Title: Overview of Process Design
1Overview of Process Design
- Chapter 4
- Terry A. Ring
- ChE
2Where is Design used in Industry?
3Where is Design used in Industry?
- De Novo Designs
- Known Plants but different location or larger
size - Plant Improvement
- Debottlenecking Plant
- Increase Plant Capacity
- Increase Plant Efficiency
- Decrease Costs
- Pollution Minimization
4Importance of Process Design
- In Preliminary Process Design
- 98 Operating Costs Committed
- 80 Capital Costs Committed
- Less than 10 Spent
- Design is Very Important
- But why is this so?
5How is Design Practiced
Stage Gate Management
- Process Conception
- Preliminary Design
- Process Concepts
- Process Economics
- Management decision to go forward
- Intermediate Design
- PIDs
- Ask vendors for prices major pieces of equipment
- Reactor, Separators, HX, Utilities, tank farms
- Process Economics
- Management decision to go forward
- Detailed Design
- Mechanical Engineering
- Equipment Supports
- Where are all the nuts and bolts
- Piping elevation
- Electrical/Power Engineering
- Utilities
- Process Economics
6Process Creation
- Chemical Reaction Routes
- Preliminary Database
- MSDS (Health and safety info.)
- Raw Materials
- Reaction Products and Intermediates
- Thermo/phys properties (Expts and Predictions)
- Heats of Formation
- VLE data, solubilities, etc.
- Chemical Prices (Chemical Market Reporter)
7Operating costs
- Selection of Raw Materials
- Selection of Reaction Path to Product
- Determine Gross Profitability of Process
- Examples
- Vinyl Chloride Manufacture (part of PVC plant)
- Example in your book
- Octane Manufacture (part of refinery)
8Process Economics-I
- Macro View
- Possible Reactions for vinyl chloride
- 1) C2H4 (ethylene) Cl2 ? C2H3Cl (vinyl
Chloride) HCl - 2) C2H2 (acetylene) HCl ? C2H3Cl
- 3) C2H4 Cl2 ? C2H4Cl2 ? C2H3Cl HCl
- 4) C2H2 2HCl ½ O2? C2H4Cl2H2O
- C2H4Cl2? C2H3Cl H2O
- C2H2 2HCl ½ O2?C2H3Cl H2O
(overall) - 5) C2H4 Cl2 ? C2H4Cl2
- C2H2 2HCl ½ O2? C2H4Cl2 H2O
- 2 C2H4Cl2? 2C2H3Cl 2HCl
- 2C2H4 Cl2 ½ O2? 2C2H3Cl H2O
9Gross Profitability Analysis-1
- Start With Raw Material Costs and Product Prices
10Gross Profitability Analysis-1
- For Each Reaction Determine the Profit to be made
- Gross Profit is
- 22/lb(1) 18/lb (0.583)-18/lb(0.449)-11/lb(1.1
34)11.94 /lb
11Gross Profitability Analysis-2
- Overview of Various Reactions
- Reaction 3 is most profitable!
- How much do we make? Market Volume?
12Example of Market Information
13Process Synthesis-1
- Reaction 3
- Direct Chlorination
- Pyrolysis
14Consider Separations
- VLE data
- Boiling Points
- Flash HCl from Rxn Products
15Process Synthesis-1
16Process Synthesis-3
- Task Integration
- Reactor Condenser
- Separations
17Onion Model of Process Design
18Overall Process
19Octane Reaction
- 2C2H4 C4H10 ? C8H18
- P 5 psi, T93C, X98 Conversion
20Preliminary Flow Sheet
Flash ?P 2 psi Distillation Purge Stream
21With Heat Integration
Without Heat Integration
22What else can be done?
- Where is the heat duty for the Flash vessel
coming from? - Heat Exchanger coupling reactor feed to reactor
product. - Do we really need the flash vessel?
- Let distillation column do all the separation.
- Reactor heat duty
- Exo or Endo reaction?
- Where does it come from?
23Onion Model of Process Design
24Importance of Process Design
- In Preliminary Process Design
- 98 Operating Costs Committed
- 80 Capital Costs Committed
- Less than 10 Spent
- Design is Very Important
- But why is this so?
- In Preliminary Design
- Decide on Raw Materials Operating Costs
- Decide Process
- Reactor System Capital Costs
- Separation System Capital Costs
- Recycle System Capital Costs
- Heat Integration Scheme Capital Costs
- Utilities Operating Costs