- Presented by José A. Ramos
- Chief of Aviation Planning, Development Division
- Miami-Dade Aviation Department
- ACI-NA A380 Meeting, Washington DC
- January 25, 2005
2Expected A380 Operations Miami International
- Airlines that to date have announced their
intention to operate the Airbus A380 into and out
of MIA are - Lufthansa Airlines
- Air France
- Virgin Atlantic Airways
- Miami Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) anticipates
a maximum of six daily operations (three daily
arrivals and departures) by the Airbus A380 - Operations by A380 could be as early as 2008 by
Lufthansa - Some limited potential exists for FEDEX, or UPS
operations to their Latin America hub operation.
3Adaptations to Design Standards for A380
- Runway 9-27 that design group VI A380 aircraft be
permitted to operate on 150-foot (45 m) wide
runway with 50 foot (15 m) wide shoulders. - All blast pad dimensions to remain at 250 X 400
feet (76.2 X 121.9 m) as opposed to the ADG VI
standard of 280 X 500 ft. (85.3 X 152.4 m) - The current design standards for taxiway/taxiway
and taxiway/taxilane separation need to be
revised to allow MIA to accommodate the A380
without requiring significant restrictions -
modifications to the airfield are impossible due
to space limitations. - FAA approval of operational procedures will be
required for specific taxiway routings and
procedures to keep adjacent taxiways
clear/limited while the A380s land/take-off and
while taxiing to/from gates.
4Proposed Adaptations to FAA Design Standards
5MIA MOS Project Status
- FAA Guidance
- Issued Engineering Brief (EB) 63
- Allows the use of non-standard 75 (in lieu of
100) straight taxiway sections for A380 taxiing
operations with specific conditions and overall
taxiway width of 180 feet. - Issued Engineering Brief (EB) 65
- Allows a permissible alternative to temporarily
widen an existing 150 wide runway to accommodate
limited operations by A380 aircraft. - Requires the strengthening of 25 feet of shoulder
pavement on existing 150-foot wide runway in
order to provide 200 feet of usable runway
pavement and the relocation of existing runway
edge markings and lighting to the new edges of
the runway. - Total runway and shoulder width of 280 in lieu
of Group V 220 - FAA will approve A380 operations on 150-foot wide
runway if Aircraft Certification shows that the
aircraft can safely operate on a 150-foot wide
runway. Pending the Aircraft Certification, FAA
will require the application of EB65. Airbus
believes that the FAA will have enough data by
the time of the certification to approve
operations on 150-foot wide runway.
6MIA MOS Project Status
- On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters determination
on our MOS submittal.
7MIA MOS Project Status
On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters
determination on our MOS submittal.
8The Implications of Engineering Brief 65
- Engineering Brief 65 recommends
- - The strengthening of 25 feet of shoulder
pavement on existing 150-foot wide - runway in order to provide 200 feet of
usable runway pavement. - - The relocation of existing runway edge
markings and lighting to the new edges - of the runway.
- - The widening of existing shoulders to
provide an overall width of 280 feet. - Widening of the shoulders will reduce the storm
retention swale capacity - which will negatively affect runway and airfield
drainage. - The preliminary cost estimates associated with
such improvements are as follow - Runway 8R-26L 11 M
- Runway 9-27 25 M
- Thus, the widening of the runways to 280 feet
will be extremely costly compared - to the benefits provided by additional runway
pavement shoulders and the very - low level of expected A380 operations at the
9MIA MOS Project Status
On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters
determination on our MOS submittal.
10MIA MOS Project Status
On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters
determination on our MOS submittal.
11MIA MOS Project Status
On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters
determination on our MOS submittal.
12MIA MOS Project Status
On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters
determination on our MOS submittal.
13MIA MOS Project Status
On November 24, 2004, FAA ADO submitted to MDAD
notification of FAA Headquarters
determination on our MOS submittal.
14A380 Operations between Runway 8R-26L and
Concourse J (Alternate Route) Minimum
Improvements Required to Comply with EB 63 and 65
15Terminal ImprovementsKey Issues
16Terminal ImprovementsKey Issues
- A380 airlines major preference is for two
passenger boarding bridges (PBB) at doors M2
(Main Deck) and U1 (Upper Deck). This
arrangement offers the opportunity to both
airports and airlines for - Service and access differentiation
- Reduced efforts and simplified processes for
passengers with reduced mobility access. - Three passenger boarding bridges per gate,
although a preference by Airlines, is not an
option in MIA due to facility constraints. - Total projected Terminal and gate improvements at
MIA are estimated between 15 to 20M. This cost
is currently unfunded and not in the CIP.
17Terminal Improvements
Projected Terminal improvements One A380 capable
gate under construction on J - 17 Three
additional gates (unfunded) identified on H-
15 F- 19/21 E- 6/8
18Terminal Improvements
Gate J-17
Possible A380 upper deck access via escalator
located on fixed PBB on J-17. Additional
Construction Cost 1M Proposal at this
time. Requires funding approval by MDAD Users
- Only A380 capable gate currently planned for MIA.
- Under construction expected completion 2006.
- 2 passenger boarding bridges at second level.
- Hold room not configured for PAX segregation.
- Hold room sized for a B747.
19Terminal Improvements
Gate H-15
A380 main deck access via additional sterile core
and two fixed PBBs on H-15. Est. Construction
Cost 8M Possible A380 upper deck access via
additional third level sterile core and one fixed
PBB. Est. Add. Const. Cost 4M
- Passenger segregation at hold room possible.
- Adequate hold room.
- Proposal at this time.
- Requires funding approval by MDAD Users Group.
20Terminal Improvements
Gate F-19/F-21
A380 main deck access via two PBB. New fixed
vestibule at F-21. (F21A B). Est. Construction
Cost 3.2M Possible A380 upper deck access
via escalator located on fixed PBB on
F-19. Additional Construction Cost 1M
- Proposal at this time.
- Requires funding approval by
- MDAD Users Group.
- Possible hold room passenger segregation
- Hold room sized for a B747
21Terminal Improvements
Gate E-6 / E-8
- Possible hold room passenger segregation
- Hold room sized for a B747
- Proposal at this time.
- Requires funding approval by
- MDAD Users Group.
A380 main deck access via two PBBs and new fixed
vestibule at E-8 and E-6. Est. Construction
Cost 3M Possible A380 upper deck access
via escalator located on fixed PBB on
E-8. Additional Construction Cost 1M New PBB
to activate E-10 Additional Construction Cost 1M
22Way Forward
- Look Ahead
- Initiating Airbus A380 Implementation Strategy
Study outlining - Required airfield improvements
- Required terminal Improvements
- Implementation / construction schedule
- Construction cost estimate
- Funding strategies
23THANK YOU Discussions and QA