Title: Revelation 411
1- A Suggested Depiction of
- Revelation Chapters 4 through 11
- --Which Encompass about 101/2 Years
- Chronologically, from Rapture to Return
- chapters 12-19 provide supplementary
information/ - recapitulation of this same period of time
- 1997, 2006 babylonfalls.org reconciled chart
material from - The Apocalypse Exposition of the Book of
Revelation (1900) by Joseph - A. Seiss. This author posits a
selective/partial/conditional Pre-Trib Rapture - theory, and multiple/progressive raptures, i.e.,
Pre, Mid, Post (cf. Enoch, - Elijah, Jesus, John, the 2 Witnesses).Pre-Trib
Rapture a reward not a right. - And
- All Things New A Study of Revelation (1959)
- The End of the Days A Study of Daniels Visions
(1961) - Signs of His Coming A Study of The Olivet
Discourse (1962) - Before the Last Battle-Armageddon A Survey of
Bible Prophecy (1971) - by Arthur E. Bloomfield, who contended for the
rule that If a - prophecy has not been totally fulfilled in the
past, then there will - be a future complete fulfillment.Both authors
similarly interpret Rev.12
WEDDING Rev. 196-10
Trumpets Sounded(Bowls Poured) 1
through 6 woe 1 woe 2
7 Seals Opened
Trumpet 7(Bowl
woe 3 Note Trumpets 1 through 7 are
the same thing as Bowls 1 through 7
E.g., Rev. 1115-19 Rev.
1616-21 I.e., Trumpet 7 as seen in Heaven
Bowl 7 from an earthly standpoint
(In Rev. 41, Johns rapture type for
THIS RAPTURE, and serves as chronological
place-marker in the narrative. Rapture
conditional Rev. 310, Luke 2134-36, 1 Peter
47,17. Woman of chapter 12 is left for now,
For I have not found your deeds
complete in the sight of my God (Rev.
32). Note Rev. 34 clothing is soiled/
besmeared, as with filth, compare with Rev.
714 Eph. 527. Note the male child would
symbolize a smaller body of vigilant Christians)
Rev. 1417-20 Rev.
1911-16 Jesus coming on horseback 2nd Harvest-
RAPTURE Rev. 125 see 226-27 re. iron scepter
With the exception of 144,000 Jews converted
after the Pre-Trib Rapture (Micah 53), who are
now sealed (Rev. 73-8) and remain on the earth
(Matthew 1023) , the Tribulation Saints are
Raptured, Rev. 79-17
Jesus coming on clouds 1st Harvest (Final
Rapture) Revelation
1414-16 Mark 1326,27
Consider here 1 Cor. 1551-53
1 Thess.
3 1/2 years Daniel 1211 Revelation 111-4
3 1/2 years Daniel 725 Rev. 126,14 135-7
3 1/2 years
The Abomination of Desolation
2 Witnesses Minister
Antichrist Confirms 7 Year Covenant (Jews still
Antichrist Breaks Covenant JACOBS
TROUBLE (Jews Persecuted) Jeremiah 307
Antichrist Revealed(Rev.1212133-72Th
27,8) False Peace Removed
From Earth ---SaintsWoman, and her
WORLD CRISIS Rise of Antichrist Then
prolonged False Peace/Prosperity
-Daniels Statue Revived, Dan.
244,45 / 74-8 Rev. 131-2 -Ecumenical
Church H.Q. set up in Babylon -Babylon (in
Iraq), Tyre (in Lebanon) Rebuilt -Ark of
Covenant Reappears, All Jews to Israel
-Prosperity affects True Church, Rev. 314-22
All Israel Saved
The Apostasy 2 Tim. 43,4 Jude 3-19 1 Tim.
41 2 Thes. 23,9-12 False Ecumenical Church
Daniels 70th Week Daniel
The Great Tribulation (Christians
persecuted Jews safe in Israel through
resurfaced Ark of Covenant)
Millennial Kingdom
Other References
Revelation 8 -10
Revelation 4 - 7
Revelation 11
Rev. 201-6 Matt.2531-46 Zech.1416-21 Ezek.
39-48 Is. 6517-25 Joel 317-21 . . . After
Millennium Nations Rev. 2124 Isaiah 97
Matthew 244-6 Luke 218,9 2 Thessalonians
29-12 Daniel 77-8,24 Antichrist resolves
world crisis (Habakkuk 1), uproots 3 horns,
leading to peace/prosperity/construction (1 Thes.
51-4), all before Rapture (see footnote) .
Habakkuk 12 Matt. 2436 2513 Babylon Note
Zech. 55-11 written after Isaiah 1317-22, and
after 539 B.C. Medo-Persian conquest of Babylon,
so Isaiah 13 is still unfulfilled. Jeremiah
511-58 Revelation 171,2 181-20. Its final
destruction Isaiah 136, Jer. 5162-64
Rev.1821-24. Tyre Sidon Note Tyre has been
continuously inhabited, e.g., Acts 217, to this
present day, unlike Ezekiel 2614,19, so Ezekiel
chapters 26-28 are still unfulfilled. Isaiah 23
24. Ark/Ensign/BannerEzek 2034-38 Is.183,
1112 (Jer.316,17).
Matthew 247-14 Joel 228-32a Directed
judgments hinder persecution Rev.1216 Gospel is
preached here to all from heavens Matt. 2414
Rev.62 Rev.146,7 Note Saints ride white
horses, e.g., Rev. 1914. Note redeemed people
proclaim redemption. Greek aggelos translated
angel or messenger. Three uses of aggelos
1) Jesus Christ,The Angel of the LORD,e.g.,
Rev.10, cf. Gen.18,Judges 13 2) created
spiritual beings 3) men, Matt.1110, Rev.62,
--A r m a g e d d o n----- Obedient Jews flee to
mountains Matthew 2415-31 / Habakkuk 316-19,
Psalm 91. Zechariah 121-9, 141-8 Ezekiel 38
Joel 232b Rev. 141 Joel 39-16 Habakkuk
3 Compare Zechariah 1210-14 with Romans
1125-32, and consider the distinction between
Israel and the Church. NoteTribulation refers
to the people of God who are passing through a
time of persecution. There are two periods of
great tribulation one for Christians, and this
one for Jews. Note The Coming of Christ may
include from first rapture to coming with his
armies The precise application has to
be obtained from the context. Likewise for THE
DAY OF THE LORD/CHRIST, the last days, the
time of the end.
Notes on The Seventy Sevens of Daniel
920-27 -The weeks are weeks of years, so total
is 7 x 70 490 years. Jerusalem/Solomons Temple
destroyed, 2 Chron. 3617-19. Zerubbabels Temple
completed, 516 B.C., see Ezra, Neh. 7
Nehemiah approaches Artaxerxes, 445 B.C., Neh.
21-8. 62 Messiah/anointed one arrives
Christs First Coming. 69 Messiah cut off
crucified, but not for himself (KJV).
Romans typify People of Prince/ruler who
shall come, destroy Jerusalem/Herods
PARENTHESIS IN TIME) 1 Final Week Daniels
70th Week. Prince who shall 70 come is
Antichrist. Dan. 240-45, 77 Rev. 131-3.
Daniel 79 Rev. 44, i.e., Post-Rapture
thrones of 24 elders are set up Ps.1495-9.
Note Elders and living creatures are redeemed
people, for they sing of redemption, Rev. 58,9.
mod. 2Feb06 by H.C.