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MR.RAMAKANT D. GAIKWAD M.Sc.(N), MA (SOCIO) * To understand the reasoning behind the process of collecting the correct equipment administering the correct drug in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • M.Sc.(N), MA (SOCIO)

Aims of this session
  • To understand the reasoning behind the process of
  • collecting the correct equipment
  • administering the correct drug in the correct
  • at the correct time
  • to the correct person
  • in the correct manner

Objectives of this session
  • The safe administration of drugs via
    intramuscular injection - in a safe and
    controlled manner - having assessed risks- and
    - causing minimal physical and psychological
    harm, but, maximum benefit to the patient

What is an injection?
  • Injections are sterile solutions, emulsions or
  • They are prepared by dissolving, emulsifying or
    suspending an active ingredient and any other
    substances in water for injection.
  • Injecting is the act of giving medication by use
    of syringe and needle to obtain the desired
    therapeutic effect taking into account the
    patients safety and comfort

How are drugs for injections presented?
  • Single dose preparations
    a pre - prepared volume of
    measured drug, in a syringe for single dose use

    i.e. Flu vaccines, Pneumovax and
  • Multidose preparations
    preparations contain a antimicrobiacteral
    preservative, are used on more than the one
    occasion and great care is required for its
    administration but especially its storage
    between successive withdrawals
    i.e Insulin

Where are injectable drugs kept
  • The label on the packet should in most cases give
    guidance about storage conditions for individual
  • Drugs should be stored away from light
  • The Cold Chain involves preparations being stored
    between 2 and 8 degrees and has a traceable
  • Best Practice ensures all medication is stored in
    a locked cupboard or fridge
  • If you are in any doubt about the storage
    requirements for any preparation you should check
    with the lead nurse, Dr or pharmacist

Why give drugs in injection form
  • Injections usually allow rapid absorption
  • Can produce blood levels comparable to those of
    intravenous bolus injections
  • Injections can be given from 1ml and up to 2mils
    in the Deltoid and up to 5mls in the gluteal
    muscle in adults
  • Drugs that are altered or not absorbed by other
    methods of administration

Needle length and size
  • For intramuscular injections e.g flu, pneumonia
    and B12, the needle should be long enough to
    penetrate the muscle and still allow a quarter of
    the needle to remain external to the skin
    (Workman 1999)
  • When choosing the needle it is important to
    assess the amount of muscle, subcutaneous fat and
    weight of the patient - which in the majority of
    cases will be a blue needle

Which is which needle?
  • The correct needle is the key to delivering the
    drug to the correct area for the maximum effect
    with the least amount of discomfort
  • The colour at the top of the needle reflects its
  • the higher the number the smaller the lumen
  • Orange needles 25 guage 10mm long (3/8 inch)
    or 16mm long(5/8
    inch) or 25mm long (1 inch)
  • Blue needles 23 guage 25mm long 9 (1 inch)
  • Green needles 21 guage 38mm long (1.5 inches)

How do assess the depth of muscle and
subcutaneous fat
  • The deltoid and vastus lateralis muscles should
    be grasped between the thumb and forefinger to
    determine the depth of muscle and/or the amount
    of subcutaneous fat at the injection site

Intramuscular Injections and Pain
  • Factors that can cause pain are
  • The needle
  • The technique
  • The speed of the injection
  • The solution and composition of the drug
  • The volume of the drug
  • The approach and attitude of person administering
    the injection

    (Workman 1999 and
    Torrence (1989)

Asepsis and reducing the risk of infection
  • Good hand washing
  • Good hand drying
  • Aseptic technique
  • Good observation and questioning of the client
  • Skin preparation if required

preparation for the administration of injections
  • Protocols/procedure/standards information is
  • Hand basin for washing hands and/or alcohol hand
  • Area for the client to lie down if unwell
  • Panic button/phone to call for assistance
  • sharps container
  • Gloves
  • Resuscitation /anaphylaxis equipment/drugs
  • Oxygen and appropriate mask if available
  • adequate time for procedure

Equipment for the administration of injections
  • Clean tray or receiver in which to place drug and
  • 21g needle to ease reconstitution and drawing up
    (23g if from a glass ampoule
  • Syringe of appropriate size
  • Swabs saturated with isopropyl alcohol 70
  • Sterile topical swab if drug is presented in
    ampoule form
  • Drug to be administered
  • Patients prescription to check dose, route and
  • Notes available to record administration in
    accordance with law
  • Gloves, Apron

Procedure for preparation of injections in adults
  • Action
  • Collect and check all equipment
  • Check the the packaging of all equipment is
    intact and drug information leaflet is available
  • Wash hands with soap and water or bactericidal
    hand rub
  • Prepare the needle, syringe etc on a tray or
  • Inspect all equipment
  • Rationale
  • To prevent delays and enable full concentration
    on procedure
  • To ensure sterility. If seal or packaging is
    damaged discard information leaflet for guidance
    and prescriptive information
  • To prevent contamination of medication and
  • To check that none is damaged, if so discard

Preparation cont
  • Action
  • Consult the patients prescription and ascertain
    the following
  • Drug
  • Dose is appropriate for the pts age
  • date and time (if applicable) of administration
  • Route and method of administration
  • Diluent as appropriate (if necessary)
  • validity of prescription
  • Signature of doctor
  • Rationale
  • To ensure that the patient is given the correct
    drug in the prescribed dose using the appropriate
    diluent (if required) and by the correct route

Preparation cont
  • Action
  • check all details with nurse mentor - select the
    drug in the appropriate volume dilution or dosage
    and check expiry date
  • Proceed with the preparation of the drug using
    protective clothing if necessary
  • Evaluate the patients knowledge of the medication
    being offered. If this knowledge appears to be
    faulty or incorrect refer to nurse mentor
  • offer explanation of the use, action, dose and
    potential side effects of the drug involved
  • Rationale
  • To minimise any risk of error - to reduce wastage
    and expiry date ensures drug is safe to give and
    is still pharmacologically effective
  • The patient has a right to information about

