Title: Allot Network Intelligence
1Allot Network Intelligence
A mind for networks
- Tomás Gómez de Acuña
- tgomez_at_allot.com
2Company Overview
- Global company
- Founded 1997
- Sales support offices throughout the world
- Europe (France-HQ, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Scandinavia) - Asia Pacific (SingaporeHQ, Japan, Australia)
- Latin America (Brazil)
- Worldwide 24/7 support
- 230 employees (85 engineers)
- A traffic management pioneer
- Shipping since 1999 with rapid growth
- Over 1,500 customers and 10,000 systems in
operation - Markets and selected customers
- Service Providers
- Verizon, NTL, FastWeb, Megacable, Telia, Equant,
Sprint, Waku-Waku, Telecom Malaysia, Prima,
Northland, Wilhelm.tel, Optus, France Telecom,
Eutelsat, Cabovisao - Enterprise
- Dixons, INS, Samsung, Symantec, Schneider
Electric, Hitachi, Areva, EDF, Teva, BBVA,
Kroger, Ecco, Universities, BES
3Enterprise network challenge
4Internet Access
- Do we really know the traffic that goes through
Internet? - Is it possible to block and control unwanted
traffic? - Do we know which kind of information access the
users to internet? - Do we have the capability to control not working
applications like P2P, music, streaming, Chat,
etc - Number of connections we opened outside the
network - Number of connection per user and/or application
- Detailed reports of all this information?
- Really we know how, when, and which way we spend
bandwidth in Internet?
5Access to the data center
- How many users can access to the data center?
- Do we have a way to control number of
connections in the data center? - It is possible to priories VIP users?
- It is possible to avoid DoS attacks and worm
attacks? - Do we know bandwidth, connections, etc
consumption per user?. - Number of connections per applications, user?
- Do we assure security and availability of the
data center?
6WAN Network
- which applications use the wan links?
- Are all the applications business oriented?
- Why WAN is so slow?
- Do we know how may connections we have opened in
the WAN? - Can we assure mission critical applications over
the WAN?. - Are we ready to implement new services in my
company like Citrix, VoIP, Videoconferencing,
etc? - Do we control what our users are doing over the
- We have networks of thousands of euros
- We invest a lot of money to increase bandwidth
and to upgrade links - We spend a lot of money supporting all this
investment - But.
- Do we really are able to have a detailed
knowledge about our network that allow us to
invest the money in a better way?
8The solution Allot Network Intelligence
9Service Provider Solution
- Control del tráfico hacia y desde el Data Center
- Prioriza el tráfico de los clientes críticos
- Evita ataques de DoS y DDoS al Data Center
- Evita que se caigan los servidores
- Evita que se propaguen gusanos (WORMS)
- Proyecto de varios equipos
- Referencia Comunitel (100 K Euros)
- Control del tráfico P2P
- Ahorro de ancho de banda (ahorro de coste en el
operador) - Quality of Experince (los usuarios perciben que
la red va mejor) - Equidad entre los usuarios y las conexiones por
usuario - Evita que pocos usuarios no deseados consuman
todo el ancho de banda - Proyectos de entre 1 y 10 equipos
- Referencia FastWeb (2 Millones de Euros)
- Definición de servicios de pago para el operador
(el operador genera más dinero) - Video Club online
- Turbo button
- Triple play
- Etc
- Uno o varios equipos de Allot por POP
- Proyecto de decenas o cientos de equipos
- Referencia NTL (8 Millones de Euros)
10Allot Solutions Save Money
- Reduce peering internet expenses
OPEX - Prevent malicious traffic,
- reducing customer support calls
OPEX - Increase over-subscription avoiding
- more network devices investment
CAPEX - Identify network issues to avoid
- downtime
OPEX - Add new equipment and upgrades
- only when necessary CAPEX
11Allot features
- Network visibility Network Intelligence
- Network troubleshouting
- Application firewall
- Connection/DoS control
- QoS Control
- P2P control
- Application control
- Subscriber control
- Service Creation
- Accounting/billing
12Allot features
- Layer 7 classification and monitoring
- Signature base
- DPI (Deep Packet Inspection)
- Application control and blocking
- HTTP, chat, FTP, SMTP filtering
- Connection control
- Connection control per user/application/service
- DoS and worm contention
- Data Center protection
- Bandwidth limitation per connection/flow
- P2P and other applications control
- QoS policing
- Priority
- Guaranty
