Title: Blending Life and Work
1Blending Life and Work
Jennifer Testa Human Resources June 24, 2003
2Objectives Learn ways to take care of
yourself. Learn ways to take care of your
responsibilities. Learn ways to take care of your
3Exercise Weakest area
4- 85 of workers have day-to-day responsibilities
at home - 62 of mothers with children under age 6 are now
in the workforce 7 million of them hold
full-time jobs - 25 of all employees report often or very often
feeling stressed by work - 36 of all workers feel used up by the end of
the workday
5Taking care of yourself
6Exercise Are you making time for yourself?
7Self-management How do the different areas of
your life strengthen and/or hurt your ability to
balance the demands of your life?
8- 10 Keys to better Self-management
- What do I want my life to be?
- Continually evaluate
- Give yourself credit
- Be on the lookout
- Examine any weaknesses
9- 10 Keys to better Self-management
- Focus your efforts
- Use your imagination!
- Seek support from others
- Acknowledge your greatest power
- Life is not a product its a process.
10- What are some things you can do to take care of
yourself? - Exercise
- Schedule alone time
- Take a you vacation
- Share responsibilities
- Budget money for you
- Stay healthy
- Other examples?
11Taking care of business
12- Ideas that work
- First things first
- i.e. make a list and prioritize
- Find time to do things you want to do
- i.e. schedule personal time
- Cut some corners
- i.e. the deadly dust ball
- Set up routines
- i.e. make a calendar and post it
- Plan
- i.e. buy Christmas presents year-round
13- Ideas that work (continued)
- Make things simple
- i.e. the 30 minute dish
- Practice good time-management skills
- i.e delegate
- Pool your time
- i.e car pool
14- Sandholtzs 5 practical strategies
- Alternate
- i.e. a vacation should be a vacation
- Outsource
- i.e hire a housekeeper
- Bundle
- i.e take a walk with a friend
- Techflex
- i.e buy a cell phone
- Simplify
- i.e magazine subscription pays for dinner
15- What are some things you can do at work?
- Have a family life bulletin board
- Personalize your workspace
- Do nice things for those you work with
- Learn and understand your departments mission
and vision - Have brown bag sharing lunches
- Have a party for another department
- Adopt a charity
- Other examples
16Taking care of family
17- Ideas that work
- Express yourself
- i.e. virtual cards
- Talk regularly
- i.e. TV-less dinners
- Try something new together
- i.e one new activity per year
- Schedule time together
- i.e date night
18- What are some things you can do at home?
- Create a baby log
- Leftover lotto
- Choose an object that demonstrates love - then
give it - Have family meetings
- Adopt a charity
- Have dress up dinners
- Let the others choose dinner
- Have a family guest book
- Other examples?
19Quadrant II
2010 responsibilities
21Prevention Relationship building Recognizing new
opportunities Planning, recreation
Crisis Pressing Problems Deadline-drive projects
Interruptions Some mail, reports, calls Some
meetings Popular activities
Trivia, busy work Some mail Some phone calls Time
wasters Pleasant activities
22(No Transcript)
23- How do we transition?
- Initially, take away from Quadrants III and IV.
- Quadrant I will shrink as you focus on
preparation and prevention. - Learn to say no.
- Schedule and prioritize
24Putting it to use
25Schedule exercise
1. List your roles
2. Select your goals
3. Prioritize the goals
4. Schedule your week
26Final thoughts