Title: Theories of Career Development CG 521 Text Chapter
1Theories of Career Development
- CG 521 Text
- Chapter 4
- Introduction to Career Counseling in the 21st
2Introduction to Career Theories
- Well-formulated and empirically tested theories
enable us to make deductions about how clients
experience career development, make career
decisions, and adjust to career demands -
- Such tested theories give us guidelines for
professional practice - Existing theories should be viewed as
complementary ways of understanding, not as
fully-developed competing explanations
3Perspectives on Career Theories
- Regardless of theoretical orientation, career
counselors need to remember that - Career development is but one aspect of overall
development - Change now dictates that career decision-making
will occur at differing points and intervals
across the life span - The meaning of work in peoples lives varies, but
some careers are a way of life
4Trait-Factor Theory
- Name derived from assumption that objectively
measured traits (interests, values, aptitudes,
achievements, etc.) could be matched to factors
typically required for success in a given career
area - This approach was an outgrowth of Frank Parsons
concept of vocational guidance in his 1909 book,
Choosing a Vocation
5Parsons Steps for Career Choice
- A clear understanding of yourself, including
attitudes, abilities, interests, ambitions,
resource limitations, and their causes - Specific knowledge concerning different lines of
work, including requirements and conditions for
success, advantages and disadvantages,
compensation, opportunities and prospects - Rational thinking about the relationships between
these two groups of facts - Assumes that traits and career factors are stable
6Trait-Factor Theory (contd)
- E.G. Williamson, prominent advocate of
trait-factor theory around WWII, believed career
clients have one of four problem types - No choice
- Uncertain choice
- Unwise choice
- Discrepancy between interests and aptitudes
7Counseling Modifications to Parsons 3-Step
- Assist the client to increase self-understanding,
including probable use of psychological measures - Direct client to appropriate career information
resources - Assist client in integrating and matching
self-knowledge with knowledge of current career
possibilities - Help client examine probable lifestyle and role
of work in life connected to particular career
8Modernization of Trait-Factor Theory
Person-Environment Fit
- Individuals seek out environments that provide
and/or allow for expression of behavioral traits - Degree of fit between individual and environment
is related to important outcomes, both for the
individual and the environment - Process of person-environment fit is reciprocal
the individual shapes the environment and the
environment shapes the individual.
9Personality Theories
- Anne Roe based her career theory work on
Maslowes hierarchy of needs (physiological,
safety, belonging/love, self-esteem,
self-actualization) - Roe saw needs structure as being influenced by
childhood experiences, and needs structure as
influencing choice of occupational categories
10Roes Personality-Based Occupational Categories
- Service
- Business contact
- Organization
- Technology
- Outdoor
- Science
- Culture
- Arts and entertainment
11Roes Six Classification Levels for All
Occupational Groups (by degree of responsibility
and abilities needed)
- Professional and managerial (independent
responsibility) - Professional and managerial (less independence or
important responsibility) - Semiprofessional and small business
- Skilled
- Semiskilled
- Unskilled
12Hollands Typology of Personality Types and
Work Environments
- Basic belief that a person expresses his/her
personality via career choice - Posits six personality types in our culture and
the same six types of work environments
realistic, investigative, artistic, social,
enterprising, conventional (p.65 in text) - Idea that individuals prefer and select
environments that match their personality types
empirically supported for men, women and
13Hollands RIASEC Hexagon
14Hollands Personality Types (1)
- Realistichas mechanical ability, but may lack
social skills. Described as - Asocial Inflexible Practical
- Conforming Materialistic Self-effacing
- Frank Natural Thrifty
- Genuine Normal Uninsightful
- Hardheaded Persistent Uninvolved
- Like jobs requiring technical, mechanical,
manual, or agricultural skills (mechanic, air
traffic controller, surveyor, farmer, electrician)
15Hollands Personality Types (2)
- Investigativehas mathematical and scientific
ability, but often lacks leadership ability.
