Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining

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Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining


Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining Nuno Garoupa Universidade Nova de Lisboa & CEPR Basic Idea Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining: It is an efficient instrument of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining

Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Nuno Garoupa
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa CEPR

Basic Idea
  • Law and Economics of Plea-Bargaining It is an
    efficient instrument of criminal procedure
    because it reduces enforcement costs (for both
    parties) and allows the prosecutor to concentrate
    on more meritorious cases.

Basic Idea
  • Plea bargains are the criminal counterpart of
    civil settlements which Law and Economics has
    largely supported.

  • Plea-Bargaining is highly controversial in common
    law countries, including the US and the UK
    England Wales
  • Plea-Bargaining has been transplanted to civil
    law (France, Italy, Poland, Argentina) under
    severe criticism by traditional doctrinal
    approaches and apparently without a major
    empirical success
  • Informal versions have been observed in Germany,
    the Netherlands and elsewhere (includes summary
    procedures for those who do not contest guilt
    unconditional and conditional dismissals
    confession of guilt to get a reduction in the
    sentence, warnings and reprimands).

  • 95 of all convictions in the US are secured with
    a guilty plea
  • Widely used in the UK (around 90)
  • 8 of all convictions in Italy.

This paper
  • History of Plea-Bargaining why?
  • Institutional details of Plea-Bargaining what we
    mean by plea-bargaining.
  • Economics of Plea-Bargaining state of the art.
  • Arguments against Plea-Bargaining.
  • Important differences between plea-bargaining
    across countries.
  • Sketch of a more comprehensive economic approach
  • Conclusion
  • References

History of Plea-Bargaining
  • Historical justifications are obscure.
  • Reasons
  • Bypass jury trials (US, England and Wales)
  • Why plea bargaining and not bench trials?
  • Workload (Italy, France, US, England and Wales)
  • Empower prosecution (France)
  • Against whom? Why?
  • Jury ? back to bypass jury trials
  • Judges ? why not use stricter sentencing
  • Reduce costs for defendants
  • Why not reform criminal procedure?
  • Lawyer domination of legal proceedings (common
    law countries)

The case of the US
  • Dynamics in the 19th and early 20th century All
    cases go to trial, explicit bargaining, implicit
  • Introduction and existence of trial penalty by
    the end of 19th century.

The case of the US
  • Why did judges allow it?
  • 1866 changes on rules of evidence to give
    defendants more rights at trial
  • backlog of civil justice
  • Rehabilitation approach to criminal law.

The case of the US
  • Plea bargaining was one of several methods
    employed by Anglo-American administrators to
    dispose of criminal cases without juries. When
    compared with other modes to bypass trial by jury
    (e.g., bench trial), it is less distinctive and
    less American.

The case of England Wales
  • Formally introduced under the plea before venue
    system Criminal Procedure and Investigations
    Act 1996
  • Judicial precedent has created the one-third
    discount for guilty-pleas, incorporate into
    criminal law later Criminal Justice and Public
    Order Act 1994, by now sentencing guidelines
    deal with it in detail Criminal Justice Act

The case of England Wales
  • Indication of sentence by judge is now possible
    CJA 2003
  • Although there were some rules concerning the
    exchange of view between judge and defendant
    Turner rules which delimited the judges role in
    pre-trial negotiations.
  • There are pre-trial hearings to facilitate
    exchange of information and bring about pleas of
  • There are several ways of negotiated diversion.

The case of Italy(patteggiamento)
  • Italy warrant a pretrial settlement opportunity
    to reduce delays, not to enhance prosecutorial
  • Less concentration of resources because it is
    usually after the preliminary investigations have
    taken place
  • Applies only to minor offenses which do not
    justify an intensive use of resources
  • Prosecutor incentives seniority.
  • Apply to a minor group of defendants, hence less
    attractive to accept
  • Lots of acquittals for loss of evidence or
    witnesses and amnesties granted regularly
  • Delays make worthwhile to protract trials as long
    as possible to avoid jail

The case of France(plaider coupable)
  • Similar to the Italian system.

Institutional Details
  • What is Plea-Bargaining?

Institutional Details
  • Charge bargaining
  • Multiple charges drop some in return for a plea
    of guilty to one of them
  • Unique charge drop a serious charge in exchange
    for a plea of guilty to a less serious charge.