- Limitation
- IP service, Accounting and Billing
13Allot product
- NetEnforcer
- NetXplorer
- Subscriber Management Platform
14Allot Netenforcer product range
AC-1010, AC-1020, AC-1040
AC-802 AC-804 AC-808
AC-402 AC-404
15NetEnforcer - Enterprise / Medium SP Platform
Model Bandwidth Pipes VCs Managed Links
AC40X Monitoring Only 100 Mbps 1 024 4,096 1 - 2
AC40X/2M 2 Mbps 1 024 4,096 1 - 2
AC40X/10M 10 Mbps 1 024 4,096 1 - 2
AC40X/45M 45 Mbps 1 024 4,096 1 - 2
AC40X/100M 100 Mbps 1 024 4,096 1 - 2
AC80X Monitoring Only 310 Mbps 4,096 28,672 1 - 2 - 4
AC80X-CF 45 Mbps 4,096 28,672 1 - 2 - 4
AC80X-CF 100 Mbps 4,096 28,672 1 - 2 - 4
AC80X-CF 155 Mbps 4,096 28,672 1 - 2 - 4
AC80X-CF 310 Mbps 4,096 28,672 1 - 2 - 4
16NetEnforcer - SP Carrier Platform
Model BandwidthFull Duplex BandwidthFull Duplex Pipes VCs Managed Links
AC-10X0-Monitoring Only AC-10X0-Monitoring Only 1000 Mbps 10,000 80,000 1-2
AC-10X0-155M AC-10X0-155M 155 Mbps 10,000 80,000 1-2
AC-10X0-310M AC-10X0-310M 310 Mbps 10,000 80,000 1-2
AC-10X0-620M AC-10X0-620M 620 Mbps 10,000 80,000 1-2
AC-10X0-1000M AC-10X0-1000M 1000 Mbps 10,000 80,000 1-2
AC-25X0- Monitoring Only AC-25X0- Monitoring Only 2500 Mbps 40,000 80,000 1-2-4
AC-25X0-310M AC-25X0-310M 310 Mbps 40,000 80,000 1-2-4
AC-25X0-620M AC-25X0-620M 620 Mbps 40,000 80,000 1-2-4
AC-25X0-1000M AC-25X0-1000M 1000 Mbps 40,000 80,000 1-2-4
AC-25X0-2500M AC-25X0-2500M 2500 Mbps 40,000 80,000 1-2-4
17Allot multilinks topologies (1)
Redundant configurations
Managing two different links
One link
NE 404/804/1020/2520
NE 402/802/1010
NE 404/804/1020/2520
18Allot multilinks topologies (2)
Managing four links
Redundant configuration fully mesh
NE 808/2540
NE 808/2540
19High-Availability Topologies
20NetXplorer Architecture
GUI Client
GUI Client
NetXplorer Server
Mediation / Billing
NetXplorer DataCollector
NetXplorer DataCollector
21Subscriber Management Architecture
22Spain References
- Administración Pública
- Turespaña
- Catastro
- Servicio Andaluz de Salud
- Ayuntamiento de Gijón
- Oficina de Patentes
- Forum de Barcelona
- Principado de Asturias
- Gobierno de La Rioja
- Gobierno de Navarra
- Gobierno de Cantabria
- Ayuntamiento de Gijón
- Ayuntamiento de Rivas
- Parlamento de Cataluña
- Informática Comunidad de Madrid
- Estrada Dixital
- Gobierno de Canarias
- Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla
- Banca y Seguros
- Banco Sabadell
- Santa Lucia
- Caixanova
- Rural Servicios Informáticos
- Agroseguro
- Ibercaja
- Cajasegovia
- Aseval
- Ministero de Sanidad
- Ministerio de Defensa
- Ministerio de Agricultura
- Marina Mercante
- Generalitat Valenciana
- Ayuntamiento Laguna de Duero
- Generalitat Valenciana
- Ayuntamiento de Lloret
- Dirección General de Aragón (DGA)
- Sadesi (Junta de Andalucía)
- Junta de Extremadura
- Consejería Educación Junta de Andalucía
- Ministerio de Economía (IGAE)
- Parlamento de Vasco
- Osakidetza (Servicio Vasco de Salud)
- IKT (Gobierno Vasco)
- Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia
23Spain References
- Operadores
- Unión Fenosa Telecomunicaciones
- Comunitel
- Neo Sky
- Auna
- R
- PTVTelecom
- Mondragon Connect
- CableMutua
- Riosat
- Everbit
- Gemytel
- Más de 10 operadores de Cable regionales
- WifiOnline
- Universidades
- Universidad de Oviedo
- Universidad de Las Palmas
- Universidad de Málaga
- Universidad de Burgos
- Universidad de Cantabria
- Universidad de León
- Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
- Universidad Miguel Hernández
- Universidad de Murcia
- Universidad de Barcelona
- Oxford University Press
- Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Universidad de La Rioja
- Escuela universitaria Galileo Galilei
24Spain References
- Industria y Empresa
- Iron Montain
- Barceló Viajes
- Garden Hotel
- Praxair
- Turespaña
- Agroseguro
- Tectotrans
- Marmedsa
- Mundo Social
- Viajes Marsans
- Dorna
- Telemadrid
- Unión Española de Explosivos
- Arias
- La Cope
- Cementos Rohe
- Prosegur
- Algeposa
- Global Interlink
- Azertia
- Garden Group
- Puleva
- Albatros
- Almiraill
- Torraspapel
- Iberdrola
- Telefónica Soluciones
- Blanco Diagomoda
- Radio Televisión Valenciana
- Transportes AZKAR
- Marítima Bergé
- Viajes Marsans
- Redcom
- Spainrep
- Clar
- Roboticker
- Ciudad de La Luz
- Detinsa
- Estrella de Galicia
- Plásticos Ferro
- Forum de Barcelona
- Grupo Urvasco
- Grupo Boluda
- Armillar
- Pipeline Sofware
- Punto Acceso
- Rodio Cimentaciones
- Mtorres
- Schneider Electric
- Trentinort
- Unisono
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