Prefilled Syringes
  • Action
  • Check storage conditions
  • check name and expiry date or signs of damage to
    the packaging
  • on removing from packaging check name expiry date
    and syringe for any damage
  • check vaccine is free from particles and colour
    is correct
  • If you feel that the fixed needle length is not
    appropriate discuss with lead nurse, do not
    transfer drug into another syringe
  • expell air from syringe
  • place in receiver until ready to administer
  • Rationale
  • To ensure the drug is kept in the appropriate
  • to ensure sterility
  • to ensure client/patient does not receive
    unstable or contaminated medication
  • vaccine not given into the muscle can be painful
    and have a reduced effect
  • to ensure the correct amount of drug is in the
  • to ensure sterility is maintained help reduce
    risk of needlestick

Single Dose Ampoules of Solution
  • Action
  • Inspect solution for particles and colour if
    either or both present discuss appropriate
    methods for discarding with nurse mentor
  • Tap the neck of the ampoule gently
  • Cover the neck of the ampoule with a sterile
    topical swab and snap top off. If difficult use a
  • Check solution for glass fragments discard if
  • Rationale
  • Ensure the patient does not receive contaminated
    or unstable drugs
  • To ensure the solution is at the bottom of the
  • To aid asepsis. To prevent aerosol formation or
    contact which may lead to sensitivity/reaction,
    prevent injury to the nurse
  • To ensure risk of injecting foreign material into
    the patient

Ampoules continued
  • Action
  • Withdraw the solution, the ampoule can be tilted
    if required with a needle with a gauge no larger
    than 21G
  • Re sheath needle, tap syringe to dislodge any
    air bubbles. Expel air
  • place in receiver until ready to use
  • Note replacing sheath on needle should NOT be
    confused with resheathing needles AFTER use
  • Rationale
  • To avoid drawing up air and any glass particles
  • prevent aerosol formation and ensure correct
    amount of drug is in the syringe
  • maintains sterility and prevents dropping the
    syringe and reduces potential risk of needle
    stick injury

Anxious Patients and Fainters
  • Adopt a calm and sympathetic approach
  • Prepare the vaccine if possible out of the sight
    of the patient
  • where possible keep the conversation going to
    distract the patient
  • If possible ask nervous friends to leave,
    discourage large groups of supporters
  • explanation that an injection is not the same as
    having a blood sample taken
  • The bigger they are the harder they fall
  • Fainting more common in those who have not eaten
  • If in doubt lay them down

Skin Preparation
  • Should the skin appear dirty it should be cleaned
    with soap and water.
  • Should the client/patient have reduced immunity
    the skin can be cleaned with an alcohol
    preparation prior to the injection - but - the
    alcohol must be allowed to evaporate as it can
    affect the preparation and/or sting on
    administration of the preparation

Just before you give the injection
  • Action
  • fully expose the limb fully
  • Encourage the patient to relax the muscle, by
    hanging the arm by their side or on their lap
  • Patients should sit or lay down for their
  • Quickly review the pre injection
  • Rationale
  • The injection may be given to low and end up as
    subcut. A tight sleeve can have the same effect
    as a tourniquet and encourage bleeding at the
    injection site
  • To reduce discomfort and promote distribution of
    the drug
  • Reduce risk of injury to the patient and the
    HCA/nurse from falls and needle stick injury
  • To reduce the risk of error and promote patient

When not to give an injection
  • The client/patient is unable to confirm their
    identity using a variety of methods
  • The client is unsure and records cannot confirm
    if the client has received the vaccine previously
  • The Client withdraws or refuses to consent
  • Incorrect storage of vaccine, past expiry date
  • There is no prescription for the patient
  • The prescription does not state the clients name,
    drug, time, dose or route of administration or
    the writing is illegible
  • If patients have a temperature
  • Pregnancy
  • If clients report a severe local reaction or
    systemic reaction to the preceding dose refer to
    nurse mentor

Technique for Intramuscular (IM) Injection
  • Action
  • Hold the skin firmly (not bunched) with the free
  • Introduce the needle at a 90 degree angle leaving
    a third of the shaft exposed
  • Aspirate (draw back) the plunger to ensure a
    blood vessel has not been penetrated. If blood is
    aspirated remove the needle, change it and start
  • Rationale
  • To allow easy entry of the needle through the
    skin and displace the subcutaneous fat
  • To ensure the needle penetrates the muscle and
    facilitate removal of the needle should it break
  • To ensure the needle is in the right place.

IM injection contd.
  • Inject the drug slowly
  • Withdrawn the needle quickly and evenly and apply
    pressure to any bleeding point
  • Record the administration of the drug according
    to policy and procedure
  • Dispose of needle and syringe according to policy
    and procedure
  • Ensure patient is feeling well prior to discharge
  • To prevent pain. To ensure even distribution of
    the drug
  • To prevent Haematoma formation (bruising)
  • To maintain records, comply with law, prevent
    duplication, promote continuity of care
  • To ensure safe disposal and reduce risk of injury
    to self and others
  • To reduce risk of injury

Site on the Deltoid for Intramuscular Injections
An Intramuscular Injection
When It Goes Wrong
  • You give the wrong drug
  • You give the right drug to the wrong person
  • The client/patient faints
  • The client remembers a previous bad reaction to a
    previous injection
  • The client/patient complains
  • The client/patient tells you post injection that
    they may be pregnant/on steroids/having
    chemotherapy or radiation

  • Thank you
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