Institutional Details
  • Fact bargaining
  • Agreement for a selective presentation of facts
    in return for a plea of guilty.

Institutional Details
  • Specific fact bargaining
  • Nolo Contendere Pleas accepts a sanction without
    pleading guilty
  • Alford Pleas accepts a sanction but defendant
    asserts innocence.

Institutional Details
  • Plea Bargains there is a specific discount for
    pleading guilty.
  • Plea before venue the defendant is put to a
    decision in early stages
  • In pre-trial hearings the prosecutor and the
    defendant exchange information before bringing a
    plea bargain
  • During the trial hearings (cracked trial due to
    late or delayed guilty plea).

Institutional Details
  • Explicit Bargaining Prosecutor makes a sentence
    recommendation Judges indicate the sentence they
    are minded to impose.
  • Implicit Bargaining Defendant pleads guilty,
    considering the existence of sentence discounts
    or the possibility of achieving a particular
  • Negotiated Diversions Warnings and reprimands in
    return for some restitution.

Economics of Plea Bargaining
  • Optimism of Economics with respect to

Economics of Plea Bargaining
  • Part of efficient criminal procedure because
    reduces costs and allows prosecutor to allocate
    resources more effectively.
  • Part of efficient law enforcement (social welfare
    maximizing) because reduces costs and
  • Plea-Bargaining is efficient because it is just
    like discretion in a regulatory proceeding.

Economics of Plea Bargaining
  • Plea Bargaining provides
  • consistent signals that can enhance prosecutorial
  • for efficient screening of cases.
  • for efficient decision to stand trial.
  • consistency with the low-probability high-penalty
    enforcement strategy.

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Plea-Bargaining should be perceived and enforced
    as a contract between two parties and therefore
    it should enhance social welfare if voluntarily

Economics of Plea Bargaining
  • Criminal defense expenditures result in lower
    expected penalties for the innocent at trial than
    the guilty and they help ensure that plea
    bargaining efficiently screens defendants.
  • A plea bargain might give the lowest penalty to
    the most culpable defendant if increases the
    probability of conviction of conspirators.

Economics of Plea Bargaining
  • Plea-Bargaining helps enforcement agencies
    getting information for criminal convictions.

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Minor Criticism of Economics against

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • There is a possibility that plea bargaining might
    dilute deterrence
  • Hence, the efficiency depends on the objectives
    of prosecutors Ex post objectives of prosecutors
    should determine ex ante criminal policies of

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Increased sanctions can lead criminals to
    substitute between offenses and thus more severe
  • Use of plea bargain is determined by increasing
    trial costs and binding budgets, not social

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Due to different prosecutorial objectives, plea
    bargaining increase social welfare in adversarial
    systems but not in inquisitorial.
  • Judicial discretion affects the decision of
    granting plea bargain.

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Summary of Economics of Plea Bargaining

Economics of Plea-Bargaining
  • Summary
  • (1) Economics is quite positive about it
  • (2) Relies on prosecutorial discretion being
  • (3) Downplays the role of judges.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Plea-Bargaining is a disaster in criminal
  • Criminals receive undeserved leniency
  • Undermines procedural guarantees for the accused
    (constitutional issue)
  • Hurts the innocent
  • Unfair bargains
  • Strategic choice of moment to bring
  • Other questions.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Inadequate and Undeserved Leniency

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Undermines
  • Retribution
  • Deterrence
  • Sentencing proportionality.
  • But usually does not look at the low probability
    of punishment.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Undermines procedural guarantees for the accused

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • The unavailability of the guilty plea is regarded
    as a guarantee of defendants rights
  • Presumption of innocence
  • Right to examine witnesses against the accused
  • Right to a fair and public hearing
  • It is controversial if compatible with ECHR.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Discount for pleading guilty
  • Imposes a penalty on the right to be trialed
  • Penalizes those who exercise the right to
    presumption of innocence
  • It induces self-incrimination.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Prosecutors face pressure for convictions and
    plea-bargaining is a mechanism to get them at the
    expense of procedural guarantees batting

Defense of Plea-Bargaining
  • All these rights and privileges are derogable if
    the defendant wishes so

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Hurts the innocent

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Selection of cases has two implications (i)
    innocents stand trial more frequently (ii) there
    is pressure for innocents to plead guilty.

