesions and
    scar tissue

Self Myofascial Release
  • Tools
  • Foam Roller
  • A foam roller is the largest implement we would
    use from a pressure perspective
  • The foam roller is very versatile, as you can
    work almost every muscle group using a foam
    roller alone
  • Rollers also come in varying densities, which
    allows for progression as well

Self Myofascial Release
  • Tools
  • Medicine Ball
  • While not as popular as the foam roller, the
    medicine ball may actually be a more versatile
    tool for SMR purposes
  • Not only is it more focal when compared to the
    roller (the surface area being worked is smaller,
    which increases pressure), but it also allows you
    to work in a more three-dimensional fashion

Self Myofascial Release
  • Tools
  • Tennis/Lacrosse Ball
  • A tennis ball is generally the smallest implement
    we would use for SMR purposes
  • Its very convenient for muscle/fascial groups
    with smaller surface areas (such as the plantar
    fascia, calves, and peroneals) as well as upper
    body muscles where the ball must be placed
    against a wall (such as the pecs and posterior
    shoulder capsule)
  • Once the tennis ball becomes easy, move on to a
    lacrosse ball.

Self Myofascial Release
  • Techniques
  • Positioning
  • Poor alignment may stress the supporting muscles
    and/or joints (e.g., if the elbow is too far away
    from the shoulder, instead of being placed
    underneath it, you could strain the muscle/joint)
  • Improper placement can lead to excessive fatigue
    of the supporting musculature
  • Improper placement can lead to excessive pressure
    on the trained area, which decreases compliance.
    (If it hurts too much, you wont want to do it

Self Myofascial Release
  • Techniques
  • Duration
  • Better quality tissue less time
  • More problems more time
  • General rule of thumb is at least 10 strokes per
  • Typically spend 5-10 minutes pre/post training

Self Myofascial Release
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Sit on the ground with your legs straight and
    calves on top of the roller
  • Using your arms, press yourself up so that your
    buttocks are hovering over the ground
  • From the starting position, roll back and forth,
    keeping the knees locked
  • Focus the pressure on the medial and lateral
    portions of the calf to work the medial/lateral
    heads of the gastrocnemius
  • Roll for 3060 seconds
  • To increase the pressure, try stacking one leg on
    top of the other and rolling only the bottom leg
  • To further increase pressure, actively dorsiflex
    the toes (pull them toward your shin) to place
    the gastrocnemius on stretch

Self Myofascial Release
  • TFL/Glute Medius
  • Lie on your side on the ground with the roller
    underneath the front portion of your hip
  • Place the same side elbow and the opposite
    hand/foot on the ground
  • From the starting position, press up and roll
    back and forth over the outside portion of your
  • To really hit the anterolateral hip musculature,
    adjust your body toward a face down position
  • Roll for 3060 seconds, and then switch legs
  • To increase the pressure, take your opposite leg
    off the floor

Self Myofascial Release
  • IT Band
  • Lie on your side on the ground with the roller
    underneath the outside portion of your thigh
  • Place the same side elbow (or hand) and the
    opposite hand/foot on the ground
  • From the starting position, press up and roll
    back and forth over the outside portion of your
  • It may help to work from the bottom of the hip to
    mid-thigh, reposition, and then work from
    mid-thigh to just above the knee versus using
    long, broad strokes to hit the entire IT band at
  • Roll for 3060 seconds, and then switch legs
  • To increase the pressure, take your opposite leg
    off the floor or stack it on top of the opposite

Self Myofascial Release
  • Rectus Femoris
  • Lie on your stomach on the ground with the roller
    underneath the front of your thighs
  • Place your elbows on the ground underneath your
  • From the starting position, press up and roll
    back and forth over the front of your thighs with
    the knees straight
  • It may help to work from the bottom of the hip to
    mid-thigh, reposition, and then work from
    mid-thigh to just above the knee versus using
    long, broad strokes to hit the entire RF at once
  • Roll for 3060 seconds
  • To increase the pressure, cross one leg over the
  • To really increase the pressure, try flexing your
    kneesthis will put the RF on stretch and really
    crank up the intensity

Self Myofascial Release
  • Gluteus Maximus
  • Sit on the roller with your hands behind you on
    the floor
  • Your feet should be on the floor throughout
  • From the starting position, roll back and forth
    over the gluteals
  • Roll for 3060 seconds
  • Shift your weight to one hip or the other to
    increase the pressure

Self Myofascial Release
  • Piriformis
  • Sit on the roller with your hands behind you on
    the floor
  • Lean to your left side, taking your right hand
    off the ground. Place your left ankle on your
    right knee
  • Your right foot should be on the floor throughout
  • From the starting position, roll back and forth
    over the piriformis
  • Roll for 3060 seconds, and then switch sides
  • Try altering your body position throughout to hit
    the piriformis from multiple angles

Self Myofascial Release
  • Pecs
  • Stand next to a wall and place a tennis ball on
    the wall at chest height
  • Push your pecs into the ball to hold it in place
  • With the tennis ball pinned between your pecs and
    the wall, roll it back and forth. It may help to
    work in small sections as the tennis ball doesnt
    have a large circumference
  • Roll for 3060 seconds, and then switch sides
  • To increase the intensity, horizontally abduct
    and externally rotate the arm to place the
    pectoralis major on stretch

Self Myofascial Release
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Lie on your side with the foam roller in your
  • Externally rotate your arm to place the lats on
  • Glide the roller up and down the outside portion
    of your back
  • Roll for 3060 seconds, and then switch sides

Self Myofascial Release
  • Thoracic Spine
  • Lie on your back with a foam roller placed in the
    middle of your back
  • Your feet and buttocks should be on the ground,
    with your hands placed behind your head
  • From the starting position, slowly extend the
    upper back. DO NOT extend the low back it may
    help to think of bracing the stomach to ensure
    that the movement comes from the upper back
  • Slowly work the roller up and down the back,
    repeating the extension at the various spinal

Self Myofascial Release
  • Rhomboids
  • Lie down with the foam roller placed lengthwise
    along your spine
  • Cross your arms in front of you, resting each
    hand on the opposite shoulder to move the
    scapulae out of the way
  • Roll from the inside border of your
    scapula/shoulder blade to just outside your
    spine, working on the rhomboids
  • Roll for 3060 seconds, and then switch sides
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