Described as - Analytical Independent Rational
- Cautious Intellectual Reserved
- Complex Introspective Retiring
- Critical Pessimistic Unassuming
- Curious Precise Unpopular
- Work involves intellectual problem-solving
(biologist, chemist, physicist, anthropologist,
geologist, medical technologist)
16Hollands Personality Types (3)
- Artistichas artistic abilities, but often lacks
clerical skills. Described as - Complicated Imaginative Intuitive
- Disorderly Impractical Nonconforming
- Emotional Impulsive Open
- Expressive Independent Original
- Idealistic Introspective Sensitive
- Work requires creative skills in unstructured
environment (composer, musician, stage director,
writer, interior decorator, actor)
17Hollands Personality Types (4)
- Socialhas social skills and talents, but often
lacks mechanical and scientific ability.
Described as - Ascendant Helpful Responsible
- Cooperative Idealistic Sociable
- Empathic Kind Tactful
- Friendly Patient Understanding
- Generous Persuasive Warm
- Work requires social, educational and
therapeutic skills (teacher, religious worker,
counselor, clinical psychiatric case worker,
speech therapist)
18Hollands Personality Types (5)
- Enterprisinghas leadership and speaking
abilities, but often lacks scientific ability.
Described as - Acquisitive Energetic Flirtatious
- Adventurous Excitement- Optimistic
- Agreeable seeking Self-confident
- Ambitious Exhibitionistic Sociable
- Domineering Extroverted Talkative
- Work involves persuasive, manipulative and
leadership skills (sales person, manager,
business executive, television producer, sports
promoter, buyer)
19Hollands Personality Types (6)
- Conventionalhas clerical and arithmetic ability,
but often lacks artistic abilities. Described as - Careful Inflexible Persistent
- Conforming Inhibited Practical
- Conscientious Methodical Prudish
- Defensive Obedient Thrifty
- Efficient Orderly Unimaginative
- Work involves systematic organization and
manipulation of data (bookkeeper, stenographer,
financial analyst, banker, cost estimator, tax
expert) -
20Developmental Theorists (1)
- Piaget stages of cognitive development
- Sensorimotor (0-2) from reflex to goal-directed
- Preoperational (2-7) language, symbolic thought
- Concrete operational (7-11) logic, seriation,
reversibility - Formal operational (11-15) abstract thinking,
scientific approach, social issues, identity
21Developmental Theorists (2) Erikson stages of
psychosocial development
- 0-1 Trust v. Mistrust
- 1-3 Autonomy v. Doubt
- 3-6 Initiative v. Guilt
- 6-12 Industry v. Inferiority
- 12-20 Identity v. Role confusion
- 20-40 Intimacy v. Isolation
- 40-65 Generativity v. Self- absorption
- 65 Integrity v. Despair
- Getting, giving
- Holding, letting go
- Going after, playing
- Making, cooperating
- Self, sharing self
- Lose/find self in other
- Taking care of
- Being (history) facing not being
22Developmental Theorists (3) Havighursts
Lifelong Vocational Development
- 5-10
- 10-15
- 15-25
- 25-40
- 40-70
- 70
- Identification with a worker (father, mother,
etc) Concept of working internalized - Acquiring basic habits of industry. Organizing
(schoolwork, chores), work / play mix - Acquiring identity as worker in occup. structure.
- Choosing/preparing for occupation, experience
- Becoming a productive person. Mastering
occupational skills, moving up the occ. ladder - Maintaining a productive society. Emphasis toward
societal, away from individual occup. peak
mentoring of younger workers - Contemplating a productive and responsible life.
23Developmental Theorists (4)
- Donald Super
- Components of Supers Life-Career Rainbow
- Life roles
- Child
- Student
- Leisurite
- Citizen
- Worker
- Homemaker
24Donald Supercontd (2)
- Life-Career Rainbow Components (contd)
- Life stages
- Growth
- Exploration
- Establishment
- Maintenance
- Decline
25Donald Supercontd (3)
- Life-Career Rainbow Components (contd)
- Personal determinants
- Psychological
- Biological
- Situational determinants
- Historical
- Socioeconomic
26Donald Supercontd (4)
- Super also talks about
- developing and implementing occupational
self-concepts - synthesizing individual and social factors,
self-concept and reality is a matter of
role-playing and learning from feedback - cycling and recycling of occupational
developmental tasks throughout life span
27Sociological Theory
- Chance theory chance (more than deliberate
planning or steady progress) is a main
occupational determinant