Title: By: Billy B.
By Billy B.
2 The war was very brutal for the entire United
states. It all started because the south wanted
its independence.
3Well, you can kind of say the war was all my
fault. Had I not seen the musket anddecided to
see what It felt like to fire a musket. As you
can guess, it flew through a courthouse window
right on the other side of the Mason-Dixon line.
Even before the angry mob, I Knew I was in
4Well this is how it happened. I was chosen to
take a new space shuttle to the sun and back.
Well, this thing moves. In two short months, I
was almost home. I tried to land but didnt see
a landing strip anywhere!
5- I found out I was in the middle of the civil
war!!! I decided to
6- Every thing is different! There are no Mercedes,
Ferrari's, or even Cadillac's!!! This is
7- I cant believe it. I, Billy B. of Iredell
county, North Carolina, has blown up the White
House!! I mean, I didnt even mean to! I was
assigned to fly my big white fast thingy to a
battle field and set the brakes. Than I was to
give a full trust forward to blow them all away.
8- Well, as always, I screwed it up and ended up
blowing the White House awaywhich I had no
intention to do.
9- After that, the north kind of gave up. I was
announced the new sergeant colonial. Than the
north started an uprising. With my rally of
troops and a little help from Mr. assault rifle
and his good friend Mr. AK-47,(which I hid
in the cargo unit of my space ship) we managed to
settle them down.
10- Well, I decided that because the war was over and
I had made such a huge impact on history, I
should stayfor a while. I was taken to prison
for trying to invent gasoline. I escaped from
prison, ran to