Defense of Plea-Bargaining
  • Selection of cases mirrors the usual problem of
    type I (acquit the guilty) and type II errors
    (convict the innocent).

Defense of Plea-Bargaining
  • Innocent defendants will be induced to plead
  • As long as the probability of conviction is
    positively correlated with the probability of
    guilt, the selection-of-cases effect implies a
    reduced number of innocent defendants.
  • The reason is that prosecutorial discretion is
    not unconstrained. Hence, even if there is an
    incentive to offer a plea to low probability
    convictions, prosecutors have to (i) select cases
    under a fixed budget (ii) cannot offer unlimited
    sentence discounts (iii) cannot control extra
    legal sanctions triggered by guilty pleas.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Unfair bargains

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Plea-bargains can be unfair and favor the
  • Plea bargains are not civil settlements because
    they not care only about (i) strength of evidence
    and (ii) expected punishment after trial. There
    are important factors such as psychological bias
    and structural forces (lawyer quality, agency
    costs, bail and detention, rules, sentencing
    guidelines and statutes) that produce skewed

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Plea-bargains cannot be seen as voluntary
    contracts because the affected parties lack the
    incentive to assure public interest in effective
    law enforcement and deny defendants a bargaining
    position to guarantee fair exchange.

Defense of Plea-Bargaining
  • Judicial intervention to avoid exceedingly
    lenient plea bargains. It is true that the
    economic theory says that one should accept plea
    bargains without judicial review because they
    allow an efficient use of prosecutorial
    resources. Plea bargaining with judicial review
    could be better because (i) avoid dilution of
    deterrence (ii) reduces the risk of wrongful
  • By hindering the prosecutors ability to agree to
    exceedingly lenient sentences, courts increase
    the cost of handling weak cases without
    obstructing the prosecutors ability to settle
    stronger cases.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Strategic choice of moment to bring

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Choosing the moment for plea-bargaining
  • Strategic management of information by both sides
    (rules of discovery)
  • The reputation of the judge or the jury
  • Regulation of legal framework judicial review.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Other Questions

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • There might be overcharging in order to put
    pressure for pleading guilty.

Defense of Plea-Bargaining
  • The effect cannot be so dramatic because there
    are two signals (for prosecutor and for jury) and
    both are correlated with guilt. Hence, the result
    will depend very much on the rules of discovery.

Arguments against Plea-Bargaining
  • Questions concerning uncertainty
  • Plea bargains can only help risk-averse
    defendant, guilty or innocent. Efficient if we
    believe that innocent individuals are
    systematically more risk averse than guilty
  • Uncertainty concerning the benchmark sentence.

Defense of Plea-Bargaining
  • If we allow only fixed discounts, they may
    partially solve the problems with respect to

Institutional Differences in Plea-Bargaining
  • Procedure
  • Adversarial vs. inquisitorial criminal procedure
  • Mandatory prosecution
  • Judicial review
  • Prosecutorial guidelines
  • Rules of evidence.
  • Sentencing
  • Guidelines
  • Prosecutorial proposed sentencing
  • Judicial pre-commitment to sentencing
  • Professions
  • Judges
  • Prosecutors
  • Defense Lawyers.

A More Comprehensive Economic Analysis
  • Asymmetry of information sentencing benchmark.
  • Defendants side lawyer (agency costs).
  • Prosecutors side objectives (structure of
  • Third party effects
  • Victims (retribution vs. secondary
  • Judge (active vs. passive judicial review)
  • Social welfare deterrence, sentencing
  • Timing
  • Rules of evidence
  • Sunk vs. saving costs.

  • The Economics of Plea-Bargaining has largely
    failed to assess institutional details (charge,
    fact and plea bargaining).
  • Its over-optimism only recently has been
    confronted with the arguments against it.
  • Still relies heavily on the efficient
    prosecutor model.
  • Only recently has started looking at the possible
    advantages of judicial review.

  • The Economics of Plea-Bargaining has largely
    failed to influence the debate in Europe.
  • It was unable to predict the relative failure of
    Italy (and possibly France)
  • Although we do have ex post rationalization
    (bargaining as a solution to delays in trial
    rather than prosecutorial efficient allocation of

References (I)
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